Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peace.. This was something else I drew up recently regarding power/refinement..I shared it with some in my cipher, willfully y'all will enjoy it too..

Power is force or strength,refinement is the improving, heightening or bettering of something

(refinement observed by fragment)

re- again (can also mean backward) ie;return

fine-superior, best quality

ment-action or resulting state---return to a superior quality state

power/refinement is the culmination of strength through a process of purification
to achieve ones true power we often must delve into realms that are not very becoming. We must come to grips(embrace) with things that are not pretty or easily acceptable, however they are usually the most necessary lessons in life.
the process of bringing lost to found, man to God is arduous. One cannot appraise the value of their entire life journey based on one moment, if they did there wouldn't be much to live for because the favorable moments in life are far exceeded by the humdrum and unfavorable. However, it is how we maintain in the humdrum or how we rise amidst the unfavorable that give way to the strength that lay within us..

Power refinement is like the digestive process…if we saw the food we eat breaking down to become nutrition we would most likely toss our cookies…However, the result of that process is the juice for living itself. And after the best part is taken out of this food, we ALWAYS have some s**t left over…and some s**t is easier to get rid of then other s**t..but in the end, it all has to GO. All of this is a part of the power/refinement dynamic…from the rooter to the tooter, you can tell if something is any good for your state after you have passed it(LOL)…And you’re always better off from there. Anybody who says different is full of s**t!!!

*** Some may be thinking "it's not the fifth! The God is not right and exact building on power/refinement today"LOL!!!--I really hope y'all don't think this way, yet God is merciful-so I will entertain the ignorance for a moment. First, grow the f**k up. Secondly, my lessons deal with "Nowaday" and whenever I learn something regardless to what the day's math is, I may share it.Imagine, how many more trillions would be lost waiting for the Power/refinement day to come back around to build on something you drew up about it on the God day? Thirdly you could actually cee the day's degree even clearer on the following day. Try it you might like it.***

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