Friday, March 20, 2009

Magnetic (Truth/Square)

The funny thing about magnetic is it is not a product of will. It is a result of composition/constitution(note: I did not specify forms of composition). The attraction may be due to similar elements of composition shared between two people (like water constantly moving toward itself) or it may be complimentary differences of elemental composition The magnetic of man differs from that of inanimate object, in the fact that man has control over himself. So he can decide how he chooses to respond to attraction. Inanimate objects are subject to the magnetic of any more powerful object. With all of that said you cannot choose who is susceptible to your magnetic field. Nor can you choose whose field you want to be susceptible. Composition dictates the energetic reaction between you and discretion will be the means of whether to move toward or away from the source of magnetism. Truth Is Supreme Light Allah Manifest (through irresistible) Magnetic. This is my name. This is who I am. Not because it sounds cool or interesting, either. I've always been magnetic, even when my name was Born Supreme, even before that. In retrospect, I cee that I've hurt plenty of people from not understanding my magnetic or the responsibility of influence regarding it. There are a few things that I've learned that I would like to share. Enjoy!!

-There is no such thing as low-key or low profile magnetic. People WILL notice you
and it's usually the people whom you would like to avoid that will notice you first and foremost. (Namely people of the opposite sex whom you would never entertain any interaction with)
-Magnetic is not good in Corporate America. Corporate America = 85-90 % women=nosiness, gossip and attention whoring. If you are a man with the magnetic they're gonna want attention from you. If you are a woman, they are going to want to take the attention away from you.
**On a business note -the whole premise of Corporate America is assimilation/ant colony idealism..Magnetic makes you an individual-this is frowned upon (see The Matrix..Mr Anderson..). However, if you have your own business Magnetic works wonders..I guess since it derives from self it can only truly aid self (it's non transferable.non-negotiable)**
-Magnetic makes you a minority. Watch TV, read magazines and you'll notice that there are certain characteristics that everyone agrees are attractive, yet there are only a few people who possess these attributes. Welcome!
-Magnetic makes you funnier than most people (oddly enough, it's usually when you're NOT joking at all)
-The people drawn to your magnetic usually will harbor disdain for the people whom you are drawn to..
- Be mindful that you will attract alot of different types of people, however some ciphers DO NOT intermingle. Just because you have a relationship with two people doesn't mean they can or should have a relationship with each other.

Of course there are plenty more and a whole heap that I probably haven't experienced yet, I'm sure. Bottom line-Magnetic=The Truth=The Square and you can be cradled in the safety of its angles or be impaled by one of the four points outside of it. Sometimes wisdom (the way) permeates beyond a word or an action in a cipher. It is often how you simply "be" sparks the nuclear reaction. Peace.