Friday, February 27, 2009

My committee and I were talking about a recent cop’s death by the gun of a young man in an attempt to serve a warrant. Here in Philly, we have been experiencing an extreme increase of police officers being murdered. Now, I have my own personal views in regard to the common folk/occupying army (police) dynamic. I’m writing today to draw a parallel of equality in regard to the current mayor of my fine city, a Mr. Potato-Head looking, nasal-voiced twit by the name of Michael Nutter. I am normally not into politics, community level or otherwise, yet I paid attention to when Nutter was running for office and he devised strategy to address our growing crime rate. One of the first provisions he enacted open being elected mayor was to institute “Safe Stops”, which afforded police officers the authority to stop and search anybody who looked “suspicious”. Sounds like “profiling”, right? Needless to say, since then we’ve had at least to cops killed or shot every two months or so. It’s sad because you got young boahs thinking they’re getting a respectable job in law enforcement being sent as cannon-fodder to young boahs who have less than nothing to lose AND are eager to be known as cold killers. Also, to combat the abundance of illegal guns on the streets we proposed a bill for stricter gun laws-such as, a person is only allowed to buy one gun a month. Now, I don’t have a problem with this outright, who needs to buy tons of guns at one time unless you’re an arms dealer? My problem is with the perspective behind the bill, simply because the average murder is not committed with a legal firearm. So, in essence the bill is restricting the common man from protecting himself, while the criminal retains access to the already available illegal gun. In addition to that, the latest talk is how the city’s budget is way over extended. Mr..Potato-Head devises the idea to terminate certain city programs to maintain and circumvent funds to more important faculties. For example, he began shutting down library branches through out the city in order to continue the Mummers parade (a Philadelphian traditional parade festival of highly decorated costumed performers). Considering what the Mummers mean to the city itself it is safe to say that people and businesses would donate their own funds to keep the Mummers parading, he didn’t have to cut the libraries, the LIBRARIES, dog? I guess he figures, it ain’t gonna affect his daughter, f**k it! Let me also add that during the celebration of his election he was shown on the news on a stage performing “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang. I couldn’t help be feel like he was coonin’, especially when I consider that “Rapper’s Delight” was considered the first major Hip Hop sell out move to the imperialist corporation. Life is not without a sense of humor. Then a couple months later into his term he shuts City Hall down completely so that he and his staff can watch “The Wire”. On the surface, people thinking “How cool is he? He gave everybody a break to watch “The Wire” season premiere.” Not too cool, the streets outside City Hall were bubbling with violence and mayhem. Guess he’s truly a n**a at heart, huh? Seeking an escape from the reality in front of him, which is scarily the same fantasy he’s enjoyably immersed in. I’m not blaming Nutter for the state of the city, just voicing my opinion on his methods. Through his decisions you can see that it’s just a job to him. He doesn’t have to walk through the blood filled gutters that some of his ill advised actions are perpetuating. It’s crazy because the only candidate I really felt was Chaka Fattah. Even though there was a visible angst spewed at him during every debate, he at least showed a genuine concern for our city. He also has a lot of grassroots experience from his councilman days. Yet, I guess there was a plan already set in motion considering how he was never allowed to answer a question without an interruption, plus the way the media portrayed his image to the public as villainous or having opinions about Nutter. Fattah called a spade an “uncle” and I can’t fault him for it. Now we have to deal with the aftermath…

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