Peace. I may not remember a thing that I did yesterday, yet I remember EVERYTHING from when I was a child. I say that to emphasize how much we as adults must be more cautious as to what we subject our children to. The child’s learning process is by absorption; there is no filter of what to soak in and what not to soak in. So everything they see or hear gets taken into the memory banks. We must be mindful not to psychologically pollute our children by exposing them to things that are destructive because we think “They don’t know what it is” or “they’re so young, they won’t remember this”, how wrong indeed. I’ll be frank, I’ve seen a lot of wild things as a child, and although I didn’t know the scientific term for the events or activities, they still impressed upon me and had a substantial effect on my person. Not to mention the feeling associated with seeing certain things (kinda like when little boys get defensive when men try to approach their mother, its instinctual). Not until I was fully grown with a family of my own did I realize that I harbored resentment toward my parents for certain things. The day came when I had to present my angle to them and I was hit with excuses. Now, I am well aware that every generation of our Original Nation in this wilderness of North America has been at WAR!! The foundational systems of this society are against our very nature and attack us on every level. I know this. The reality of it is there is NO room for excuses. If the adults have excuses of why they dropped the ball, then what’s the child’s excuse, the adults? No, we can’t adopt this mind-state because that would create the same circle of victims that we have before us today. Everybody pointing the finger, but no one is stepping up to the plate. There is NO room for excuses on anyone’s part. There is only ownership. Adulthood proceeds in stages, so you can change the things you do as an adult, however we only have one childhood and we are totally at the mercy of those around us at that volatile time. Today, I can own the crazy childhood I had. It’s the only one I know. I can’t reject the bad things that occurred without rejecting the good things as well. Like Freedum said “The child I was, made me the man I am today”. I reflect upon my history, examine it, evaluate the factors and learn from it. My experience aids me in guiding my seeds nowaday (wisdom-understanding).
On another note-I was just thinking about a conversation I had with a woman at my old justice-cipher-born. She was saying how guys today ain’t worth s**t because their fathers weren’t around. I gave it some though and I had to disagree. I take it to 10/1-40 (Who is that mystery God?). You cannot blame a person who is not present for things that occur. It is the person who IS present that has all of the responsibility and ability to mold and shape the mind of the child. So if ya man ain’t s**t, and his Dad wasn’t around you gotta wonder what his Mom was doing-because she WAS around and this is the half of a a$$hole that she produced. I was primarily raised by my Ol Earth and if there is anything respectable or productive in me-SHE nurtured those values and instilled in me an idea of how to maintain self. She could’ve easily destroyed the best part of me in spite of my Ol Dad. However, she took it upon herself to strive to make me something better, even in her lowest moments.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Family Affairs
Peace. I wanna go in on the concept of “family” real quick. One of the Gods once told me “The lowest form of family is physical family.” I can say today that I surely bear witness to that. There is a HUGE difference between being someone’s relative and being someone’s family. As it stands I have a handful of people that I am related to that I have a special bond with, while most of who I consider true family I do not share the same blood with. Some of these familial relationships I have built over time, while others have been instant , on some strictly “a-alike” s**t. For example, I have two brothers that were my mental combatants when we first met (Shout out to O and Ren).We were for the most part strangers, who would meet up everyday and debate for like a three month span (mostly about me coming in the direct name of Allah). What began as complete disagreement became a mutual respect and understanding. From the chaos of those strangers was born the peace of true family. An example of the latter would be a God named Rasheen Supreme (or Ra-Ra) and a God name Lord Siru...These brothers I met one time (separate occasions) and it seemed as though I knew them already. Anytime I saw the Gods there seemed to be an untold history that I was silently aware of with these brothers that I just could not put a finger on. I never took much time to examine it back then, we would just live it out...Ra Ra might’ve had 1-10, so we had more of a social equality amongst us. Me and Siru would walk together though, he was one of the youngest Gods to knowledge 120 at the time and his understanding was real peace. That’s not even a flash in the pan of the fam I have with me to this day, though. They are too many to name. Its wild cuz when things get thick there are very few relatives that I can call on to help me out, yet I got family that will be there in seconds flat, no rap. I want to take the time out to show some appreciation to them. ***EXTRA Shout out to Cee Allah Self. That’s my brother in tribulation and in the kingdom of patience. He’s a real genuine cat, which is rare these days. ***Peace.
Speaking of brothers IN tribulation, I called my man Salaam (formerly known as Infinite, the God who sparked me to the Nation who is currently a Sunni Muslim) about a week ago. When I finally got a hold of him on the power he, I went in “Will you set up home and wait for a mystery God to bring you food?” I was met with stuttering and stammering, then the eventual “Huh? Say again?” So I repeat the degree again, “WILL YOU SET UP HOME AND WAIT FOR A MYSTERY GOD TO BRING YOU FOOD??!!”…His reply was “Naw (pregnant pause).Why would I? (another pregnant pause). I’d starve!!” I said “Okay. Who is that mystery God?” He replied “I can’t call it. You care to answer it?” Of course, I quoted the remainder of the degree and he explained how it’s been so long, he doesn’t remember the verbatim (My Uncle does not talk his own language)...Now, I know what I did was antagonistic, however it was necessary...One, I consider this man to be my brother (love is love, near or far), so brothers HAVE to call brothers on they bullsh*t..Two, I wanted to see how deep the Sunni-ism goes with him. And what I gathered is, it’s nothing more than a shield for his filthy affairs. Anything involving a mystery God leaves room for a scapegoat- and that’s what he’s looking for. It was a weird moment altogether, like on one hand there was some short-lived enjoyment from revisiting degrees with an old companion, followed by sheer disappointment in seeing him become “Cipher” in “The Matrix” movie. I’m itching to call him again, yet I think we all know this time he ain’t gon’ pick up...
Speaking of brothers IN tribulation, I called my man Salaam (formerly known as Infinite, the God who sparked me to the Nation who is currently a Sunni Muslim) about a week ago. When I finally got a hold of him on the power he, I went in “Will you set up home and wait for a mystery God to bring you food?” I was met with stuttering and stammering, then the eventual “Huh? Say again?” So I repeat the degree again, “WILL YOU SET UP HOME AND WAIT FOR A MYSTERY GOD TO BRING YOU FOOD??!!”…His reply was “Naw (pregnant pause).Why would I? (another pregnant pause). I’d starve!!” I said “Okay. Who is that mystery God?” He replied “I can’t call it. You care to answer it?” Of course, I quoted the remainder of the degree and he explained how it’s been so long, he doesn’t remember the verbatim (My Uncle does not talk his own language)...Now, I know what I did was antagonistic, however it was necessary...One, I consider this man to be my brother (love is love, near or far), so brothers HAVE to call brothers on they bullsh*t..Two, I wanted to see how deep the Sunni-ism goes with him. And what I gathered is, it’s nothing more than a shield for his filthy affairs. Anything involving a mystery God leaves room for a scapegoat- and that’s what he’s looking for. It was a weird moment altogether, like on one hand there was some short-lived enjoyment from revisiting degrees with an old companion, followed by sheer disappointment in seeing him become “Cipher” in “The Matrix” movie. I’m itching to call him again, yet I think we all know this time he ain’t gon’ pick up...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Her name is Beloved..She loved him ever since he was “Born”. Legend has it that he approached her first..On a dreary, somewhat rainy day while walking from the corner store, he saw her..Walking toward him from the opposite direction.The rhythm in her stride was a silent symphony. He had knew of her from the neighborhood, but was never formally introduced..Now was the time, he thought to himself .The tension was thick enough to pave sidewalks. Every step was used to build up courage to speak the right words to her as the distance between them lessened until they stood face to face outside of the local playground gate. He spoke “Peace.”.This was the 90’s and his aim was to “get her number”, but she pulled out a six shooter and plugged three holes in his aspirations..Which was a rather confusing experience in itself, as everything about her said “yes” except her lips..Perhaps those inconsistencies cushioned the blow of rejection, because he survived and was able to pick up the shards of his machismo and continue forward. They remained cordial when amidst each other, however nothing transpired until sometime later..He was on the regional train line going to work and saw another familiar face on the train..A newly converted Muslima named Aminah. He and Aminah were from the same hood, so the updates of the “Ni**a News” began to unfold, until she flipped the entire tide of the convo with the infamous “Guess who likes you?”. He strategically avoided the game and responded “ Who?”. She said “My cousin!!”. Now, he had no clue who her cousin was at this point, but when she dropped the name it spun a whirlwind in his brain. Needless to say, Beloved is Aminah’s cousin. “Huh? That can’t be true, because I tried to get her number and she said no”, he explained. Aminah assured him that Beloved had been interested in him even before his attempt, yet she had her reasons of not wanting to engage him at the time. He immediately wrote down his beeper number (I SAID it was the 90’s, damn!) and gave it to Aminah. That night after he returned home from work he got a page with “777” after the number. He returned the call and it was Beloved. From that day forth they spent as much time as possible talking, walking, experiencing the forgotten art of genuinely learning each other. He would teach her his newly learned principles of Knowledge of Self and she would teach him Spanish. They would sit on her steps for hours and travel inner and outer worlds until it got too cold or too late for them to be out. In short, they grew up together. There was an intimacy that was shared between them that transcended sexuality, and both of them knew it. He would often have bouts with his hormones of whether or not to explore the physical aspects of their union, but he never really pursued it. At times it was tough, cause she was FINE, and he was certain that plenty of guys were tryna get at her, however he had to set himself apart from them..he had to provide something more..something else..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Build Our Righteous Nation
By studying these lessons I have seen the emergence of prolific orators, motivational catalysts, esteemed writers, fashion forward trendsetters, culinary masters, holistic healers, true to life scientists and many other leaders in every aspect of society. When we reach our hands into the space and begin molding this universe, we have the chance to stamp the Holy and Greatest Flag into minds for eternity. We must strive to be all wise and right and exact as not to leave the impression of that seven, star and crescent attached to anything unjust or untrue...this makes it all the more harder for the rest of the family in the case of reaching the uncivilized (They face value). It’s hard enough showing and proving just cause the masses are blind, deaf and dumb, it’s damn near impossible when you add bitterness because they had a run in with a lip professor or a jive pretender..
Beginning OR eNd
Being born is the beginning of one stage and the end of another, like when a child is born it begins a new life outside of the womb, by ending it’s maturation within the mother. Truthfully, it’s just one process with many different checkpoints along the way. For me, it was the beginning of my 9000 mile swim back home (my name was Born when I first got sparked) which ended my “search for trillions” for “that that does not exist”. We also know that the Nation of I Self Lord And Master has no beginning or end, which is also reflective of the law of conservation of energy (energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another), cosigning the aforementioned concept.
Born (Nine)
I also cee Born as the Supreme Mathematics themselves. I know, I know there are knowledge cipher units, but ride with me for a second... I cee the entire set of units from “wisdom to cipher” are the levels of maturity of knowledge itself... The cocoon that knowledge is incubated in as it evolves into greater manifestations of itself (born new ciphers). Some may even want to include knowledge into the stages and leave the cipher as a different plane of value or point of arrival. Either way it’s “Born”.
By studying these lessons I have seen the emergence of prolific orators, motivational catalysts, esteemed writers, fashion forward trendsetters, culinary masters, holistic healers, true to life scientists and many other leaders in every aspect of society. When we reach our hands into the space and begin molding this universe, we have the chance to stamp the Holy and Greatest Flag into minds for eternity. We must strive to be all wise and right and exact as not to leave the impression of that seven, star and crescent attached to anything unjust or untrue...this makes it all the more harder for the rest of the family in the case of reaching the uncivilized (They face value). It’s hard enough showing and proving just cause the masses are blind, deaf and dumb, it’s damn near impossible when you add bitterness because they had a run in with a lip professor or a jive pretender..
Beginning OR eNd
Being born is the beginning of one stage and the end of another, like when a child is born it begins a new life outside of the womb, by ending it’s maturation within the mother. Truthfully, it’s just one process with many different checkpoints along the way. For me, it was the beginning of my 9000 mile swim back home (my name was Born when I first got sparked) which ended my “search for trillions” for “that that does not exist”. We also know that the Nation of I Self Lord And Master has no beginning or end, which is also reflective of the law of conservation of energy (energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another), cosigning the aforementioned concept.
Born (Nine)
I also cee Born as the Supreme Mathematics themselves. I know, I know there are knowledge cipher units, but ride with me for a second... I cee the entire set of units from “wisdom to cipher” are the levels of maturity of knowledge itself... The cocoon that knowledge is incubated in as it evolves into greater manifestations of itself (born new ciphers). Some may even want to include knowledge into the stages and leave the cipher as a different plane of value or point of arrival. Either way it’s “Born”.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The quality of "E"

Equality means to be equal in everything..If I can acquire a home, you can acquire a home..If I can secure a means of currency, so can you..The definition of equality suggests that we all have equal potential to achieve..Some may even argue that said potential is infinite..The reality is some people are more qualified in some areas than others..The reality is each of us has spent time and effort honing some fields and skills more than others..The reality is time and space does not allow for the perfection of every practice that we would like to undertake..This is why we need each other...THIS is equality..The interdependent and mutual symbiotic relationship between two things. What I am capable of, does not supercede what another is capable of..The weight of our planet (6 sex tillion tons) is the same.
I also cee equality as being e-quality.. the "e" being the sixth letter of the alphabet. Our focus is actually on the number six itself, though. By design the number 6 details a travel from an elevated point downward into a lower sphere(cipher)..Many situations can land you in that lower sphere, being mastered by emotions is a notorious culprit. I cee emotions as mental investments of a sort, an intangible value projected upon a person, place or thing that causes one to experience a sense of loss or gain, "the invisible stock of self", so to speak. The travel into that lower sphere can be the result of emotional loss. I've also ceen people "trapped in six" because they were too emotionally invested in something they had no control over-I'm sure we know plenty of people who have walked this road.The illest part about being in that lower sphere is the self examinaton that can occur that will help springboard you to the next level. One could murder that devil in "no time" or in "one day".
Equality is something we deal with, not in..By dealing with it, it is used as a tool of trade and communication..When dealing in it, we can become submersed and build a "prison house" for ourselves,binding ourselves to a place, time or thing that has long passed. Peace.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Culture/Freedom....Introducing Uncle
Peace Y'all..In order to maintain my mental health and sanity I have decided to utilize an anonymous character named Uncle..Inspired by the English C lesson (1-36)..I will used "Uncle" to replace the name of any outright saddening, hilarious or sickening Destroy Power that i come across throughout my travels..Willfully, we will all learn from the antics of Uncle..I know I have.
Today’s degree is Culture/Freedom. ”My uncle does not talk his own language” ...Let me tell you a story about Fard’s uncle real quick...I used to work at Foot Locker at this mall called Willow Grove Park when I was younger. The mall was NOT in the urban environment at all. It was a good 45 min –hour bus ride to get out there. But I learned early on that most of the jobs are outside the city, so that’s where I’d go to find work. So, me and this other cat I’ll call “Uncle” was the only two Original men working there. I got the job on a walk in, asked for the manager and expressed my search for employment... The manager said he knew he wanted me there as soon as I came in, he could sense something about me. ”Uncle” was from out there in the county and got the job because he had worked there previously and had a rapport with the manager (Colored Man from West VA, with the all American good Ol boy mentality)...So, dig it, like any true and living, I build regardless to where I’m at. So, I would be dropping info on “Uncle” whenever we worked together, hoping to spark some thirst to “found” himself. He was on some “hip hop sh*t” and didn’t really internalize what I was borning to him outside of “Wu Tang” talk like that. The knowledge helped me, so I always strive to prescribe it to others whom I think it may help as well. So, after being around me for sometime the manager would tell me how “ He liked me a lot and digs how I got my sh*t together and hears how I talk and why don’t I teach the other cat some of the stuff that I know.” Now, this f**ked me up, the devil asking for God’s power to be shown forth (Understanding Build/Destroy ).Little did he know, I had been dropping jewels on “Uncle” the whole time, but “the devil planted fear in him when he was a little boy”.. He just wouldn’t absorb it, we would rather eat mushrooms with these half a$$ white boys from the area, who thought rockin FUBU made you official. (NOTE: ain’t nothing worse than a suburban kid tryna be ghetto)...So after the manager came with that, I went even harder at “Uncle”, told him stop runnin up behind these saltines, boot licking and letting them crack racial jokes at his expense. I told him they didn’t respect him for being no flunky and that he should do more to stand up as a man. Don’t you know this n***a went back and told them everything I said??!!!..That’s not even the worst part, the worst part is I’m thinking this n***a snitched on me, now I might get canned, nope..The devil manager came to me AGAIN and asked “Yo, Tiz, what’s up with your boy?…I thought you were gonna school him?.Why he don’t know the stuff you know? You need to pull his coat.” I just shook my head. This experience taught me a lot of different things. One, don’t answer a question that nobody asked. I presented info to “Uncle” that he was not interested in whatsoever. If a person has a question, they’ll ask it. If you have the answer, provide it. If they ask another question, repeat the steps. Don’t just open the whole book, when they just wanna know the author... I also learned the respect between enemies. The devil in there knew my stance on life, on him and on society and he respected it. Granted, his view was the complete opposite, however the logic is you’re supposed to love your people as much as I love mine. This is why they could come and do trading among us and we would not kill them as quick...On the other hand he did NOT respect “Uncle” at all...He would call him “Negro” and crack jokes about screwing his Mom and the whole twelve. Now, this relationship was most likely established before I was even in the picture. Either way, it wasn’t peace. “Uncle” did not talk his own language at all, yet the devil recognized his language when “his own self” didn’t. Crazy, right? Uncle...
Today’s degree is Culture/Freedom. ”My uncle does not talk his own language” ...Let me tell you a story about Fard’s uncle real quick...I used to work at Foot Locker at this mall called Willow Grove Park when I was younger. The mall was NOT in the urban environment at all. It was a good 45 min –hour bus ride to get out there. But I learned early on that most of the jobs are outside the city, so that’s where I’d go to find work. So, me and this other cat I’ll call “Uncle” was the only two Original men working there. I got the job on a walk in, asked for the manager and expressed my search for employment... The manager said he knew he wanted me there as soon as I came in, he could sense something about me. ”Uncle” was from out there in the county and got the job because he had worked there previously and had a rapport with the manager (Colored Man from West VA, with the all American good Ol boy mentality)...So, dig it, like any true and living, I build regardless to where I’m at. So, I would be dropping info on “Uncle” whenever we worked together, hoping to spark some thirst to “found” himself. He was on some “hip hop sh*t” and didn’t really internalize what I was borning to him outside of “Wu Tang” talk like that. The knowledge helped me, so I always strive to prescribe it to others whom I think it may help as well. So, after being around me for sometime the manager would tell me how “ He liked me a lot and digs how I got my sh*t together and hears how I talk and why don’t I teach the other cat some of the stuff that I know.” Now, this f**ked me up, the devil asking for God’s power to be shown forth (Understanding Build/Destroy ).Little did he know, I had been dropping jewels on “Uncle” the whole time, but “the devil planted fear in him when he was a little boy”.. He just wouldn’t absorb it, we would rather eat mushrooms with these half a$$ white boys from the area, who thought rockin FUBU made you official. (NOTE: ain’t nothing worse than a suburban kid tryna be ghetto)...So after the manager came with that, I went even harder at “Uncle”, told him stop runnin up behind these saltines, boot licking and letting them crack racial jokes at his expense. I told him they didn’t respect him for being no flunky and that he should do more to stand up as a man. Don’t you know this n***a went back and told them everything I said??!!!..That’s not even the worst part, the worst part is I’m thinking this n***a snitched on me, now I might get canned, nope..The devil manager came to me AGAIN and asked “Yo, Tiz, what’s up with your boy?…I thought you were gonna school him?.Why he don’t know the stuff you know? You need to pull his coat.” I just shook my head. This experience taught me a lot of different things. One, don’t answer a question that nobody asked. I presented info to “Uncle” that he was not interested in whatsoever. If a person has a question, they’ll ask it. If you have the answer, provide it. If they ask another question, repeat the steps. Don’t just open the whole book, when they just wanna know the author... I also learned the respect between enemies. The devil in there knew my stance on life, on him and on society and he respected it. Granted, his view was the complete opposite, however the logic is you’re supposed to love your people as much as I love mine. This is why they could come and do trading among us and we would not kill them as quick...On the other hand he did NOT respect “Uncle” at all...He would call him “Negro” and crack jokes about screwing his Mom and the whole twelve. Now, this relationship was most likely established before I was even in the picture. Either way, it wasn’t peace. “Uncle” did not talk his own language at all, yet the devil recognized his language when “his own self” didn’t. Crazy, right? Uncle...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
..only number 1 to every 11...
34. And can you reform devil?
Ans: No. All the prophets have tried to reform him, devil but were unable. So they agreed that it cannot be done unless they grafted him back into the Original man which takes 600 years.So instead of losing time we decided to take him off of the planet who only number 1 to every 11 Original man.
Can you change the destructive, loathsome characteristics of the ego/lower self? No. It must be taken off of the planet ie: murdered..1 is 1.1 percent of 11..I cee that one being the knowledge degree in the Student Enrollment(Who is the Original man?), I cee that 11 in the Supreme Alphabet is King/Kingdom..Alot of Gods get/got lost in that knowledge degree due to the new found esteem that comes with learning our divine nature and begin beating their chests as to how things should be cause Allah says “be” and it is, I know I did. However, us being the Original man is only 1.1 percent of being a King (a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people)..Hold fast to that for a moment, two things struck me when I recently studied that Understanding-Culture degree and deduced that 1.1 percent..The aspect of ego..One pointing at oneself with vanity and arrogance, screaming “I”, chest puffed up with the pride of being God..This is the devil that needs to be taken off our planet brothers..One point one..I also concluded that in order to properly take this devil off our planet, we must be a different 1.1 percent, we must be one pointing at oneself with ownership and responsibility, proclaiming “I” as the cause, chest solid awaiting any justice that may await us due to our actions as God. One point one.
I love this knowledge of self,man..Understanding is the checkpoint of our evolution as we spiral upward into what we were born to be..I love being able to look at something that I’ve had for sometime, and cee something completely fresh and new within it-positive energy activates constant elevation.
Ans: No. All the prophets have tried to reform him, devil but were unable. So they agreed that it cannot be done unless they grafted him back into the Original man which takes 600 years.So instead of losing time we decided to take him off of the planet who only number 1 to every 11 Original man.
Can you change the destructive, loathsome characteristics of the ego/lower self? No. It must be taken off of the planet ie: murdered..1 is 1.1 percent of 11..I cee that one being the knowledge degree in the Student Enrollment(Who is the Original man?), I cee that 11 in the Supreme Alphabet is King/Kingdom..Alot of Gods get/got lost in that knowledge degree due to the new found esteem that comes with learning our divine nature and begin beating their chests as to how things should be cause Allah says “be” and it is, I know I did. However, us being the Original man is only 1.1 percent of being a King (a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people)..Hold fast to that for a moment, two things struck me when I recently studied that Understanding-Culture degree and deduced that 1.1 percent..The aspect of ego..One pointing at oneself with vanity and arrogance, screaming “I”, chest puffed up with the pride of being God..This is the devil that needs to be taken off our planet brothers..One point one..I also concluded that in order to properly take this devil off our planet, we must be a different 1.1 percent, we must be one pointing at oneself with ownership and responsibility, proclaiming “I” as the cause, chest solid awaiting any justice that may await us due to our actions as God. One point one.
I love this knowledge of self,man..Understanding is the checkpoint of our evolution as we spiral upward into what we were born to be..I love being able to look at something that I’ve had for sometime, and cee something completely fresh and new within it-positive energy activates constant elevation.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Father.Why.I. (F.Y.I.)
Peace. When I first started this blog a sister sent me an email stating that she had some questions about why I use certain terms and phrases. She expressed that some of the things I say are rather exclusive and may lose the people who are not familiar with them. I want to take this time to provide those “unfamiliar” people with my reasoning behind blogging in the manner that I do. It’s simple. THIS IS HOW I TALK (cee Dave Chappelle as Samuel Jackson)! If one were to walk up on a casual conversation between me and my family, you will most likely hear us travel from 120 to the Bible to the Quran to Zen to Astrology to Chemistry to Sexuality to. Well, you get the point. During this casual conversation we would not stop to clue the unknowing on lookers in on what this word means, or what this phrase comes from or what book you could find said topic in. So, I blog in this manner to “teach it real”. To explain everything within the blog would lose more people than not, as the average person has a very short attention span anyway. Plus, as my brother Cee Allah Self put it “You get what you can get, and whatever you don’t get you weren’t qualified to get..yet”. In addition, I encourage anyone with a question to post a comment and I will get back as best I can. It would be easier to expound on the specific area of question, rather than presuming you know nothing and explaining everything. This has been another Public Service Announcement by the Almighty, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
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