Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wisdom Understanding

Peace. I may not remember a thing that I did yesterday, yet I remember EVERYTHING from when I was a child. I say that to emphasize how much we as adults must be more cautious as to what we subject our children to. The child’s learning process is by absorption; there is no filter of what to soak in and what not to soak in. So everything they see or hear gets taken into the memory banks. We must be mindful not to psychologically pollute our children by exposing them to things that are destructive because we think “They don’t know what it is” or “they’re so young, they won’t remember this”, how wrong indeed. I’ll be frank, I’ve seen a lot of wild things as a child, and although I didn’t know the scientific term for the events or activities, they still impressed upon me and had a substantial effect on my person. Not to mention the feeling associated with seeing certain things (kinda like when little boys get defensive when men try to approach their mother, its instinctual). Not until I was fully grown with a family of my own did I realize that I harbored resentment toward my parents for certain things. The day came when I had to present my angle to them and I was hit with excuses. Now, I am well aware that every generation of our Original Nation in this wilderness of North America has been at WAR!! The foundational systems of this society are against our very nature and attack us on every level. I know this. The reality of it is there is NO room for excuses. If the adults have excuses of why they dropped the ball, then what’s the child’s excuse, the adults? No, we can’t adopt this mind-state because that would create the same circle of victims that we have before us today. Everybody pointing the finger, but no one is stepping up to the plate. There is NO room for excuses on anyone’s part. There is only ownership. Adulthood proceeds in stages, so you can change the things you do as an adult, however we only have one childhood and we are totally at the mercy of those around us at that volatile time. Today, I can own the crazy childhood I had. It’s the only one I know. I can’t reject the bad things that occurred without rejecting the good things as well. Like Freedum said “The child I was, made me the man I am today”. I reflect upon my history, examine it, evaluate the factors and learn from it. My experience aids me in guiding my seeds nowaday (wisdom-understanding).

On another note-I was just thinking about a conversation I had with a woman at my old justice-cipher-born. She was saying how guys today ain’t worth s**t because their fathers weren’t around. I gave it some though and I had to disagree. I take it to 10/1-40 (Who is that mystery God?). You cannot blame a person who is not present for things that occur. It is the person who IS present that has all of the responsibility and ability to mold and shape the mind of the child. So if ya man ain’t s**t, and his Dad wasn’t around you gotta wonder what his Mom was doing-because she WAS around and this is the half of a a$$hole that she produced. I was primarily raised by my Ol Earth and if there is anything respectable or productive in me-SHE nurtured those values and instilled in me an idea of how to maintain self. She could’ve easily destroyed the best part of me in spite of my Ol Dad. However, she took it upon herself to strive to make me something better, even in her lowest moments.


SV Allah said...

Peace God,

I wanted to comment on your response to the wisdom that stated that most men ain't shit because their ole'dads weren't around. I see your angle in taking it to the knowledge cipher degree in the 1-40. However, I have to say that the father's absence is definitely a huge contributing factor relative to the development of young men. I speak from experience on that one Lord. I was fortunate to have a phenomenal ole Earth who taught me most of what I needed to know and adequately prepared me to deal with life as an adult. However, I know for a fact that this took more of a toll on her than it should have or would have, had my ole' dad been there in the physical to do his part.

Consider this equation G. knowledge wisdom (12-man and woman, sun and moon, god and earth)minus god (12-7=5). Now as we can see when you take God out of the knowledge wisdom union you are left with power or refinement. If you take power and split it into two singular values, you can draw up wisdom (2) and understanding (3). Depending on the particular woman/wisdom and the seeds/understanding in question, this could be a situation in which the wisdom is overwhelmed by the understanding if they are unruly. Also if there are multiple seeds then this likelihood is increased. The best way to restore the proper balance of power, is to put that God back in the mix. That way not only is the queen not left alone to deal with the seeds on her own b.u.t. the God is making his word bond by standing in and doing his part as a parent.


tislammagnetic said...

Hmmmmmmmm...I definitely cee that, Supreme.That's real peace wisdom. Mixing, tampering or diluting the fundamental unit of man, woman, child (knowledge, wisdom, understanding) on any level is definitely a hindrance is regard to the natural divine order.Peace.