Thursday, March 5, 2009

Peace. On my way home yesterday my Queen texted a message saying that a 16 year old boy had gotten struck and killed by the Southbound subway train(at Susquehanna and Dauphin, if you're familiar). The story is, he had dropped his phone in the tracks and jumped down to get it. A phone, fam. A phone that was so important to him, he's NEVER gonna use it again..Ain't that some s**t? The story reminded me of an incident I witnessed while boarding the same subway line at Erie station. A man was running to catch the soon-to-depart train that I was riding. By the time he was close enough to the train the doors had begun to close, but before they shut completely he had placed his leg between them to prop them open for his entry. Normally, the door's sensor would detect being ajar and open back up,giving him the opportunity to board;however, this was not the case. The doors remained shut on his now trapped leg. Once realizing his predicament, he pulled backward to which set the doors snugly on his ankle. Seeing he trapped people rung the train's emergency bell several times, but no one responded and the train began moving. The man had turned his back toward the doors/windows, then fell forward from the force of the train pulling him. His body swung in a pendulum like motion as his head struck each pillar atop the subway platform. I clearly remember his 76ers Varsity type jacket and hoping the first blow killed him or knocked him unconscious so he didn't have to knowingly experience the horror that was occurring. The train did not stop until we got to the next stop (Allegheny, at which time we were directed to exit the train and catch the street level Broad Street Line. From that day I really had an epiphany in regard to the value of life, in conjunction with the human ego. I deduced that if only the guy would've thought for one second that there would be another train coming shortly, he would still be alive. He was in a rush and figured where he had to be was so important that he didn't want to get there..ever again..I know he didn't figure that exactly, yet when we rush and not think about the full scope of variables this is silently what we suggest. In all the history of Islam never revealed anyone coming back from a physical death. There ain't no "up-up,down-down,left-right,left-right, b-a,b-a, select-start" to this life s**t (throwback!!)You got one man and you gotta make it count. Don't waste it playing "Frogger" on Broad Street. Life is not formal, we don't get a memo in the morning saying "Peace. Today, someone will hit your car and you will be 2 hrs late to work, which will cause and argument with your Supervisor resulting in yor termination." Sheeeeiiit..With that said, we must always take time to reflect on situations to take the best part for self..The mind travels at a rate that is so fast that only another mind can detect it. Nowadays, the only thing we probably have left for is thinking..Do some, it could mean the difference between life and death..Peace.

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