Friday, November 7, 2008

Politics as usual.....

The past couple of post election days have been reverberating with the question "What now?"..To be honest, I'm happy that the entire media circus around the two candidates has begun coming to a close.I'm not keen on any type of involuntary subjection of propaganda from any source..It's a part of my character..However, even though I am not engrossed in the political process as an Original man in America I have to entertain the possible effects of having Barack Obama as a president..Currently, the biggest effect I see is so far is masses of so called black people using Obama's win as an excuse to reveal just how ignorant and coonish they can be..Still plagued by the mental death, many of them think "we have arrived"..My response to that is America is a corporation and an Original man has been chosen as CEO..Now, of course part of me is proud to see such an achievement considering the history of America..Another part of me is somewhat apprehensive toward the situation, due to the fact that Obama has been selected as CEO..meaning he has an agenda to serve the ruling parties of this corporation..Which does not spell prosperity for Tislam Magnetic and his ilk...If anything, it means remain even MORE vigilant awaiting the possibility of a Judas Goat in our new electorate...All in all, his selection suggests that even the colored people in this wilderness of North America are tired of the way things have been going..That in itself is symbolic to "the rise of God" in the aforementioned blog..
I had people tell me after Barack won they were gonna go in to work with the fury..Which I couldn't understand, because until January, Bush is still the president..LOL!!!The fury is gonna get your ass fired and Barack ain't gonna come and find you a new job...LMAO!!..In the words of Gnarls Barkley, just a thought...

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