Thursday, February 26, 2009

Racism pondered

Today’s mathematics being wisdom- equality I want to build on one of the most infamous ways of the devil-something called “Racism”. Racism is a system of subjugation in every area of living (education, employment, politics, war, economics, religion, etc). It is a power system that affords one people the ability to halt the accomplishments and livelihood of another people based on race alone. So, by definition, Original people (at least in North America) cannot be racist. They can be prejudice (an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason) and many of us are. Yet, we do not have the position of power to stop anybody of another race from going to a certain school, working at a specific place or living in a certain neighborhood. This is reserved solely for Colored people in the wilderness of North America, which brings me to the term “reverse racism”. This is a term used to describe Original people who have voiced their preference of separation from or intolerance of Colored people. It is most amusing as “reverse” suggests it is going in a backwards direction, insinuating that proper racism (?) is directed FROM white people TO non-white people. With all of that said, I am under the impression that a Colored/White person cannot suggest or define a statement or action as racist or non-racist. The reason for my conclusion is due to the concept regarding every other form of harassment-it is not what a person meant by the action that makes it offensive, but simply how it was received. So, ironically enough, that is one aspect of power that is not afforded to a racist –the determination of what is or is not racist.

Phonetically we see “race” as the root word in “Racism”, which reminds me of the pursuit of a savage. The projection of the “race” concept is a savage pursuit of the devil to have us chasing a societal goal (gold) that will never be achieved (received-Did they receive the gold?). Especially, when based upon your ethnicity the devil has crafted “rules and regulations” to keep us apart from his social equality (life, liberty and the American way). Have you ever realized that when you fill out a job application, all the information is allegedly used to determine your qualification; however, this qualification process is essentially a form of discrimination. Now, of course all discrimination/qualification is not negatively charged-yet, the intention behind the examining eye is ultimately the deciding factor. So, we come together under our own ideals of Freedom, Justice and Equality. We establish our own values in the face of what “society” deems acceptable/successful. We invest in ourselves and demand our worth, which is evident in our infinite abyss of creativity and ingenuity. Our Koran shows that we’ve accomplished so much, so far that in all actuality we are too far ahead to “race”. Knowing all of this, I still get a kick out of the different manifestations of racism shown today, be it the New York Post cartoon, Sean Bell’s murder, or the phrase “you people”. I’m far from desensitized to it, yet the ignorance is still funny in a boo-hoo kinda way.

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