Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inside the mind of a six year old Tislam Magnetic

This is some of the stuff I remember from being a young boah in Now Why, ride with me real quick...

I remember....

Spearmint Now & Laters (I know it prolly sounds nasty to some, but they were actually good)

Free lunch in the summer (usually from a nearby public school)

Fresh Air Fund (My sister went here for summer camp..Never heard of it when I came to Philly)

Roos (sneakers with the little pockets that you could NOT retrieve money from, but you continued to put money in them)

Food stamps

Halloween with either no costume or just a mask

Eating raw franks (hot dogs)

Tucking towels in my t-shirt as a make-shift cape to play super-hero

Barney Miller ( I don't really remember the show, just how it came on, which translated into bed time for me and my sister..I pretty much hated Barney Miller)

Everybody had a velvet picture of a black woman with an afro or the black man helping the other black man climb up the wall (these pictures subsequently got replaced by a bunch of horses in a field or some sh*t)

Everybody had extra large wooden dinnerware hanging on their walls (usually adorning the outsides of the above mentioned velvet picture)

V bombers (leather bomber jacket with stitching in the shape of a letter V)

That nasty a** pink medicine that had to be kept in the refrigerator

That nasty a** yellow cough syrup that was in the brown bottle in the medicine cabinet

Trying to break the locks on the candy factory

Never suceeding in breaking said locks at the candy factory

Soap Operas were called "The Stories"

Blaming "the Stories" when I got caught freaking the girl who lived downstairs

Singing in a whiffle ball bat pretending I was performing on a stage

Pretening my little boombox was a teleporter and the volume and tuning knobs designated the time and place coordinates of my destination (My peoples must've been on that good good when they made me right?)

Beef Sizzlean and pancakes with that dark Karo syrup

My Dad taking me to the weed spot with him

Weed used to come in gold envelopes (a LOT of it)

Using the oven to heat the crib

My sister had her own room but couldn't sleep in it because it was so cold and moist mold was growing on the walls

My Dad cutting my hair and always giving me an arrow part

Pill grinders, white powder and a triple beam on the kitchen table

Slave's album cover with the stone-boulder looking man on it

Watching the debut of Michael Jackson Thriller at my next door neighbor's house

Little League Baseball caps

A bird sh*tted on my fresh red Little League Baseball cap

Getting wet in the Johnny Pump (fire hydrant)during the summer

Being dressed like a vacuum cleaner salesmen for the first day of school

Dimes in my penny loafers

My Incredible Hulk watch (my mojo was in that watch, which got broke every bit of the first day I wore it to PS whatchamacallit)

There you have it folks..some tidbits from the life and times. This is took me back fam , I can't even front. As poor as we were and as bad as things may have been, these were probably some of the happiest times of my life.I appreciate y'all accompanying me down memory lane. Peace.


Emblem said...

And let the memories flood on. Thing I remember about North Power Hill is running up in the Chinese poison food pit,hollering through the bullet proof glass,"give me a cheesesteak wit fried onions, salt, pepper, ketchup and a Pepsi." When I moved to Medina they was fascinated how I use to say 'boah'!
Dug this blog Allah

Steez said...

lol spearmint now and laters aka nahlaters? that sounds crazy. but i can see how it was prolly good. i used to sing into the vaccum myself release the little thing so i could take it down to the floor when i hit the high note. i feel you man, being poor like that was somehow liberating. innocent too. now kids got grown up toys that give them grown up problems. us? how much trouble could we get into with a paper towel roll(telescope) and our imagination?

SV Allah said...

Peace Almighty,

Similar memories from my childhood in C-Medina:

-me and my younger physical hoppin' the back of the bus so we could use the carfare for candy money

-the public school kids cursin' at us and chasin' us because we went to a catholic school that was smack dab in the middle of the hood

-cats gettin' jumped and robbed for their starter jackets and or Jordans

-grilled cheese made with gov't cheese

-me and my physical sneakin' and drinkin' hersey's chocolate syrup straight out the

SV Allah

Allah Universal said...

...dirt bike with the mag wheels...

...runnin' into a concrete light pole tryn' to inline skate... Ol' Earth saying you can play from this corner to that corner & sneakin' off on said dirt bike soon as she turned her back or left...

...mystery flavor now n laters, with the candy cigarettes...

...Tops papers & contact highs whenever my uncles came over to play cards...

...gettin' robbed for my Georgetown starter jacket (twice) & gettin' it back the same day (twice)...

...knowing where to straighten your hat by the Lit on the walls...

...settin' the metal trash cans on fire to see how long it took the fire truck to come (some of 'em went out on they own it took so long)...

...kickball & fights over out or inbounds...

...playin' dodge ball wit a basketball (damn that used to hurt!)... fourth grade teacher failing me in spelling, cause her drunk ass forgot had me giving the test!...

...the same teacher's favorite line: "Do my breath stink?"...

...arguing over whether a quarter past 3 meant 3:15 or 3:25...

Funny days in that Koran...I wouldn't change a thing...
