Monday, November 24, 2008

I fast and pray, Allah...

Peace ...I’ve heard it said that the Father(Clarence 13x) liked to gamble..This is actually something I’ve heard Gods say in order to justify to themselves why gambling is okay (why can’t a person just like to gamble? Justification always seems like something’s wrong/bad, doesn’t it?)..I’ve also heard that the Father offered Salat, ironically enough I’ve NEVER heard of Gods praying because “The Father used to”..Actually talk of prayer is like blasphemy amongst the Nation..Which is crazy, cause what goes together better than God and prayer?..It kinda suggests how spooked out some people really are…..What I mean is..If you claim to know who the true God is, wouldn’t that make your prayer all the more important? Prayer is nothing more than communication with God..I like to use a phrase Cappadonna (Wu Tang Clan) said in a rhyme “every evening/I have a by myself meeting”..That’s what prayer is to me..”A by myself meeting”…I might write..I might just sit and breathe for a moment, I might think about somebody I love a lot and hope that they are doing okay cause I haven’t heard from them in a while or I might reflect on something in the past that I know I shouldn’t have done and find a lesson in the act that I never saw before..This is how I pray sometimes..Another way I pray is, when speaking about things that I would like to accomplish or see transpire, I say “Willfully”..This statement insinuates that my will is at work in whatever subject stated.. Cee, I got into this practice when I learned about the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls all involuntary functions (breathing, blinking, healing, etc).It never rests..It also directly molds our circumstances and reality as it is wholly impressionable like a child..It learns by absorption..It is impressed upon by what we habitually think in our conscious mind..Think for a bit just how much influence that gives us over our’s pretty awe-inspiring..The one problem is, it cannot take a joke..Like they say “If you knew better, you’d do better”..In order to change how we act, we must change how we think..If you spend your time telling people, “Yo, I’m f**ked up”..You’re gonna be “f**ked up”..If you find yourself saying “I can’t afford that”..You will not be able to afford it..So, be specific in what you say as to receive exactly what you choose..Instead of saying, “I can’t afford that”..say “At the moment my money is for something else”….Which would be the truth and wouldn’t be so impactful on your subconscious mind..So, be mindful what thoughts you nurture and what words you use..Thoughts are immensely powerful, however words are even more powerful than that because they permeate space and vibratory realm, for example..My Ol Dad was saying how a marine biologist (Might’ve been Jacques Cousteau)..was scuba diving deep underwater and heard the call of the Adan (Islamic call to prayer)..Sound stimulates life as well, which is why they say talk to fetuses while they are in the womb, and talk to plants so that they grow healthily..We should use these laws to stimulate life in ourselves in order to live healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives..Peace.


Unknown said...

thank you for this


Olu Graphic Designs said...

I like the way you explained prayer
