Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There is only God...

Since high school I always had a knack for science. It just came to me easily and to be quite frank that s**t was FUN!!..Yes, further confirmation of Tislam’s nerd-dom..Oh well, blame my Mom, she carried me while she was in school..Anyway, one of the illest things to me was atomic structure, matter of fact I saved like three of my worksheets from high school and put them in my Book Of Life(still got them to this day!!)..One thing that stuck with me was the fact that an element is registered by atomic weight, while atomic weight is the total mass of protons and neutrons in an element..Now, some of y’all might remember that a proton is the particle that has a positive charge in an atom, the electron is the particle that is “negatively” charged and the neutron is neutral.What I learned subsequently, is that the neutron is actually a proton and an electron fused together making the charges balance each other out..That is why the electrons are attracted to the core of the atom while repelled at the same time causing them to move in fields.I ‘ve also learned that an electron does not have a negative charge per se, it is the absence of a positive charge..Now, back to atomic weight, the entire periodic table is based upon atomic weight..So it would be safe to say that an element is registered by its positive charge (mass of protons and neutrons)..I’ll take it even a further, if everything in existence is a mixture of these elements, the only thing that really exists is different variations of positive energy..Dig me? So, you can also conclude that there is no such thing as cold..There is only heat and the absence of heat..So, applying the same atomic rule- God is the supreme positive energy..if devil (electron) is to be the opposing aspect of God (proton) it must be duly noted that the devil has no power (positive charge)..There actually is no devil, there is just the absence of God..I use this reference when I build with 85ers..They have a tendency of giving too much credit to the “devil”..Phrases such as “The devil is at work” or “people should pray to God so that they don’t go to hell”..Which is some insulting s**t if you think about it..Instead of praying because “ it’s the right thing to do”, or “ because it’s good for your self discipline” or “ because you love God”, it’s pray out of fear of this muthaf**a over here..Yeah..that’s gonna get you into heaven..This leads me to the idea that alot people serve a weak a$$ God..Y’all don’t even ride for him because of what he can do, you ride out of fear of what the so called devil can do..That’s blasphemy if I ever ceen it..Cee, I deal with Almighty God and can’t nobody f**k with him..He ain’t got no partners or no equals..He dwells in a realm of positive energy, and particles which are absent of charge are mere byproducts of his ever expansive creative nature..This is some food for thought for my people who get caught up on the “bad things” in life..Keep in mind, that unfavorable instances are waiting places..The only power the devil has is the power we project upon him/it..I remember one time I was in a car with these cats I know..One God named JC (Real powerful, from NC), this cat named Jamil and my man Omar..We were building on the reality of the devil and I explained that what is a devil to one man, may not be a devil to another..I used an example of a cigarette..At the time, they all smoked cigarettes, but I only smoked equality..I told them if I held a cigarette up and broke it in half each one of them would feel some type of way about it..But I wouldn’t care at all because I don’t project value onto cigarettes..The cigarette itself has no power over them, however they have a fondness for the cigarette which they use to justify the damage that it does to them..this is called “liking the devil because the devil gives you nothing”..Another way to look at it is, in Christianity, God created the Angels out of light..Angels don’t have free will, they do their job and that’s it..They have no opinion..They may question but that’s simply because they don’t have any knowledge outside of their duty/nature .Lucifer is an Angel..He does a job, he has no bias either.Any power he has was bestowed upon him by God, hence it is nothing “in comparison to that of the Original man”..I conclusion, for all those people blaming Mr.YT /Shaitan/Satan/Lucifer for this or that, get in the f***kin game..Anything negative has no charge..It has no bearing in the world of reality, the only thing that registers is positivity..Now, add on..Peace..


Allah Universal said...


31*, 1-40...Great way to expound on that Lord...

Allah Universal

SV Allah said...

Peace Almighty,

I definitely see that wisdom paricularly in the understanding god degree which states that Allah is just and true and there is no unrighteousness in him...allah self well as the understanding build degree in that god made the devil to show forth HIS power...that being the case, whatever power the devil manifests is power that WE give him and said power is not so much evil as it is lacking in righteousness (emphasis on thr root word right)because it represents a source of wrong mental food.


Christian6r33n3 said...

Beautiful thesis. Napolean Dynamite'e Interview with the Devil compliments this work very much.