Peace. I may not remember a thing that I did yesterday, yet I remember EVERYTHING from when I was a child. I say that to emphasize how much we as adults must be more cautious as to what we subject our children to. The child’s learning process is by absorption; there is no filter of what to soak in and what not to soak in. So everything they see or hear gets taken into the memory banks. We must be mindful not to psychologically pollute our children by exposing them to things that are destructive because we think “They don’t know what it is” or “they’re so young, they won’t remember this”, how wrong indeed. I’ll be frank, I’ve seen a lot of wild things as a child, and although I didn’t know the scientific term for the events or activities, they still impressed upon me and had a substantial effect on my person. Not to mention the feeling associated with seeing certain things (kinda like when little boys get defensive when men try to approach their mother, its instinctual). Not until I was fully grown with a family of my own did I realize that I harbored resentment toward my parents for certain things. The day came when I had to present my angle to them and I was hit with excuses. Now, I am well aware that every generation of our Original Nation in this wilderness of North America has been at WAR!! The foundational systems of this society are against our very nature and attack us on every level. I know this. The reality of it is there is NO room for excuses. If the adults have excuses of why they dropped the ball, then what’s the child’s excuse, the adults? No, we can’t adopt this mind-state because that would create the same circle of victims that we have before us today. Everybody pointing the finger, but no one is stepping up to the plate. There is NO room for excuses on anyone’s part. There is only ownership. Adulthood proceeds in stages, so you can change the things you do as an adult, however we only have one childhood and we are totally at the mercy of those around us at that volatile time. Today, I can own the crazy childhood I had. It’s the only one I know. I can’t reject the bad things that occurred without rejecting the good things as well. Like Freedum said “The child I was, made me the man I am today”. I reflect upon my history, examine it, evaluate the factors and learn from it. My experience aids me in guiding my seeds nowaday (wisdom-understanding).
On another note-I was just thinking about a conversation I had with a woman at my old justice-cipher-born. She was saying how guys today ain’t worth s**t because their fathers weren’t around. I gave it some though and I had to disagree. I take it to 10/1-40 (Who is that mystery God?). You cannot blame a person who is not present for things that occur. It is the person who IS present that has all of the responsibility and ability to mold and shape the mind of the child. So if ya man ain’t s**t, and his Dad wasn’t around you gotta wonder what his Mom was doing-because she WAS around and this is the half of a a$$hole that she produced. I was primarily raised by my Ol Earth and if there is anything respectable or productive in me-SHE nurtured those values and instilled in me an idea of how to maintain self. She could’ve easily destroyed the best part of me in spite of my Ol Dad. However, she took it upon herself to strive to make me something better, even in her lowest moments.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Family Affairs
Peace. I wanna go in on the concept of “family” real quick. One of the Gods once told me “The lowest form of family is physical family.” I can say today that I surely bear witness to that. There is a HUGE difference between being someone’s relative and being someone’s family. As it stands I have a handful of people that I am related to that I have a special bond with, while most of who I consider true family I do not share the same blood with. Some of these familial relationships I have built over time, while others have been instant , on some strictly “a-alike” s**t. For example, I have two brothers that were my mental combatants when we first met (Shout out to O and Ren).We were for the most part strangers, who would meet up everyday and debate for like a three month span (mostly about me coming in the direct name of Allah). What began as complete disagreement became a mutual respect and understanding. From the chaos of those strangers was born the peace of true family. An example of the latter would be a God named Rasheen Supreme (or Ra-Ra) and a God name Lord Siru...These brothers I met one time (separate occasions) and it seemed as though I knew them already. Anytime I saw the Gods there seemed to be an untold history that I was silently aware of with these brothers that I just could not put a finger on. I never took much time to examine it back then, we would just live it out...Ra Ra might’ve had 1-10, so we had more of a social equality amongst us. Me and Siru would walk together though, he was one of the youngest Gods to knowledge 120 at the time and his understanding was real peace. That’s not even a flash in the pan of the fam I have with me to this day, though. They are too many to name. Its wild cuz when things get thick there are very few relatives that I can call on to help me out, yet I got family that will be there in seconds flat, no rap. I want to take the time out to show some appreciation to them. ***EXTRA Shout out to Cee Allah Self. That’s my brother in tribulation and in the kingdom of patience. He’s a real genuine cat, which is rare these days. ***Peace.
Speaking of brothers IN tribulation, I called my man Salaam (formerly known as Infinite, the God who sparked me to the Nation who is currently a Sunni Muslim) about a week ago. When I finally got a hold of him on the power he, I went in “Will you set up home and wait for a mystery God to bring you food?” I was met with stuttering and stammering, then the eventual “Huh? Say again?” So I repeat the degree again, “WILL YOU SET UP HOME AND WAIT FOR A MYSTERY GOD TO BRING YOU FOOD??!!”…His reply was “Naw (pregnant pause).Why would I? (another pregnant pause). I’d starve!!” I said “Okay. Who is that mystery God?” He replied “I can’t call it. You care to answer it?” Of course, I quoted the remainder of the degree and he explained how it’s been so long, he doesn’t remember the verbatim (My Uncle does not talk his own language)...Now, I know what I did was antagonistic, however it was necessary...One, I consider this man to be my brother (love is love, near or far), so brothers HAVE to call brothers on they bullsh*t..Two, I wanted to see how deep the Sunni-ism goes with him. And what I gathered is, it’s nothing more than a shield for his filthy affairs. Anything involving a mystery God leaves room for a scapegoat- and that’s what he’s looking for. It was a weird moment altogether, like on one hand there was some short-lived enjoyment from revisiting degrees with an old companion, followed by sheer disappointment in seeing him become “Cipher” in “The Matrix” movie. I’m itching to call him again, yet I think we all know this time he ain’t gon’ pick up...
Speaking of brothers IN tribulation, I called my man Salaam (formerly known as Infinite, the God who sparked me to the Nation who is currently a Sunni Muslim) about a week ago. When I finally got a hold of him on the power he, I went in “Will you set up home and wait for a mystery God to bring you food?” I was met with stuttering and stammering, then the eventual “Huh? Say again?” So I repeat the degree again, “WILL YOU SET UP HOME AND WAIT FOR A MYSTERY GOD TO BRING YOU FOOD??!!”…His reply was “Naw (pregnant pause).Why would I? (another pregnant pause). I’d starve!!” I said “Okay. Who is that mystery God?” He replied “I can’t call it. You care to answer it?” Of course, I quoted the remainder of the degree and he explained how it’s been so long, he doesn’t remember the verbatim (My Uncle does not talk his own language)...Now, I know what I did was antagonistic, however it was necessary...One, I consider this man to be my brother (love is love, near or far), so brothers HAVE to call brothers on they bullsh*t..Two, I wanted to see how deep the Sunni-ism goes with him. And what I gathered is, it’s nothing more than a shield for his filthy affairs. Anything involving a mystery God leaves room for a scapegoat- and that’s what he’s looking for. It was a weird moment altogether, like on one hand there was some short-lived enjoyment from revisiting degrees with an old companion, followed by sheer disappointment in seeing him become “Cipher” in “The Matrix” movie. I’m itching to call him again, yet I think we all know this time he ain’t gon’ pick up...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Her name is Beloved..She loved him ever since he was “Born”. Legend has it that he approached her first..On a dreary, somewhat rainy day while walking from the corner store, he saw her..Walking toward him from the opposite direction.The rhythm in her stride was a silent symphony. He had knew of her from the neighborhood, but was never formally introduced..Now was the time, he thought to himself .The tension was thick enough to pave sidewalks. Every step was used to build up courage to speak the right words to her as the distance between them lessened until they stood face to face outside of the local playground gate. He spoke “Peace.”.This was the 90’s and his aim was to “get her number”, but she pulled out a six shooter and plugged three holes in his aspirations..Which was a rather confusing experience in itself, as everything about her said “yes” except her lips..Perhaps those inconsistencies cushioned the blow of rejection, because he survived and was able to pick up the shards of his machismo and continue forward. They remained cordial when amidst each other, however nothing transpired until sometime later..He was on the regional train line going to work and saw another familiar face on the train..A newly converted Muslima named Aminah. He and Aminah were from the same hood, so the updates of the “Ni**a News” began to unfold, until she flipped the entire tide of the convo with the infamous “Guess who likes you?”. He strategically avoided the game and responded “ Who?”. She said “My cousin!!”. Now, he had no clue who her cousin was at this point, but when she dropped the name it spun a whirlwind in his brain. Needless to say, Beloved is Aminah’s cousin. “Huh? That can’t be true, because I tried to get her number and she said no”, he explained. Aminah assured him that Beloved had been interested in him even before his attempt, yet she had her reasons of not wanting to engage him at the time. He immediately wrote down his beeper number (I SAID it was the 90’s, damn!) and gave it to Aminah. That night after he returned home from work he got a page with “777” after the number. He returned the call and it was Beloved. From that day forth they spent as much time as possible talking, walking, experiencing the forgotten art of genuinely learning each other. He would teach her his newly learned principles of Knowledge of Self and she would teach him Spanish. They would sit on her steps for hours and travel inner and outer worlds until it got too cold or too late for them to be out. In short, they grew up together. There was an intimacy that was shared between them that transcended sexuality, and both of them knew it. He would often have bouts with his hormones of whether or not to explore the physical aspects of their union, but he never really pursued it. At times it was tough, cause she was FINE, and he was certain that plenty of guys were tryna get at her, however he had to set himself apart from them..he had to provide something more..something else..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Build Our Righteous Nation
By studying these lessons I have seen the emergence of prolific orators, motivational catalysts, esteemed writers, fashion forward trendsetters, culinary masters, holistic healers, true to life scientists and many other leaders in every aspect of society. When we reach our hands into the space and begin molding this universe, we have the chance to stamp the Holy and Greatest Flag into minds for eternity. We must strive to be all wise and right and exact as not to leave the impression of that seven, star and crescent attached to anything unjust or untrue...this makes it all the more harder for the rest of the family in the case of reaching the uncivilized (They face value). It’s hard enough showing and proving just cause the masses are blind, deaf and dumb, it’s damn near impossible when you add bitterness because they had a run in with a lip professor or a jive pretender..
Beginning OR eNd
Being born is the beginning of one stage and the end of another, like when a child is born it begins a new life outside of the womb, by ending it’s maturation within the mother. Truthfully, it’s just one process with many different checkpoints along the way. For me, it was the beginning of my 9000 mile swim back home (my name was Born when I first got sparked) which ended my “search for trillions” for “that that does not exist”. We also know that the Nation of I Self Lord And Master has no beginning or end, which is also reflective of the law of conservation of energy (energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another), cosigning the aforementioned concept.
Born (Nine)
I also cee Born as the Supreme Mathematics themselves. I know, I know there are knowledge cipher units, but ride with me for a second... I cee the entire set of units from “wisdom to cipher” are the levels of maturity of knowledge itself... The cocoon that knowledge is incubated in as it evolves into greater manifestations of itself (born new ciphers). Some may even want to include knowledge into the stages and leave the cipher as a different plane of value or point of arrival. Either way it’s “Born”.
By studying these lessons I have seen the emergence of prolific orators, motivational catalysts, esteemed writers, fashion forward trendsetters, culinary masters, holistic healers, true to life scientists and many other leaders in every aspect of society. When we reach our hands into the space and begin molding this universe, we have the chance to stamp the Holy and Greatest Flag into minds for eternity. We must strive to be all wise and right and exact as not to leave the impression of that seven, star and crescent attached to anything unjust or untrue...this makes it all the more harder for the rest of the family in the case of reaching the uncivilized (They face value). It’s hard enough showing and proving just cause the masses are blind, deaf and dumb, it’s damn near impossible when you add bitterness because they had a run in with a lip professor or a jive pretender..
Beginning OR eNd
Being born is the beginning of one stage and the end of another, like when a child is born it begins a new life outside of the womb, by ending it’s maturation within the mother. Truthfully, it’s just one process with many different checkpoints along the way. For me, it was the beginning of my 9000 mile swim back home (my name was Born when I first got sparked) which ended my “search for trillions” for “that that does not exist”. We also know that the Nation of I Self Lord And Master has no beginning or end, which is also reflective of the law of conservation of energy (energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another), cosigning the aforementioned concept.
Born (Nine)
I also cee Born as the Supreme Mathematics themselves. I know, I know there are knowledge cipher units, but ride with me for a second... I cee the entire set of units from “wisdom to cipher” are the levels of maturity of knowledge itself... The cocoon that knowledge is incubated in as it evolves into greater manifestations of itself (born new ciphers). Some may even want to include knowledge into the stages and leave the cipher as a different plane of value or point of arrival. Either way it’s “Born”.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The quality of "E"

Equality means to be equal in everything..If I can acquire a home, you can acquire a home..If I can secure a means of currency, so can you..The definition of equality suggests that we all have equal potential to achieve..Some may even argue that said potential is infinite..The reality is some people are more qualified in some areas than others..The reality is each of us has spent time and effort honing some fields and skills more than others..The reality is time and space does not allow for the perfection of every practice that we would like to undertake..This is why we need each other...THIS is equality..The interdependent and mutual symbiotic relationship between two things. What I am capable of, does not supercede what another is capable of..The weight of our planet (6 sex tillion tons) is the same.
I also cee equality as being e-quality.. the "e" being the sixth letter of the alphabet. Our focus is actually on the number six itself, though. By design the number 6 details a travel from an elevated point downward into a lower sphere(cipher)..Many situations can land you in that lower sphere, being mastered by emotions is a notorious culprit. I cee emotions as mental investments of a sort, an intangible value projected upon a person, place or thing that causes one to experience a sense of loss or gain, "the invisible stock of self", so to speak. The travel into that lower sphere can be the result of emotional loss. I've also ceen people "trapped in six" because they were too emotionally invested in something they had no control over-I'm sure we know plenty of people who have walked this road.The illest part about being in that lower sphere is the self examinaton that can occur that will help springboard you to the next level. One could murder that devil in "no time" or in "one day".
Equality is something we deal with, not in..By dealing with it, it is used as a tool of trade and communication..When dealing in it, we can become submersed and build a "prison house" for ourselves,binding ourselves to a place, time or thing that has long passed. Peace.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Culture/Freedom....Introducing Uncle
Peace Y'all..In order to maintain my mental health and sanity I have decided to utilize an anonymous character named Uncle..Inspired by the English C lesson (1-36)..I will used "Uncle" to replace the name of any outright saddening, hilarious or sickening Destroy Power that i come across throughout my travels..Willfully, we will all learn from the antics of Uncle..I know I have.
Today’s degree is Culture/Freedom. ”My uncle does not talk his own language” ...Let me tell you a story about Fard’s uncle real quick...I used to work at Foot Locker at this mall called Willow Grove Park when I was younger. The mall was NOT in the urban environment at all. It was a good 45 min –hour bus ride to get out there. But I learned early on that most of the jobs are outside the city, so that’s where I’d go to find work. So, me and this other cat I’ll call “Uncle” was the only two Original men working there. I got the job on a walk in, asked for the manager and expressed my search for employment... The manager said he knew he wanted me there as soon as I came in, he could sense something about me. ”Uncle” was from out there in the county and got the job because he had worked there previously and had a rapport with the manager (Colored Man from West VA, with the all American good Ol boy mentality)...So, dig it, like any true and living, I build regardless to where I’m at. So, I would be dropping info on “Uncle” whenever we worked together, hoping to spark some thirst to “found” himself. He was on some “hip hop sh*t” and didn’t really internalize what I was borning to him outside of “Wu Tang” talk like that. The knowledge helped me, so I always strive to prescribe it to others whom I think it may help as well. So, after being around me for sometime the manager would tell me how “ He liked me a lot and digs how I got my sh*t together and hears how I talk and why don’t I teach the other cat some of the stuff that I know.” Now, this f**ked me up, the devil asking for God’s power to be shown forth (Understanding Build/Destroy ).Little did he know, I had been dropping jewels on “Uncle” the whole time, but “the devil planted fear in him when he was a little boy”.. He just wouldn’t absorb it, we would rather eat mushrooms with these half a$$ white boys from the area, who thought rockin FUBU made you official. (NOTE: ain’t nothing worse than a suburban kid tryna be ghetto)...So after the manager came with that, I went even harder at “Uncle”, told him stop runnin up behind these saltines, boot licking and letting them crack racial jokes at his expense. I told him they didn’t respect him for being no flunky and that he should do more to stand up as a man. Don’t you know this n***a went back and told them everything I said??!!!..That’s not even the worst part, the worst part is I’m thinking this n***a snitched on me, now I might get canned, nope..The devil manager came to me AGAIN and asked “Yo, Tiz, what’s up with your boy?…I thought you were gonna school him?.Why he don’t know the stuff you know? You need to pull his coat.” I just shook my head. This experience taught me a lot of different things. One, don’t answer a question that nobody asked. I presented info to “Uncle” that he was not interested in whatsoever. If a person has a question, they’ll ask it. If you have the answer, provide it. If they ask another question, repeat the steps. Don’t just open the whole book, when they just wanna know the author... I also learned the respect between enemies. The devil in there knew my stance on life, on him and on society and he respected it. Granted, his view was the complete opposite, however the logic is you’re supposed to love your people as much as I love mine. This is why they could come and do trading among us and we would not kill them as quick...On the other hand he did NOT respect “Uncle” at all...He would call him “Negro” and crack jokes about screwing his Mom and the whole twelve. Now, this relationship was most likely established before I was even in the picture. Either way, it wasn’t peace. “Uncle” did not talk his own language at all, yet the devil recognized his language when “his own self” didn’t. Crazy, right? Uncle...
Today’s degree is Culture/Freedom. ”My uncle does not talk his own language” ...Let me tell you a story about Fard’s uncle real quick...I used to work at Foot Locker at this mall called Willow Grove Park when I was younger. The mall was NOT in the urban environment at all. It was a good 45 min –hour bus ride to get out there. But I learned early on that most of the jobs are outside the city, so that’s where I’d go to find work. So, me and this other cat I’ll call “Uncle” was the only two Original men working there. I got the job on a walk in, asked for the manager and expressed my search for employment... The manager said he knew he wanted me there as soon as I came in, he could sense something about me. ”Uncle” was from out there in the county and got the job because he had worked there previously and had a rapport with the manager (Colored Man from West VA, with the all American good Ol boy mentality)...So, dig it, like any true and living, I build regardless to where I’m at. So, I would be dropping info on “Uncle” whenever we worked together, hoping to spark some thirst to “found” himself. He was on some “hip hop sh*t” and didn’t really internalize what I was borning to him outside of “Wu Tang” talk like that. The knowledge helped me, so I always strive to prescribe it to others whom I think it may help as well. So, after being around me for sometime the manager would tell me how “ He liked me a lot and digs how I got my sh*t together and hears how I talk and why don’t I teach the other cat some of the stuff that I know.” Now, this f**ked me up, the devil asking for God’s power to be shown forth (Understanding Build/Destroy ).Little did he know, I had been dropping jewels on “Uncle” the whole time, but “the devil planted fear in him when he was a little boy”.. He just wouldn’t absorb it, we would rather eat mushrooms with these half a$$ white boys from the area, who thought rockin FUBU made you official. (NOTE: ain’t nothing worse than a suburban kid tryna be ghetto)...So after the manager came with that, I went even harder at “Uncle”, told him stop runnin up behind these saltines, boot licking and letting them crack racial jokes at his expense. I told him they didn’t respect him for being no flunky and that he should do more to stand up as a man. Don’t you know this n***a went back and told them everything I said??!!!..That’s not even the worst part, the worst part is I’m thinking this n***a snitched on me, now I might get canned, nope..The devil manager came to me AGAIN and asked “Yo, Tiz, what’s up with your boy?…I thought you were gonna school him?.Why he don’t know the stuff you know? You need to pull his coat.” I just shook my head. This experience taught me a lot of different things. One, don’t answer a question that nobody asked. I presented info to “Uncle” that he was not interested in whatsoever. If a person has a question, they’ll ask it. If you have the answer, provide it. If they ask another question, repeat the steps. Don’t just open the whole book, when they just wanna know the author... I also learned the respect between enemies. The devil in there knew my stance on life, on him and on society and he respected it. Granted, his view was the complete opposite, however the logic is you’re supposed to love your people as much as I love mine. This is why they could come and do trading among us and we would not kill them as quick...On the other hand he did NOT respect “Uncle” at all...He would call him “Negro” and crack jokes about screwing his Mom and the whole twelve. Now, this relationship was most likely established before I was even in the picture. Either way, it wasn’t peace. “Uncle” did not talk his own language at all, yet the devil recognized his language when “his own self” didn’t. Crazy, right? Uncle...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
..only number 1 to every 11...
34. And can you reform devil?
Ans: No. All the prophets have tried to reform him, devil but were unable. So they agreed that it cannot be done unless they grafted him back into the Original man which takes 600 years.So instead of losing time we decided to take him off of the planet who only number 1 to every 11 Original man.
Can you change the destructive, loathsome characteristics of the ego/lower self? No. It must be taken off of the planet ie: murdered..1 is 1.1 percent of 11..I cee that one being the knowledge degree in the Student Enrollment(Who is the Original man?), I cee that 11 in the Supreme Alphabet is King/Kingdom..Alot of Gods get/got lost in that knowledge degree due to the new found esteem that comes with learning our divine nature and begin beating their chests as to how things should be cause Allah says “be” and it is, I know I did. However, us being the Original man is only 1.1 percent of being a King (a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people)..Hold fast to that for a moment, two things struck me when I recently studied that Understanding-Culture degree and deduced that 1.1 percent..The aspect of ego..One pointing at oneself with vanity and arrogance, screaming “I”, chest puffed up with the pride of being God..This is the devil that needs to be taken off our planet brothers..One point one..I also concluded that in order to properly take this devil off our planet, we must be a different 1.1 percent, we must be one pointing at oneself with ownership and responsibility, proclaiming “I” as the cause, chest solid awaiting any justice that may await us due to our actions as God. One point one.
I love this knowledge of self,man..Understanding is the checkpoint of our evolution as we spiral upward into what we were born to be..I love being able to look at something that I’ve had for sometime, and cee something completely fresh and new within it-positive energy activates constant elevation.
Ans: No. All the prophets have tried to reform him, devil but were unable. So they agreed that it cannot be done unless they grafted him back into the Original man which takes 600 years.So instead of losing time we decided to take him off of the planet who only number 1 to every 11 Original man.
Can you change the destructive, loathsome characteristics of the ego/lower self? No. It must be taken off of the planet ie: murdered..1 is 1.1 percent of 11..I cee that one being the knowledge degree in the Student Enrollment(Who is the Original man?), I cee that 11 in the Supreme Alphabet is King/Kingdom..Alot of Gods get/got lost in that knowledge degree due to the new found esteem that comes with learning our divine nature and begin beating their chests as to how things should be cause Allah says “be” and it is, I know I did. However, us being the Original man is only 1.1 percent of being a King (a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people)..Hold fast to that for a moment, two things struck me when I recently studied that Understanding-Culture degree and deduced that 1.1 percent..The aspect of ego..One pointing at oneself with vanity and arrogance, screaming “I”, chest puffed up with the pride of being God..This is the devil that needs to be taken off our planet brothers..One point one..I also concluded that in order to properly take this devil off our planet, we must be a different 1.1 percent, we must be one pointing at oneself with ownership and responsibility, proclaiming “I” as the cause, chest solid awaiting any justice that may await us due to our actions as God. One point one.
I love this knowledge of self,man..Understanding is the checkpoint of our evolution as we spiral upward into what we were born to be..I love being able to look at something that I’ve had for sometime, and cee something completely fresh and new within it-positive energy activates constant elevation.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Father.Why.I. (F.Y.I.)
Peace. When I first started this blog a sister sent me an email stating that she had some questions about why I use certain terms and phrases. She expressed that some of the things I say are rather exclusive and may lose the people who are not familiar with them. I want to take this time to provide those “unfamiliar” people with my reasoning behind blogging in the manner that I do. It’s simple. THIS IS HOW I TALK (cee Dave Chappelle as Samuel Jackson)! If one were to walk up on a casual conversation between me and my family, you will most likely hear us travel from 120 to the Bible to the Quran to Zen to Astrology to Chemistry to Sexuality to. Well, you get the point. During this casual conversation we would not stop to clue the unknowing on lookers in on what this word means, or what this phrase comes from or what book you could find said topic in. So, I blog in this manner to “teach it real”. To explain everything within the blog would lose more people than not, as the average person has a very short attention span anyway. Plus, as my brother Cee Allah Self put it “You get what you can get, and whatever you don’t get you weren’t qualified to get..yet”. In addition, I encourage anyone with a question to post a comment and I will get back as best I can. It would be easier to expound on the specific area of question, rather than presuming you know nothing and explaining everything. This has been another Public Service Announcement by the Almighty, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Peace. The Understanding-cipher degree in the knowledge to culture-cipher says "Tell us what and how the devil is made. Ans: The devil is made by the Original people, by grafting and separating the germs. In the black man body there exist two germs, a black germ and a brown germ. Yacub with his law on birth control separated the brown germ from black germ and grafted into white by destroying the black germ. After following this process for 600 years the germ became white was no more original. Also by thinning the original blood the germ became weak and wicked and was no more the same. Thus this is the way Yacub made devil."
This degree hits " home for himself" in many ways..It makes me cee how the "mighty have fallen" all due to ego..Some of the most peace brothers I know are looking at hard times due to separating and grafting..It's wild because at the time right before everything began to shift I could cee what was forthcoming..However, I did not have the discernment then to establish if what I felt was based on emotional investment or right and exact knowledge..I remember being at a Rally and building on how our nation is based on requirement..I told the cipher, if you just want to be a part of something then go join the boy scouts..I was saying this because I saw people becoming really cliquish..and it didn't fit with the family..Granted, you cannot help who you attract to and who you do not, however we must always keep the one common cause at the forefront..Now, this subject was sensitive because I was watching a group of brothers that I had grown up with begin getting into somethings that I did not know them for..Those were my brothers, so I would still strive to keep up with them whenever I could, until I realized who was losing time..After a while, little tidbits of info would begin to leak out..God's getting paid by the dope dealers to keep the corner "clean"(meaning free of any other hustlers)..God's getting shot at or ran over with cars behind said turf wars..Gods getting booked for robbery and rape charges..Gods getting robbed and returned behind dope dealing aspirations..It was disheartening at best..Especially being in our generation and knowing what the effects of living that type of life holds..I still don't understand it..Ego is not logical though..At the time some God's were getting release from jail and when they came amongst maybe the brothers felt they had to gain said God's approval, I don't know truthfully..I still ask myself what was worse, watching my whole family get slaughtered like that or to sense something like that coming and having no real way to prevent it..These Gods were my older brothers, and if anybody knew better it was them..Sheeeit, they taught me to know better..So, in order to make sense of it I gotta take it back to the lessons..They separated themselves, and grafted their ways in actions creating devil.Why? To show and prove God. Now, the ones that are still physically alive have a chance to shine forth still..The one that have been returned have to be gauged by their past actions in order to be named amongst the right and just..Or maybe, they sacrificed themselves as an example of how NOT to live these lessons and now it's on US to show and prove God..As always, one has to draw up their own understanding...I'm still shading mine in..Peace.
***My bad y'all I was rushing and put up the wrong degree..Hence the subsequent correction.My apologies for any miscommunication.P.E.A.C.E.***
This degree hits " home for himself" in many ways..It makes me cee how the "mighty have fallen" all due to ego..Some of the most peace brothers I know are looking at hard times due to separating and grafting..It's wild because at the time right before everything began to shift I could cee what was forthcoming..However, I did not have the discernment then to establish if what I felt was based on emotional investment or right and exact knowledge..I remember being at a Rally and building on how our nation is based on requirement..I told the cipher, if you just want to be a part of something then go join the boy scouts..I was saying this because I saw people becoming really cliquish..and it didn't fit with the family..Granted, you cannot help who you attract to and who you do not, however we must always keep the one common cause at the forefront..Now, this subject was sensitive because I was watching a group of brothers that I had grown up with begin getting into somethings that I did not know them for..Those were my brothers, so I would still strive to keep up with them whenever I could, until I realized who was losing time..After a while, little tidbits of info would begin to leak out..God's getting paid by the dope dealers to keep the corner "clean"(meaning free of any other hustlers)..God's getting shot at or ran over with cars behind said turf wars..Gods getting booked for robbery and rape charges..Gods getting robbed and returned behind dope dealing aspirations..It was disheartening at best..Especially being in our generation and knowing what the effects of living that type of life holds..I still don't understand it..Ego is not logical though..At the time some God's were getting release from jail and when they came amongst maybe the brothers felt they had to gain said God's approval, I don't know truthfully..I still ask myself what was worse, watching my whole family get slaughtered like that or to sense something like that coming and having no real way to prevent it..These Gods were my older brothers, and if anybody knew better it was them..Sheeeit, they taught me to know better..So, in order to make sense of it I gotta take it back to the lessons..They separated themselves, and grafted their ways in actions creating devil.Why? To show and prove God. Now, the ones that are still physically alive have a chance to shine forth still..The one that have been returned have to be gauged by their past actions in order to be named amongst the right and just..Or maybe, they sacrificed themselves as an example of how NOT to live these lessons and now it's on US to show and prove God..As always, one has to draw up their own understanding...I'm still shading mine in..Peace.
***My bad y'all I was rushing and put up the wrong degree..Hence the subsequent correction.My apologies for any miscommunication.P.E.A.C.E.***
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What one hides..
Peace..I have a quote that I created a while back that goes "What a person tries to hide, is what they reveal"..It's simple, right? When somebody doesn't want you to know something they usually tap dance all around the subject creating a makeshift circle that targets the actual truth they are attempting to conceal..For example, I know someone who is a pretty hard-working individual, who was holding down a couple gigs at one time to make ends meet because he and his spouse weren't comfortable with enrolling their newborn into a care program just yet..The spouse was a stay-at-home for the most part, while hustling up funds here and there between part-time jobs. The husband paid the bulk of the bills with the funds from his gigs..Well, recently the couple got thrust into a pretty heavy situation and they needed to make a major power move.They figured to use the husband's forthcoming funds to springboard into action..Turns out, his dough got messed up and the whole action got stifled somewhat..Now, this is causing some tension between he and his spouse..It's understandable, financial issues always cause tension..Anyway, she expressed how she feels it's on her to fix the situation..I'm figuring she's going to cover the length that her husbands money won't stretch to..In reality, she can't..She doesn't really make enough to cause any real motion by herself, she will have to wait until her husband's situation cleans up -then he he will have to pick up the pieces and carry on. If I know this, I'm sure she knows this. So, what I deduced is, she actually feels helpless, she just doesn't reveal that due to a defense mechanism. Instead of saying, "Damn, baby if I could contribute more on this angle, we could've bounced back a little sooner.", she'll say "Now, it's all on me" to feign strength in a circumstance when she's most likely feeling weakened..Even if she was to borrow some money, if it's a significant amount her husband would most likely end up being the borrower, because he is the established breadwinner..Now, I'm sure she knows how important her husband is to their team, she's just overwhelmed with being on 6th and Goal, while the ref keeps delaying the game for bulls**t..I assured him to hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst..Life is change and the only one who survives is he who can adapt..Hold on to that quote though, cuz it's real..And it's prevalent everywhere you look..Listen to what a person is saying, in order to hear what they are not saying at all...That's the key to understanding people..Peace.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
There is only God...

Since high school I always had a knack for science. It just came to me easily and to be quite frank that s**t was FUN!!..Yes, further confirmation of Tislam’s nerd-dom..Oh well, blame my Mom, she carried me while she was in school..Anyway, one of the illest things to me was atomic structure, matter of fact I saved like three of my worksheets from high school and put them in my Book Of Life(still got them to this day!!)..One thing that stuck with me was the fact that an element is registered by atomic weight, while atomic weight is the total mass of protons and neutrons in an element..Now, some of y’all might remember that a proton is the particle that has a positive charge in an atom, the electron is the particle that is “negatively” charged and the neutron is neutral.What I learned subsequently, is that the neutron is actually a proton and an electron fused together making the charges balance each other out..That is why the electrons are attracted to the core of the atom while repelled at the same time causing them to move in fields.I ‘ve also learned that an electron does not have a negative charge per se, it is the absence of a positive charge..Now, back to atomic weight, the entire periodic table is based upon atomic weight..So it would be safe to say that an element is registered by its positive charge (mass of protons and neutrons)..I’ll take it even a further, if everything in existence is a mixture of these elements, the only thing that really exists is different variations of positive energy..Dig me? So, you can also conclude that there is no such thing as cold..There is only heat and the absence of heat..So, applying the same atomic rule- God is the supreme positive energy..if devil (electron) is to be the opposing aspect of God (proton) it must be duly noted that the devil has no power (positive charge)..There actually is no devil, there is just the absence of God..I use this reference when I build with 85ers..They have a tendency of giving too much credit to the “devil”..Phrases such as “The devil is at work” or “people should pray to God so that they don’t go to hell”..Which is some insulting s**t if you think about it..Instead of praying because “ it’s the right thing to do”, or “ because it’s good for your self discipline” or “ because you love God”, it’s pray out of fear of this muthaf**a over here..Yeah..that’s gonna get you into heaven..This leads me to the idea that alot people serve a weak a$$ God..Y’all don’t even ride for him because of what he can do, you ride out of fear of what the so called devil can do..That’s blasphemy if I ever ceen it..Cee, I deal with Almighty God and can’t nobody f**k with him..He ain’t got no partners or no equals..He dwells in a realm of positive energy, and particles which are absent of charge are mere byproducts of his ever expansive creative nature..This is some food for thought for my people who get caught up on the “bad things” in life..Keep in mind, that unfavorable instances are waiting places..The only power the devil has is the power we project upon him/it..I remember one time I was in a car with these cats I know..One God named JC (Real powerful, from NC), this cat named Jamil and my man Omar..We were building on the reality of the devil and I explained that what is a devil to one man, may not be a devil to another..I used an example of a cigarette..At the time, they all smoked cigarettes, but I only smoked equality..I told them if I held a cigarette up and broke it in half each one of them would feel some type of way about it..But I wouldn’t care at all because I don’t project value onto cigarettes..The cigarette itself has no power over them, however they have a fondness for the cigarette which they use to justify the damage that it does to them..this is called “liking the devil because the devil gives you nothing”..Another way to look at it is, in Christianity, God created the Angels out of light..Angels don’t have free will, they do their job and that’s it..They have no opinion..They may question but that’s simply because they don’t have any knowledge outside of their duty/nature .Lucifer is an Angel..He does a job, he has no bias either.Any power he has was bestowed upon him by God, hence it is nothing “in comparison to that of the Original man”..I conclusion, for all those people blaming Mr.YT /Shaitan/Satan/Lucifer for this or that, get in the f***kin game..Anything negative has no charge..It has no bearing in the world of reality, the only thing that registers is positivity..Now, add on..Peace..
Serpentine Fire (snakes of...the original type?)

Peace y'all..In the knowledge cipher degree in the knowledge to knowledge culture it says the devil is a snake of the grafted type..I learned that Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Master Fard Muhammad were very meticulous when it came to choosing what words they used in the lessons, which makes me ponder is the Original man the snake of the original type? I know that term snake has a very negative connotation to it, but walk with me for a moment to explore it. The many of the modern civilizations of Asia say that they descend from a people called the Naga, or the Nagas.The symbol for the Naga was usually a snake, serpent, or dragon(hence the presence of dragons in Japanese and Chinese culture to this day)..Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec, Toltec and Middle American God was said to be born of a serpent woman, his name actually means "Feathered snake"..The Pharaohs and Empresses had the serpent adorning their headdresses, right above the forehead(third eye).The Hindu Yogi's say that Kundalini energy that is curled up in the base of the spine is characterized as a snake that travels all the way up into the Crown Chakra when activated. I also learned about a 13th major house in the Zodiac called Ophiuchus, which is "The Serpent Bearer", characterized by a man holding a giant snake. The only place I can truly trace a snake with a "bad rep" is in the Bible, where the snake is said to be Satan..Now, we have to consider the source before we consider the information and the Bible was created for the enslavement of disenfranchised people..When it was first introduced to these people they are made to think God is the furthest thing from themselves.So if the furthest thing from Black is white, the farthest thing from God must be devil..So, on a psychological level these people were made to identify themselves as the devil..If you look at some of the Webster definitions of the term "black", then compare the definition with "white", you'll see what I mean. .In any event, Dr.Francis Cress Welsing wrote something profound in her book "The Isis Papers", when she said that Original people learn on several different levels at once and since we have inherent connections with all ancient civilizations and societies, certain symbols communicate to us on deeper planes. It's not impossible that the serpent/snake in the Bible is pitted in the role of the enemy/evil as part of the process of mental slavery, because we have a connection with the serpent in its original capacity(spiritual/enlightenment,etc) when the symbol or the meaning behind that symbol is changed there is an altering effect on the people who identify it as well..This dynamic is touched on in the book "48 laws of Power" by Robert Greene..This whole process is summed up in the knowledge to understanding equality, the degree is knowledge-cipher which states -because he taught him how to eat the wrong foods..Wrong food is anything you ingest that makes you other than yourself..ANYTHING. I think the concept of the serpent something else used in the realm of trick-knowledge to make us deviate from our state of grace..
Monday, November 24, 2008
I fast and pray, Allah...

Peace ...I’ve heard it said that the Father(Clarence 13x) liked to gamble..This is actually something I’ve heard Gods say in order to justify to themselves why gambling is okay (why can’t a person just like to gamble? Justification always seems like something’s wrong/bad, doesn’t it?)..I’ve also heard that the Father offered Salat, ironically enough I’ve NEVER heard of Gods praying because “The Father used to”..Actually talk of prayer is like blasphemy amongst the Nation..Which is crazy, cause what goes together better than God and prayer?..It kinda suggests how spooked out some people really are…..What I mean is..If you claim to know who the true God is, wouldn’t that make your prayer all the more important? Prayer is nothing more than communication with God..I like to use a phrase Cappadonna (Wu Tang Clan) said in a rhyme “every evening/I have a by myself meeting”..That’s what prayer is to me..”A by myself meeting”…I might write..I might just sit and breathe for a moment, I might think about somebody I love a lot and hope that they are doing okay cause I haven’t heard from them in a while or I might reflect on something in the past that I know I shouldn’t have done and find a lesson in the act that I never saw before..This is how I pray sometimes..Another way I pray is, when speaking about things that I would like to accomplish or see transpire, I say “Willfully”..This statement insinuates that my will is at work in whatever subject stated.. Cee, I got into this practice when I learned about the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls all involuntary functions (breathing, blinking, healing, etc).It never rests..It also directly molds our circumstances and reality as it is wholly impressionable like a child..It learns by absorption..It is impressed upon by what we habitually think in our conscious mind..Think for a bit just how much influence that gives us over our’s pretty awe-inspiring..The one problem is, it cannot take a joke..Like they say “If you knew better, you’d do better”..In order to change how we act, we must change how we think..If you spend your time telling people, “Yo, I’m f**ked up”..You’re gonna be “f**ked up”..If you find yourself saying “I can’t afford that”..You will not be able to afford it..So, be specific in what you say as to receive exactly what you choose..Instead of saying, “I can’t afford that”..say “At the moment my money is for something else”….Which would be the truth and wouldn’t be so impactful on your subconscious mind..So, be mindful what thoughts you nurture and what words you use..Thoughts are immensely powerful, however words are even more powerful than that because they permeate space and vibratory realm, for example..My Ol Dad was saying how a marine biologist (Might’ve been Jacques Cousteau)..was scuba diving deep underwater and heard the call of the Adan (Islamic call to prayer)..Sound stimulates life as well, which is why they say talk to fetuses while they are in the womb, and talk to plants so that they grow healthily..We should use these laws to stimulate life in ourselves in order to live healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives..Peace.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Who makes the Holy Koran or Bible?...

As far back as I can remember I would ask my parents what my name (Tislam) means and they would answer “True Islam Savior Love Allah Master”..It didn’t have much conscious bearing on me back then because to me they were would’ve had the same effect as a chick named Clementine finding out her name means “Mercy, Merciful”..Mind you, from the age of equality until about knowledge equality whenever someone asked me what my name meant I would parrot what my parents had told me back day, that is until I met Inf.. Before that I was “soul searching”. I had issued many a challenge to the so called mystery God to earn my belief, needless to say, to no avail..I also began frequenting any and every church possible in order to fill a void within..Sunday School, Service, nor Vacation Bible School ever had any answers to the questions I’d asked…I had entertained the idea of studying Orthodox Islam, yet although there were many aspects of it that interested me, yet it just wasn’t FOR me..
So it was the summer of Born Wisdom and I was in a singing group (I know right? Don’t even start) with my man Allen and these two brothers Tim and Donald. We were looking for a Bass tenor to make the harmony tighter and Allen was bringing this guy named Inf into the group..So we head up in the projects to practice and he asks me what my name means..I went into robot mode “Truth Islam….” He got this look on his face and asked where did I get that from? I told him my parents, then he immediately told me what language I was speaking-Supreme Alphabets..He immediately took his shirt off and on the back of his shirt was the Universal Flag..He went to work showing us who, what, where, when and why..I was SPARKED..Everything he said struck a chord inside me. Needless to say the days of "Shoobedoowop" got cut pretty short so that I could build with Inf..He had got enlightened by a God named Forever U-God who learned while in school at Howard University..I learned Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabets quickly and Inf began giving me the Student Enrollment by word of mouth..I had knowledged those rather quickly too and was hungry for more..Then it was revealed that Inf hadn't knowledge 120 himself and might've been in his Student Enrollment himself at the time..In retrospect, he should not have taken me as a student because he was not qualified yet..he should have referred me to someone who had at least knowledged 120 already..His ego was at play though..I realized that when he would drop my name to other people as "his student" in order to receive some kind of praise due to how I was growing..Anyhow, I ended up building a having a chemistry with U-God anyway and we built our relationship..Me and Inf walked through 120 together..He was the black seed and I was the brown seed(I'll add on to that later )..Now, through out the years my parents had an off and on kind of relationship..When my Ol Dad was around, there was no pork in the house, when he left, my Ol earth would be frying up bacon and going to church..I understand it clearer now, however that gives you a clue as to how I was able to even attend the load of churches I attended at certain times..So, when I started internalizing the lessons my Ol Earth had gotten back in touch with my Dad who had recently been released from jail and was up in Brooklyn(my birthplace)..I remember her being on the phone telling him, in a condescending tone "Your son thinks he's God, now..It's a phase".She handed me the phone and he said he was glad I had chosen Islam to study and to never let the lessons limit me. He said he had some stuff for me and would send it in the mail..He had mailed me a Holy Quran and 120 lessons..My Ol Dad was already my n***a, but that one gesture, considering all the adversity I was running into at that stage of my life, solidified him..My first righteous name was Born Supreme Allah..I added "Magnetic" later on..Some people asked why did I even change my name in the first place because I was "blessed since birth"..I personally think I hadn't grown into being "Tislam"...Later on I would realize that every Original man is "Born Supreme"..And I took the name "Truth Is Supreme Light Allah Manifest" I kept Magnetic though..Alot of Gods are avidly against the taking of names that are not in the Supreme Mathematics or Alphabet, adding on to names , as well as "Muslim-sounding" names..I don't agree..How can we truly be universal builders and NOT add on?..How I cee Allah today is WAAAAAAAAYY different than how I saw Allah when I first got Math..Cut it out..And to the "Muslim-sounding name" thing- I say "The Original Man is God and owner of the EARTH", "The planet Earth which is the home of Islam", Anything on this Earth is OURS..ESPECIALLY anything related to Islam..Cut that out too...Anyway, I went on to knowledge 120 before Infinite did..Now, I can see that he was attempting to stifle my growth in how he distributed lessons to me, so that I wouldn't surpass him.Crazy, right? Bastid...Now, when I was "Born" my days were like alot of other newborns(bombing people, sharpening my wisdom on Jehovah Witnesses, and due to the then sudden popularity of Sunni Islam, I had my fair share of pissing off an Imam or three). I was full of power, before I became powerful..I was in my freshman year of high school when I first started studying lessons, and I'll be the first to admit that 120 helped me to graduate..Up to that point, I could not identify with any of the curriculum being touted daily in class until I got knowledge of self..That helped me connect the dots on many different levels, so I could understand why certain events and ideas were being projected from certain angles...All Praises Due to Allah..I didn't take on my first students until after I knowledge 120..I cee the effects also, as an observer I notice that all but maybe one of my students knowledge 120..We all know, one only learns what one teaches self, however I truly know that I had more to offer them having been through the tribulation of 120 before attempting to help anyone on their own journey..Fast-forward a bit and I can't help ceeing that everybody in my "class" has fallen off..Except myself, U-God(now known as Kwame) and the Gods I had taken as my students at the time..Everybody else either is an 85er with a righteous sounding name or a junkie of some sort, literally..Nothing in life is coincidental, however everything in life is ironic than a muhfugga..Today Infinite Knowledge Supreme Allah is a Sunni Muslim..complete with Jalabiyya and forehead scar tissue..can't say that I'm surprised, though..Inf was the flag shirt wearing, "GOD" tattooed on his chest type of God and I've learned that anybody too externally expressive with their ideals or beliefs are not very internal with them..And that goes for ALL walks of life..Me and Inf/Salaam are still pretty cool to this day, though.I never got to really got to ask him how he ended up being Sunni after "knowing" there's no Mystery..Maybe he needed salat to contain the aspects of himself that are active outside of conscious thought..or maybe he got stuck in the lessons and thought "His own self is a..Muslim"..Either way, I'ma build with him about it..When I told my elder Justice Understanding that I see Inf falling by the wayside(before the Sunni aspect), Ol Man Just said "The killed the black seed at birth by sticking a pin in it's head or by feeding it to a wild beast"..He said "Born, maybe since you lost a black seed, it's your duty to save a black seed."..I always keep that in my third..Time will tell if Ol Man Just was correct with his prognosis..Thinking back I had some pretty wild times as a youngn..I remember they sent this Imam LOOKING for me on some "Word is, these n***as around the projects talking about they God!!!"...I guess they should've told him about the kid Born from back Pulaski..He left saying how he'd be back with some of his Ahkis to see if I change my mind about being God, I told him I'd be on the bench where I was at, so I shouldn't be hard to find..Needless to say, he never came back..I remember the corner boys sent this other kid for me one night..he felt the need to tell me how I should be Muslim because I know too much..During those days, I also adopted the "Don't test me, if you never taught me" philosophy..meaning I show and prove this culture to teach the uncivilized, not to convince the so called already civilized..Now, it's different with my brothers/sisters/elders because we value each other's opinions on subjects and sometimes draw up angles that we share for betterment of each other..We don't ask each other questions that we already know the answer to and we don't answer questions that nobody asked..It's just not conducive..Another wild memory was at a rally one day this God felt the need to reveal he was studying with the Ausar Auset Society and started walking around the cipher chanting..The Elders was HEATED!!..They ended smacking the boah down a bit, they though he was wetted up and damn near drowned him in milk..You wanna talk about funny?..I got a few different chapters of my development..The underlying theme seems to be that I had to experience what the almighty wasn't before I experienced what it truly was...Peace
So it was the summer of Born Wisdom and I was in a singing group (I know right? Don’t even start) with my man Allen and these two brothers Tim and Donald. We were looking for a Bass tenor to make the harmony tighter and Allen was bringing this guy named Inf into the group..So we head up in the projects to practice and he asks me what my name means..I went into robot mode “Truth Islam….” He got this look on his face and asked where did I get that from? I told him my parents, then he immediately told me what language I was speaking-Supreme Alphabets..He immediately took his shirt off and on the back of his shirt was the Universal Flag..He went to work showing us who, what, where, when and why..I was SPARKED..Everything he said struck a chord inside me. Needless to say the days of "Shoobedoowop" got cut pretty short so that I could build with Inf..He had got enlightened by a God named Forever U-God who learned while in school at Howard University..I learned Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabets quickly and Inf began giving me the Student Enrollment by word of mouth..I had knowledged those rather quickly too and was hungry for more..Then it was revealed that Inf hadn't knowledge 120 himself and might've been in his Student Enrollment himself at the time..In retrospect, he should not have taken me as a student because he was not qualified yet..he should have referred me to someone who had at least knowledged 120 already..His ego was at play though..I realized that when he would drop my name to other people as "his student" in order to receive some kind of praise due to how I was growing..Anyhow, I ended up building a having a chemistry with U-God anyway and we built our relationship..Me and Inf walked through 120 together..He was the black seed and I was the brown seed(I'll add on to that later )..Now, through out the years my parents had an off and on kind of relationship..When my Ol Dad was around, there was no pork in the house, when he left, my Ol earth would be frying up bacon and going to church..I understand it clearer now, however that gives you a clue as to how I was able to even attend the load of churches I attended at certain times..So, when I started internalizing the lessons my Ol Earth had gotten back in touch with my Dad who had recently been released from jail and was up in Brooklyn(my birthplace)..I remember her being on the phone telling him, in a condescending tone "Your son thinks he's God, now..It's a phase".She handed me the phone and he said he was glad I had chosen Islam to study and to never let the lessons limit me. He said he had some stuff for me and would send it in the mail..He had mailed me a Holy Quran and 120 lessons..My Ol Dad was already my n***a, but that one gesture, considering all the adversity I was running into at that stage of my life, solidified him..My first righteous name was Born Supreme Allah..I added "Magnetic" later on..Some people asked why did I even change my name in the first place because I was "blessed since birth"..I personally think I hadn't grown into being "Tislam"...Later on I would realize that every Original man is "Born Supreme"..And I took the name "Truth Is Supreme Light Allah Manifest" I kept Magnetic though..Alot of Gods are avidly against the taking of names that are not in the Supreme Mathematics or Alphabet, adding on to names , as well as "Muslim-sounding" names..I don't agree..How can we truly be universal builders and NOT add on?..How I cee Allah today is WAAAAAAAAYY different than how I saw Allah when I first got Math..Cut it out..And to the "Muslim-sounding name" thing- I say "The Original Man is God and owner of the EARTH", "The planet Earth which is the home of Islam", Anything on this Earth is OURS..ESPECIALLY anything related to Islam..Cut that out too...Anyway, I went on to knowledge 120 before Infinite did..Now, I can see that he was attempting to stifle my growth in how he distributed lessons to me, so that I wouldn't surpass him.Crazy, right? Bastid...Now, when I was "Born" my days were like alot of other newborns(bombing people, sharpening my wisdom on Jehovah Witnesses, and due to the then sudden popularity of Sunni Islam, I had my fair share of pissing off an Imam or three). I was full of power, before I became powerful..I was in my freshman year of high school when I first started studying lessons, and I'll be the first to admit that 120 helped me to graduate..Up to that point, I could not identify with any of the curriculum being touted daily in class until I got knowledge of self..That helped me connect the dots on many different levels, so I could understand why certain events and ideas were being projected from certain angles...All Praises Due to Allah..I didn't take on my first students until after I knowledge 120..I cee the effects also, as an observer I notice that all but maybe one of my students knowledge 120..We all know, one only learns what one teaches self, however I truly know that I had more to offer them having been through the tribulation of 120 before attempting to help anyone on their own journey..Fast-forward a bit and I can't help ceeing that everybody in my "class" has fallen off..Except myself, U-God(now known as Kwame) and the Gods I had taken as my students at the time..Everybody else either is an 85er with a righteous sounding name or a junkie of some sort, literally..Nothing in life is coincidental, however everything in life is ironic than a muhfugga..Today Infinite Knowledge Supreme Allah is a Sunni Muslim..complete with Jalabiyya and forehead scar tissue..can't say that I'm surprised, though..Inf was the flag shirt wearing, "GOD" tattooed on his chest type of God and I've learned that anybody too externally expressive with their ideals or beliefs are not very internal with them..And that goes for ALL walks of life..Me and Inf/Salaam are still pretty cool to this day, though.I never got to really got to ask him how he ended up being Sunni after "knowing" there's no Mystery..Maybe he needed salat to contain the aspects of himself that are active outside of conscious thought..or maybe he got stuck in the lessons and thought "His own self is a..Muslim"..Either way, I'ma build with him about it..When I told my elder Justice Understanding that I see Inf falling by the wayside(before the Sunni aspect), Ol Man Just said "The killed the black seed at birth by sticking a pin in it's head or by feeding it to a wild beast"..He said "Born, maybe since you lost a black seed, it's your duty to save a black seed."..I always keep that in my third..Time will tell if Ol Man Just was correct with his prognosis..Thinking back I had some pretty wild times as a youngn..I remember they sent this Imam LOOKING for me on some "Word is, these n***as around the projects talking about they God!!!"...I guess they should've told him about the kid Born from back Pulaski..He left saying how he'd be back with some of his Ahkis to see if I change my mind about being God, I told him I'd be on the bench where I was at, so I shouldn't be hard to find..Needless to say, he never came back..I remember the corner boys sent this other kid for me one night..he felt the need to tell me how I should be Muslim because I know too much..During those days, I also adopted the "Don't test me, if you never taught me" philosophy..meaning I show and prove this culture to teach the uncivilized, not to convince the so called already civilized..Now, it's different with my brothers/sisters/elders because we value each other's opinions on subjects and sometimes draw up angles that we share for betterment of each other..We don't ask each other questions that we already know the answer to and we don't answer questions that nobody asked..It's just not conducive..Another wild memory was at a rally one day this God felt the need to reveal he was studying with the Ausar Auset Society and started walking around the cipher chanting..The Elders was HEATED!!..They ended smacking the boah down a bit, they though he was wetted up and damn near drowned him in milk..You wanna talk about funny?..I got a few different chapters of my development..The underlying theme seems to be that I had to experience what the almighty wasn't before I experienced what it truly was...Peace
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Vault...
The Vault is a bunch of Timberland boxes full of paper and composition books that I've accumulated through my years of writing..I found something in the Vault that I wanted to share with y'all..It's called Tistory
Physically born in Brooklyn, mentally raised in Philly,
sent to be more than merely another pawn, I'm clearly..
A different form, sincerely split from the norm,
was nearly swept by the storm, weary, but standing strong, ya hear me?
prisoner of war barely escaping captors carefully,
made it back to the underground passageway..
where they say it gets greater later, worse before better,
to make you settle for lesser, or go for whatever
but cee when desperate times call for desperate measures
I still good connects, bags and heat under the dresser
never far removed from street rules, groomed by vets
bear the weight of the world, three sets, a hundred and twenty reps
allegedly should've seen death, if I let them tell it
seen my family on crack though, never brought myself to sell it
heard the door close, a match get struck, then I'd smell it
Satan's breath exhaling, that's when I started rebelling
ain't too much you could tell him, Pop's vanished at vital times
Mom's kept me home on check day to wait beside her in line
This rhyme "Mirrors the Soul" like Kahlil Gibran
reflecting the sick design that molded my twisted, gifted mind
rewind back to school trips, five dollar stamp a few cents,
wrapped in a coupon booklet with the blue tint
since boiling water to wash with in slum lord apartments,
been flipping like kids on pissy mattresses behind the projects
thoughts of eighty-three, Pop's might've bailed or been in jail
Mom's flew flew to Ft.Lauderdale every week, it never failed
all was well, waking to Steel Pulse and reefer smells,
before speak and spell I saw grinders and triple beam scales
still and cee til my first mob flick experience,
why the kitchen used to look like a science experiment
Take it serious, the truth hurts but never fear it,
glance past appearances to unfold mind, body and spirit..
Physically born in Brooklyn, mentally raised in Philly,
sent to be more than merely another pawn, I'm clearly..
A different form, sincerely split from the norm,
was nearly swept by the storm, weary, but standing strong, ya hear me?
prisoner of war barely escaping captors carefully,
made it back to the underground passageway..
where they say it gets greater later, worse before better,
to make you settle for lesser, or go for whatever
but cee when desperate times call for desperate measures
I still good connects, bags and heat under the dresser
never far removed from street rules, groomed by vets
bear the weight of the world, three sets, a hundred and twenty reps
allegedly should've seen death, if I let them tell it
seen my family on crack though, never brought myself to sell it
heard the door close, a match get struck, then I'd smell it
Satan's breath exhaling, that's when I started rebelling
ain't too much you could tell him, Pop's vanished at vital times
Mom's kept me home on check day to wait beside her in line
This rhyme "Mirrors the Soul" like Kahlil Gibran
reflecting the sick design that molded my twisted, gifted mind
rewind back to school trips, five dollar stamp a few cents,
wrapped in a coupon booklet with the blue tint
since boiling water to wash with in slum lord apartments,
been flipping like kids on pissy mattresses behind the projects
thoughts of eighty-three, Pop's might've bailed or been in jail
Mom's flew flew to Ft.Lauderdale every week, it never failed
all was well, waking to Steel Pulse and reefer smells,
before speak and spell I saw grinders and triple beam scales
still and cee til my first mob flick experience,
why the kitchen used to look like a science experiment
Take it serious, the truth hurts but never fear it,
glance past appearances to unfold mind, body and spirit..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I deeply appreciate the Father (Allah/Clarence 13X/Put/Puddin) and what he brought to the world in the Nation of Gods and Earths, however I could never get into the whole button rocking, t-shirt with his face on it aspect. The Universal flag is peace. It’s beautifully attractive and speaks volumes that echo for eons. I’ll rock that anytime. But a button with the father’s face on it just seems religious. For example, when he was physically alive do you think people wore buttons with his face on them? I doubt it very highly. As far as I know Allah IS very much still alive, yet many people wear and will continue to don “Father-wear”..Interesting, right?. Personally, I think it kinda cheapens what we’re about. Now, don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against NGE centric fashion at all, however every practice reflects a principle, and I wouldn’t want people to use NGE to shade in an already laid template of wrong foods with right colors, meaning we shouldn’t be reduced to the religious based criteria because this ain’t no religion. We shouldn’t determine our identity in spite of other entities that already exist (i.e.: the flag ain’t our version of a crucifix, so The Father shouldn’t be our version of Jesus/Muhammad)…Plus, what about all the other Great Gods and Earths that built this nation? Why they don’t get a button or a shirt? ..Sike naw, for real, though, what we do should be bigger than that and it should be centered on us completely. We are universal. So we should express this culture in universal means. Dig it?
On a side note, I never liked crowns..You know, crowns, the head adornment that looks like a kufi with a tassel on it? I NEVER liked them jawns, yo.. I can’t help but think that they were designed to separate us from Muslims, while still showing our relation to Islam..Which is like an oxymoron or something, right? If we left the poor part for the devil, then they in turn give us the scraps from that..What part would that be? This is basically what we do by carrying those types of practices while striving to be “just and true,” with “no unrighteousness” in us. Now wait, “The Earth belongs to the Original man”, so if the button is ya twist, do it ta death..If the crowns is ya s**t, let ya tassel swing. I’m just voicing my angle on it. Do it cuz you generally like it, not cuz you think this what we “sposed” to do/look like..Don’t think if you don’t rock buttons and crowns you’re any less God than any other brother..File that with the people who think they’ll get more blessings because of how long their beard is and the people who time how long it takes them to quote 120..I say “The Original man is God, yet God is more than just an Original man” meaning we must be “In it, not of it”..We should be able to speak the language of the uncivilized and identify ourselves amongst them due to where we emerged from, however, we(civilized people, also Muslims, and Muslim Sons)must always maintain the capacity to rise and shine that undeniable light to every inch of space if need be in order born truth..
On a side note, I never liked crowns..You know, crowns, the head adornment that looks like a kufi with a tassel on it? I NEVER liked them jawns, yo.. I can’t help but think that they were designed to separate us from Muslims, while still showing our relation to Islam..Which is like an oxymoron or something, right? If we left the poor part for the devil, then they in turn give us the scraps from that..What part would that be? This is basically what we do by carrying those types of practices while striving to be “just and true,” with “no unrighteousness” in us. Now wait, “The Earth belongs to the Original man”, so if the button is ya twist, do it ta death..If the crowns is ya s**t, let ya tassel swing. I’m just voicing my angle on it. Do it cuz you generally like it, not cuz you think this what we “sposed” to do/look like..Don’t think if you don’t rock buttons and crowns you’re any less God than any other brother..File that with the people who think they’ll get more blessings because of how long their beard is and the people who time how long it takes them to quote 120..I say “The Original man is God, yet God is more than just an Original man” meaning we must be “In it, not of it”..We should be able to speak the language of the uncivilized and identify ourselves amongst them due to where we emerged from, however, we(civilized people, also Muslims, and Muslim Sons)must always maintain the capacity to rise and shine that undeniable light to every inch of space if need be in order born truth..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Peace..A couple months back I was pondering why did the Father choose "L" in our Supreme Alphabet to be "Love, Hell or Right"..I mean, of course I hear the normal "Love gotta go through Hell to come out Right", yet that never did anything for my understanding of "L"..Until I thought deeply on "Knowledge-Wisdom"..Cee, the thing about Knowledge itself, is it will exist in it's infinite form, outside of time and space, unbeknownst to anyone outside of itself and be GOOD...It's potent like that..However, ANY method/means/transmission/movement of said knowledge IS Wisdom..(You can keep that in mind when you hear somebody say"Yo, Brother Flan-flan was dropping knowledge"...Knowledge is internal..It ain't gonna be dropped..What was most likely dropped was wisdom.The application of said knowledge.)..Which made me realize that each Supreme Mathematics gives way to the one following it EXCEPT knowledge..I'm convinced that the dynamic between knowledge and wisdom or knowledge to wisdom is THE most difficult to undertake..I call it "Stumbling on the one"..It's what alot of us did when we first got lessons and went on a rampage of some of the most savage s**t ever, all the while screaming "God"..We stumbled on the one..The idea we had was right(Allah), yet we couldn't quite get a hold on "Be"..And THIS is why I cee L as being Love, Hell or Right..."And God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.." I've learned that "Love" is an omniscient understanding..It is hinged on the identification of one's self in something else..For example, my sun's have some wild personalities..Sometimes, I gauge whether they are getting out of hand with their antics, other times I just let them rock..I deduced that my duty to guide and protect them doesn't mean destroy their spirit in the process..because I was just like them when I was young, and I KNOW how it feels to have someone imposing that sort of influence on me..This is Love..Now,"L" is also "Hell" actually by design and sound..If the "H" fell silent, it would simply be "Ell"..I think this aspect reflects the "Stumbling on the one" idea I expounded on.."Hell" is a place of penalty..The nature of the penalty is the strengthen your character, as the fires of a blacksmith purify the iron with which he crafts...and the right is the 90 degree angle that the L is be design as well..It also suggest a directional shift..such as a right turn-usually from a lesson learned in the depths of hell...Now,I know alot of y'all prolly came up with this ages ago, which is peace..However, I came to North America by myself..meaning we have to draw an understanding up for ourselves in our own good time..Don't search for trillions parroting what you heard was "right and exact"..You'd be surprised what you'll learn from a miscalculation..Don't be afraid to "Be"..
Man..the seed
This excerpt is from "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ"..check it out ..
"Man is a thought of God; all thoughts of God are infinite; They are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time begin and end."
It also says.."But man, like every other thought of God, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of God, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. Now, seeds are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are not unfolded into life made manifest.".."So man, the seed, must be deep planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower."
Now, the first time I read that piece the phrase "deep planted in a soil" instantly took me to triple stage darkness..Anything planted deep is under pressure from the substance it is planted in, from above, below and all around..Soil is used to denote the fertile aspects of earth.. Fertility suggests the abundance of all qualities necessary to produce life..but we're not talking about any ol' life, we're talking about Allah, The Original Man...And the richest of soils is black..Before the physical soil existed in this Objective Realm, the spatial soil of the Subjective Realm existed...So, loosley translated in "Magnetic", this can be ceen as "divine pressurized blackness".. Just some food for thought for the moment..Chew it up, spit out the bones...
"Man is a thought of God; all thoughts of God are infinite; They are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time begin and end."
It also says.."But man, like every other thought of God, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of God, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. Now, seeds are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are not unfolded into life made manifest.".."So man, the seed, must be deep planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower."
Now, the first time I read that piece the phrase "deep planted in a soil" instantly took me to triple stage darkness..Anything planted deep is under pressure from the substance it is planted in, from above, below and all around..Soil is used to denote the fertile aspects of earth.. Fertility suggests the abundance of all qualities necessary to produce life..but we're not talking about any ol' life, we're talking about Allah, The Original Man...And the richest of soils is black..Before the physical soil existed in this Objective Realm, the spatial soil of the Subjective Realm existed...So, loosley translated in "Magnetic", this can be ceen as "divine pressurized blackness".. Just some food for thought for the moment..Chew it up, spit out the bones...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Knowledge-knowledge... adding on
I cee Knowledge-knowledge as "One of one"..Perfection, so to speak..Which is funny cause coming up as a young God, whenever I would reveal myself to an 85er they would either say "If you God, then, lemme see you fly", or "How you God? You ain't perfect!! The only man that was made perfect was Jesus Christ!!"..However, contrary to popular belief, I AM perfect...We all are..Not perfect as in complete or finished..yet, perfect as in the seed that retains all of the necessary potential to become a tree and birth it's own forest if opportunity and space allowed..I am one of one..Unable to duplicated, even if I was a twin and even if I was cloned..When I came screaming out of my Mother's birth canal, she laid her eyes on me and deemed me perfect..She qualified me herself..She couldn't ask for anything more (I'm sure she'd beg to differ nowadays, though,hahaha)..Anything that would/could be considered a flaw is merely a descriptive detail that further supports my divine uniqueness..This is how I cee knowledge-knowledge as Peace..(in the Jewels)..Peace is a state of order..The absence of confusion..Once you are secure with yourself and accept the wholeness of you regardless of what someone else considers a "flaw", you can achieve Peace..This is Atonement..At-one-ment...Being "at one" with the source Allah..The all pervading intelligence that compels the universe as we know it...The Universal Black Mind..Peace..for real..
Peace..The more one grows into divine culture, the more one grows out of destroy culture...What I mean is reminiscent of Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."..I currently have an office type gig where there's a bunch of micro managing Colored people chasing an imaginary goal..Their entire ethic is back assward...In any event, over the past couple of days when I intimately vowed to steal as much as my life away from their "trading post" in order to build my own, I began to cee just how counterproductive the entire process of even working there is for me..It is impossible for me to devote anything outside of a fraction of myself to that which I have no true interest outside of physical Gold..This is against my nature on a whole, hence the revolution that you cee before your very eyes..I unplugging that slimy Matrix cord out of the back my skull and jumping out of that goopy pond, figuratively speaking....Now, my Ol Earth always told me never get rid of one thing until you've fully secured another thing, so since this is my main source of income currently I will continue to perform my daily tasks to procure funds for the MAIN objective..Self..which includes my committee and the universal family..This is knowledge-knowledge.."Have you not heard that your word shall be bond regardless to whom or what?"..As soon as I declared myself as true and living I was bound in the reality of my word and all of my circumstances will be the canvas for me to hold true to that declaration...Knowledge is the foundation..and knowledge is the self...Knowledge -knowledge is the foundation of self.. the basis (base-an aqueous substance that can accept protons=positive charge) of an individual..It is unhealthy to spend the duration of our lives building another person's dream...Regardless to how good we may be at it..You will always be better at fashioning your own dreams into reality...So, today let's do the one on self..Let's break down the fundamentals of our person and add positive charge to our essential nature..Only we know how to get the best out of ourselves.Harvest that best part and preserve it for us as well...
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Peace..I'm at early this fine morning..First had to send a message of guidance to my younger brother who needs some help tightening up his game with the chickadees..Then I jumped online to build with y'all for a moment..Today's mathematics is Build/Destroy..Build is to increase or construct, destroy is to decrease or deconstruct..This is relative to another theory that I have shared that regards energy.."Building" would be considered the positive pole of ourselves, and for lack of a better term " Destroying" would be the negative pole(although, sometimes destroying an aspect is the most positive thing one can do, however..) Since energy cannot be created(built) or destroyed, but just changes from one from to another..Building is actually arranging...We use what we learn to help arrange our ideas, minds and selves in alignment for vertical growth..This is how I cee Build..Because in the process of building, even the ideas that you had that were misdirected or incorrect have not been destroyed, just rearranged to be in right and exact alignment(Postive Energy Always Corrects Errors)..For example, if you erect something out of Legos..(the Legos would be the energy, ideas, essential self in this example)..You put time into making what you see on the Lego box(somebody else's perspective image)..then you realize you want to make something else, something better, something of your own..So you take the model apart, piece by piece and from that pile of unconnected Legos you begin to fashion an expression of yourself...This is Build/Destroy...What we learn and experience are the Legos..Over time how we cee things changes and evolves, so we take some of the Legos off and stack them in a different way that would be more conducive to what we are striving to fashion(in this case our better selves)..The only rule of building that must be adhered to is that the structure should be going up...Horizontal growth is not growth at all, it's length...It is parallel to a base plane and therefore it is subject to base natures..The aim is to build/destroy upward..Some may not agree with how I drew this up...However, to build something then destroy it totally would constitute "losing time"..As all wise , right and exact people, we may miscalculate at times, however that doesn't mean the entire equation was wrong..Look at it like this, say you built a home, raised your kids in this home until they went away to college..They graduated college then moved away to start careers and to build their own lives and homes..Do you demolish your home because you have bedrooms that are no longer going to be used since your kids have grown up? No, you rearrange those rooms according to functionality in your present and future plans of living..Peace
Friday, November 7, 2008
Politics as usual.....

The past couple of post election days have been reverberating with the question "What now?"..To be honest, I'm happy that the entire media circus around the two candidates has begun coming to a close.I'm not keen on any type of involuntary subjection of propaganda from any source..It's a part of my character..However, even though I am not engrossed in the political process as an Original man in America I have to entertain the possible effects of having Barack Obama as a president..Currently, the biggest effect I see is so far is masses of so called black people using Obama's win as an excuse to reveal just how ignorant and coonish they can be..Still plagued by the mental death, many of them think "we have arrived"..My response to that is America is a corporation and an Original man has been chosen as CEO..Now, of course part of me is proud to see such an achievement considering the history of America..Another part of me is somewhat apprehensive toward the situation, due to the fact that Obama has been selected as CEO..meaning he has an agenda to serve the ruling parties of this corporation..Which does not spell prosperity for Tislam Magnetic and his ilk...If anything, it means remain even MORE vigilant awaiting the possibility of a Judas Goat in our new electorate...All in all, his selection suggests that even the colored people in this wilderness of North America are tired of the way things have been going..That in itself is symbolic to "the rise of God" in the aforementioned blog..
I had people tell me after Barack won they were gonna go in to work with the fury..Which I couldn't understand, because until January, Bush is still the president..LOL!!!The fury is gonna get your ass fired and Barack ain't gonna come and find you a new job...LMAO!!..In the words of Gnarls Barkley, just a thought...
The rise of God...
Peace..I arose this morning with an inspiration that was kindled by the pastor at my Aunt's funeral..Weird,huh? Anyway, he spoke on how we must be mindful about doing what we are here to do(God's work)..It reminds me of one of my lessons, (cuture-cipher degree in the knowledge to culture/freedom)..Which says "What will be your reward in regard to the destruction of the devil? Ans: Peace and Happiness. I will give all I have and all within my power to see this day for which I have waited 379 years."..The Pastor's sermon echoed of "all I have and all within my power"..Which I have not been giving to see the destruction of the devil..With that said, I am going to make a more conscious effort to shining forth any and every positive element within me in order to aid in the growth of all those around me. As of lately, I have been transmitting wisdom verbally and physically primarily..These methods are rather limited as there are only a few people that are within eye shot, and even fewer people within ear shot of the supreme light that Allah manifests. This blog will be one of my attempts to stretch further into the world and share what has helped me most through my short time alive-civilization, knowledge of self, righteousness and all it entails..Consider this one step toward a journey, the first breath outside of the womb ...
Today's date is God in Supreme Mathematics...God is the title used by men to identify the absolute intelligence that governs all that exists..By definition God means supreme being..Supreme means most high and being means to exist...I can't help but cee the definition of God as a suggestion of direction in and of itself ...Life is existance, so God is simply stating elevate your existance...or Elevated Existance...Living on a higher plane...This examination sends me to another lesson (knowledge degree in the knowledge to knowledge-cipher) "Who is the Original man? Ans: The Original man is the Asiatic blackman, the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet Earth, father of civilization and God of the universe."Which details that there are six levels of self an Original man must rise through in order to be in tune with his true self(God)...He must experience (wisdom) six(equality) different planes before he can even begin to be his own self ..That goes back to what I said earlier about "all I have and all within my power"..I have capabilities to make, own, cream and father with this power of truth resonating in my core..However, I have not been utilizing them all..Essentially, on many levels I have been other than myself...So, in the very near future expect to cee some evolution in the ways I will be expressing "the science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness"..
If you haven't realized it yet, this blog is about responsibility..There are many things I have observed in the world, in my nation and in my family that I am dissatisfied with..However, in stead of owning my place and role in the misdirection of my world/nation/family by attempting to make changes, I withdrew and watched the walls fall from "20 miles outside of the Holy City"..Needless to say, I have returned to the Holy City..First, to apologize for not preventing the catastrophe, and secondly, to rebuild the beauty of what was before and "renew history for another 25,000 years."
Today's date is God in Supreme Mathematics...God is the title used by men to identify the absolute intelligence that governs all that exists..By definition God means supreme being..Supreme means most high and being means to exist...I can't help but cee the definition of God as a suggestion of direction in and of itself ...Life is existance, so God is simply stating elevate your existance...or Elevated Existance...Living on a higher plane...This examination sends me to another lesson (knowledge degree in the knowledge to knowledge-cipher) "Who is the Original man? Ans: The Original man is the Asiatic blackman, the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet Earth, father of civilization and God of the universe."Which details that there are six levels of self an Original man must rise through in order to be in tune with his true self(God)...He must experience (wisdom) six(equality) different planes before he can even begin to be his own self ..That goes back to what I said earlier about "all I have and all within my power"..I have capabilities to make, own, cream and father with this power of truth resonating in my core..However, I have not been utilizing them all..Essentially, on many levels I have been other than myself...So, in the very near future expect to cee some evolution in the ways I will be expressing "the science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness"..
If you haven't realized it yet, this blog is about responsibility..There are many things I have observed in the world, in my nation and in my family that I am dissatisfied with..However, in stead of owning my place and role in the misdirection of my world/nation/family by attempting to make changes, I withdrew and watched the walls fall from "20 miles outside of the Holy City"..Needless to say, I have returned to the Holy City..First, to apologize for not preventing the catastrophe, and secondly, to rebuild the beauty of what was before and "renew history for another 25,000 years."
Peace-Truth Is Supreme Light Allah Manifest
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