Saturday, February 14, 2009

interorientation is NOT a word

Peace. I always listen to the A.S.I.A. Talk Gabcast and I was thinking about Episode Equality-God when the Emblem, Born and Maternal were discussing variations in lessons, namely the wisdom build/destroy in the knowledge to understanding equality. As stated in one of my previosu blogs, I got lessons from my Enlightener as well as my biological father. There were various differences in both sets of 120, however they both had "interorientation" in the wisdom build/destroy degree. Now, I'm no literary genius(as you can prolly tell), yet I always knew that this was not an actual grammatical term. On the same token, by definition what is implied by both words "inter" and "orientation" make sense--HOWEVER, it is NOT a word. I have also been toe to toe with Gods who argue that "she" isn't or shouldn't be in the build/destroy degree in the knowledge to culture cipher, because "all that above is caused by " him, not her (The problem with that is my degee says "she" and as hard as I worked to know them, ain't NOBODY gonna tell me otherwise.Not that i'm above correction, I just know what MINE says). I've even seen the knowledge degree in the knowledge to culture cipher say "The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the Original people who is Allah". My decision in regard to the different lessons was to make my foundation with what had came from my then Enlightener (interorientation included). Here lies my conundrum, not only do I have two additional auxilliary sets of 120 revolving in my mental harddrive, I'm find my self entertaining the idea of my tree having a mixed, diluted and tampered with root. What I mean is, if I were to take it upon myself to fashion lessons without the "errors", would that be grafting? Are my lessons "grafted" already because of said "errors"? I usually don't really spend much time on this, however that knowledge degree in the knoweldge to culture cipher echos in my head "the Nation of Islam is all wise and does everything right and exact"!! So,where was the ball dropped? Was it "at the date of "that writing? Or is it now, that I cee something questionable and did not act upon correcting it? Some food for thought for the moment...What's ya angle on that?


usupreme said...

Peace Almighty, I'm glad you brought it up. I feel this topic is one of, if not the main obstacle that hinders our progression as a nation. I love this nation because we have some of the most intelligent(and some of the not so intelligent)brothas and sistas in the universe. I knew/know that change for the original people is going to come from the power(influence) of the 5%whether they're in the NGE or not. But we keep bickering over whose lessons are grafted or not,what the Father did, said or condoned or what he did not. I don't take nothing, NOTHING on face value. One person says this, another person says that. Following even what an enlightner says you might as well be following a religion. Not to diminish the significance of an enlightner. But you the student can't ever be better than the teacher if the follow. Time changes and the student has access to material and understanding that the teacher didn't at his time of understanding. The parent wants the child to be better than they were. I view everything thru the science of life. Before I knowledged the nation, if I read the bible or any ancient text, I filter it thru the science of everything. What fits fit, what was b.s. I discarded. If on face value it didn't fit reality, I saw if it could be metaphorically interpreted as something else. If the Father rolled dice, smoke weed, or whatever, I don't promote that just because he did it. That's what religious people do with their respective idols. I say that to say this, just because ones lessons vary from anothers, as long as it fits reality, the science of life, and one gains an understanding that betters their personal life as well as between each other than why beef over it. Ego? My lessons are better than yours? Even it you had a recording of the Father saying it, if it doesn't fit the science of life, it doesn't fit. He knew what he knew at that point in time. Who's to say his views wouldn't differ had he lived longer. I thank and respect the Father for building this nation, but don't mistify him. He was flesh and blood just like you and me. If you say the slice was 4/8th and I say it was 3/6th, lets come to an understanding of 1/2. As long as the math was correct to begin with, then we should be able to build. Should we or oneself make corrections.I think that's a personal choice. Would that be grafting. Not if the original understanding, it's purpose isn't distorted. Grafting is like getting the minerals that you would get from a banana and apple in a pill. But if you mixed an apple and a banana in a blender, the original understanding would not be distorted. It wouldn't be considered "holy" because it's mixed, but it's not grafted. Yet would we make corrections on a letter written by a great great grandparent. As long as we gain the understanding from it, that's what matters. That's how I cee it. Peace

I Victory said...

Peace God.

This is a very interesting topic which I'm sure will not be going away anytime soon.

I agree with the what the God USupreme stated in his comment, at the end of the day it's ultimately the understanding that one gains from the lessons (which ever version that may be) and their application and internalization in reality that makes the biggest difference and is of highest importance.

I also agree with what the God said in regards to the question as to whether one wants to make corrections of it being a personal choice for each individual. Once again, ultimately it is the final result (understanding) that is of importance and my personal take on it is if correcting your lessons will help you reach your proper understanding then that should be seen as a positive action and should not be frowned upon.

So then the questions become: Who and What constitutes the "proper understanding"? How does one go about accurately "correcting" or fixing these errors? What will be the baseline upon which the errors are evaluated? Which set of Lessons will be considered the "right and exact" version?

And as USupreme stated, Ego unfortunately and usually gets in the mix and causes a discussion like this to take the wrong path and loses it's value once it becomes a pissing contest over who's lessons are better.

As you noted and was likewise noted in the said gabcast episode, different trees have different versions of the lessons.

Due to the means and manners by which the Lessons were initially circulated there will inheirently be inconsistencies in versions amongst groups.

What I've noticed is that there are pro's and con's to this very situation. On the one hand it has led to a diversity in how we see things and has almost in a way given certain trees certain flavors so to speak on how the Lessons are interpreted, but on the other hand, I can see how this can be a negative in that it definitely makes it harder to communicate between parties if the definitions of the common words and terms used have different meanings between parties. Now imagine how much more difficult it will be if we are using actual different words.

To me personally, I do see a difference in what I take from the degree when it says "interorientation" verses "interpretation". Mine has always said interpretation so when I heard others used interorientation I found this strange and can't front seemed erroneous to self. But if one gets out of the degree what is needed and it works for them who am I to say what is wrong and what is right?

So what are we to do? Will this issue ever be resolved on a universal level? Is there even a need to have this issue resolved on a universal level? I am not one qualified enough to answer these questions.

I know what actions I personally took to "correct" the errors in my lessons but am fairly certain this wouldn't go over well with the masses or general consensus. But, it's working for me so...

Again you have certainly raised an important and controversial issue which I would love to see further discussed and would love to see others angle on the issue.

Peace God.

SV Allah said...

Peace Almighty,

In an effort not to repeat what the other Gods have already stated, I will some up my understanding with the corresponding degree in the 1-14 and say that as long as you take the best part, which is idea or principle that the degree embodies, then it really doesn't matter all that much if a word here or there is different in your lessons. We have to remember that when this math was originally manifested it was taught at 1,120 ft per second from mouth to mind, and the Gods weren't giving out written copies of knowledge wisdom cipher. So as it traveled from the root of civilization in Mecca, and began to spread throughout this willderness of North America, naturally the verbiage was inclined to change somewhat with brothers teaching from the top of their heads.

That being the case I don't really concern myself too much with it because there are probably grammatical errors, (literal)mathematical errors, or some sort of errors in everyone's lessons. Bottom line is mind detect mind and it's not hard to tell who knows the lessons that they were taught and who doesn't. 120 is like water Lord in that whether it's ice, small round drops in form, or in a light and fluffy form it's still water so if the thirst for knowledge is/was quenched by the form that your family tree made born to you then it's peace.

SV Allah

tislammagnetic said...

Peace to the Gods!! I appreciate y'all adding on..Each one of you cosigned the same underlying principle that I had instituted a long while sgo in regard to this matter. I actually think the erros are an easier way to actually trace your lineage in regard to the travels of said lessons themselves, sort of another way to negate believing we are all "different", feel me? i also feel like I have a learning curve so to speak by having different versions in my third. Thanks again for your angles! Peace.

Anonymous said...

Peace my understanding the proper word in the wisdom build degree in the knowledge to understanding equality is interpolation...which is a term with actual mathematical application b.u.t also has a definition of basically inserting a new or unknown element into a situation(equation,text,etc...)which i cee as basically saying that the trader through his self styled wisdom put some shit the game....
My first copy of 120 also had that "interorentation" in it and although i knew and understood it wasn't a word i had ever heard in my 16 years(at the time) i still ran with it until i was peeping another gods lessons and saw that his said "interpolation" which caused me to do the knowledge with the dictionary and come across the said word "interpolation" which fit the formula perfectly in my it's well known the Father slightly altered and divinely prepared the lessons when he bought them from the temple to the street so it can be argued that he himself "grafted" them.....i wouldn't be the one to make that argument though...i was just playing "devils" advocate
All in all?
Mixed though some lessons may long as the original understanding isn't diluted...the best part(The Supreme Mind of Allah) can never truly be tampered with...
Majestic Allah

Unknown said...

I know I may be a little late yet better late than never. I'll keep it brief. I my self have fashioned my 120 to my own understanding and teach from its original state in which I got it. Any corrections I have made I pass down with the reason why I have made certain corrections. For example The 23rd degree in the 1-40
Tell us what did he promise his people he would do. I have changed it to What did he promise his people he would do? Why? Because the first one is not a question it is more of a command. If I say tell me how the devil is made I am asking you to tell me not asking a question. If I say how is the devil made? That is a question. Just to be clear that's the 30th degree in the 1-40 and It states
Tell us what and how the devil is made. To me that never really made a lot of since. If you take out the how then you would just have.
Tells us what the devil is made. Does not sound right at all. Take out the what and you tell us how the devil is made. Sounds a lot better yet is still now a question. How is the devil made? Now there is a question the 40th degree tells us that this body of lessons contain 40 questions in which Elijah answered. And that's why I changed mine to questions yet they are not grafted diluted or tampered with. Elevations of ones self requires change with out change there can not be progress the knowledge degree in the 1-40 shows and proves that. If the times didn't change you would not be able to renew any thing which is only to add on in order to keep the cipher going. Change is why there is no end. If you mental did not change its way of thinking you would not serve a purpose in your own growth and development. Look at those people who are grown and still have the mind of children their understanding is that of a child so other have to help them and they are un able to stand on their own two feet firmly their mental growth has come to an end. So every thing must change. My understanding of 120 changes almost on a daily due to the fact I see and cee different as I live it out. For example Planet are some thing that is made or grown from the beginning. Yet the beginning of what. Now that the born degree and borns means to bring into existence our solar system consist of planet so I drew it up as it was the beginning of the original mans understanding. The original man has no birth record his mental or supreme intelligence is older that the sun moon and stars why because the sun moon and stars are his understanding of creation as are we I this physical form with that In say peace Supreme victory get at me ! peace.
Prince Shaliek Powerful God Allah

Unknown said...

Peace, interorientation is Word or rather was a word in use around the time that lesson was written. You must understand that every year dictionaries such as Webster publish a new Unabridged dictionary in which they delete words and terms and add new ones. So if you really want to find the word interorientation find an Unabridged Dictionary from the same year or the year before that lesson was written

Unknown said...

Peace, interorientation is Word or rather was a word in use around the time that lesson was written. You must understand that every year dictionaries such as Webster publish a new Unabridged dictionary in which they delete words and terms and add new ones. So if you really want to find the word interorientation find an Unabridged Dictionary from the same year or the year before that lesson was written

Unknown said...

PEACE To The Nation! I Was Also Taught To Get An Unabridged Dictionary of That Year... Also To Break The Word Down... Inter-Orientaion... Inter- Means to Place(a dead body) In A Grave or Tomb; Bury... And/Or To Put Into The Earth... Orientation- Means An Introduction, as To Guide One In Adjusting To New Surroundings, Employment, Activity, or The Like... I Draw It Up As, My Uncle Was Fooled By The Traitor To Be Introduced To A New Land To Be Mentally and Physically Put In The Grave During/After They Served Their "Purpose" In Which They Were Initially Fooled For...

Unknown said...

Also An Interpretation Is An Understanding One Comes To After Receiving Information... The Traitor Gave An Interorientation and My Uncle Interpreted It... PEACE!

Unknown said...

Peace Gods 120 degrees is right and exact however many God and Earths alike just can't show and prove it or don't have the True understanding... Now if u you don't know or doubt me I can be reached at 570- 880- 1174 ask me anything about 120 its geographic locals numerology however b4 we even build on 120 we must go thru who is the Original man? Till How far is pluto and the Build or Destroy in Allah's Freedom Cipher as my Father Almighty gave it u cannot make an error quoting. That particular lessons WORD IS LIFE...The True and living God... FATHER SHA-BORN E. G. ALLAH