Saturday, December 6, 2008

The quality of "E"

Equality means to be equal in everything..If I can acquire a home, you can acquire a home..If I can secure a means of currency, so can you..The definition of equality suggests that we all have equal potential to achieve..Some may even argue that said potential is infinite..The reality is some people are more qualified in some areas than others..The reality is each of us has spent time and effort honing some fields and skills more than others..The reality is time and space does not allow for the perfection of every practice that we would like to undertake..This is why we need each other...THIS is equality..The interdependent and mutual symbiotic relationship between two things. What I am capable of, does not supercede what another is capable of..The weight of our planet (6 sex tillion tons) is the same.
I also cee equality as being e-quality.. the "e" being the sixth letter of the alphabet. Our focus is actually on the number six itself, though. By design the number 6 details a travel from an elevated point downward into a lower sphere(cipher)..Many situations can land you in that lower sphere, being mastered by emotions is a notorious culprit. I cee emotions as mental investments of a sort, an intangible value projected upon a person, place or thing that causes one to experience a sense of loss or gain, "the invisible stock of self", so to speak. The travel into that lower sphere can be the result of emotional loss. I've also ceen people "trapped in six" because they were too emotionally invested in something they had no control over-I'm sure we know plenty of people who have walked this road.The illest part about being in that lower sphere is the self examinaton that can occur that will help springboard you to the next level. One could murder that devil in "no time" or in "one day".
Equality is something we deal with, not in..By dealing with it, it is used as a tool of trade and communication..When dealing in it, we can become submersed and build a "prison house" for ourselves,binding ourselves to a place, time or thing that has long passed. Peace.


#AtlantisBuild said...

Peace Almighty!!!

Indeed; I agree 120%!! Excellent manifestation!


Sunnyasylum said...

Equality is something we deal with, not in..By dealing with it, it is used as a tool of trade and communication..When dealing in it, we can become submersed and build a "prison house" for ourselves,binding ourselves to a place, time or thing that has long passed.

I read this over and over. And all i could say was wow.