Friday, February 27, 2009

My committee and I were talking about a recent cop’s death by the gun of a young man in an attempt to serve a warrant. Here in Philly, we have been experiencing an extreme increase of police officers being murdered. Now, I have my own personal views in regard to the common folk/occupying army (police) dynamic. I’m writing today to draw a parallel of equality in regard to the current mayor of my fine city, a Mr. Potato-Head looking, nasal-voiced twit by the name of Michael Nutter. I am normally not into politics, community level or otherwise, yet I paid attention to when Nutter was running for office and he devised strategy to address our growing crime rate. One of the first provisions he enacted open being elected mayor was to institute “Safe Stops”, which afforded police officers the authority to stop and search anybody who looked “suspicious”. Sounds like “profiling”, right? Needless to say, since then we’ve had at least to cops killed or shot every two months or so. It’s sad because you got young boahs thinking they’re getting a respectable job in law enforcement being sent as cannon-fodder to young boahs who have less than nothing to lose AND are eager to be known as cold killers. Also, to combat the abundance of illegal guns on the streets we proposed a bill for stricter gun laws-such as, a person is only allowed to buy one gun a month. Now, I don’t have a problem with this outright, who needs to buy tons of guns at one time unless you’re an arms dealer? My problem is with the perspective behind the bill, simply because the average murder is not committed with a legal firearm. So, in essence the bill is restricting the common man from protecting himself, while the criminal retains access to the already available illegal gun. In addition to that, the latest talk is how the city’s budget is way over extended. Mr..Potato-Head devises the idea to terminate certain city programs to maintain and circumvent funds to more important faculties. For example, he began shutting down library branches through out the city in order to continue the Mummers parade (a Philadelphian traditional parade festival of highly decorated costumed performers). Considering what the Mummers mean to the city itself it is safe to say that people and businesses would donate their own funds to keep the Mummers parading, he didn’t have to cut the libraries, the LIBRARIES, dog? I guess he figures, it ain’t gonna affect his daughter, f**k it! Let me also add that during the celebration of his election he was shown on the news on a stage performing “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang. I couldn’t help be feel like he was coonin’, especially when I consider that “Rapper’s Delight” was considered the first major Hip Hop sell out move to the imperialist corporation. Life is not without a sense of humor. Then a couple months later into his term he shuts City Hall down completely so that he and his staff can watch “The Wire”. On the surface, people thinking “How cool is he? He gave everybody a break to watch “The Wire” season premiere.” Not too cool, the streets outside City Hall were bubbling with violence and mayhem. Guess he’s truly a n**a at heart, huh? Seeking an escape from the reality in front of him, which is scarily the same fantasy he’s enjoyably immersed in. I’m not blaming Nutter for the state of the city, just voicing my opinion on his methods. Through his decisions you can see that it’s just a job to him. He doesn’t have to walk through the blood filled gutters that some of his ill advised actions are perpetuating. It’s crazy because the only candidate I really felt was Chaka Fattah. Even though there was a visible angst spewed at him during every debate, he at least showed a genuine concern for our city. He also has a lot of grassroots experience from his councilman days. Yet, I guess there was a plan already set in motion considering how he was never allowed to answer a question without an interruption, plus the way the media portrayed his image to the public as villainous or having opinions about Nutter. Fattah called a spade an “uncle” and I can’t fault him for it. Now we have to deal with the aftermath…

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Racism pondered

Today’s mathematics being wisdom- equality I want to build on one of the most infamous ways of the devil-something called “Racism”. Racism is a system of subjugation in every area of living (education, employment, politics, war, economics, religion, etc). It is a power system that affords one people the ability to halt the accomplishments and livelihood of another people based on race alone. So, by definition, Original people (at least in North America) cannot be racist. They can be prejudice (an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason) and many of us are. Yet, we do not have the position of power to stop anybody of another race from going to a certain school, working at a specific place or living in a certain neighborhood. This is reserved solely for Colored people in the wilderness of North America, which brings me to the term “reverse racism”. This is a term used to describe Original people who have voiced their preference of separation from or intolerance of Colored people. It is most amusing as “reverse” suggests it is going in a backwards direction, insinuating that proper racism (?) is directed FROM white people TO non-white people. With all of that said, I am under the impression that a Colored/White person cannot suggest or define a statement or action as racist or non-racist. The reason for my conclusion is due to the concept regarding every other form of harassment-it is not what a person meant by the action that makes it offensive, but simply how it was received. So, ironically enough, that is one aspect of power that is not afforded to a racist –the determination of what is or is not racist.

Phonetically we see “race” as the root word in “Racism”, which reminds me of the pursuit of a savage. The projection of the “race” concept is a savage pursuit of the devil to have us chasing a societal goal (gold) that will never be achieved (received-Did they receive the gold?). Especially, when based upon your ethnicity the devil has crafted “rules and regulations” to keep us apart from his social equality (life, liberty and the American way). Have you ever realized that when you fill out a job application, all the information is allegedly used to determine your qualification; however, this qualification process is essentially a form of discrimination. Now, of course all discrimination/qualification is not negatively charged-yet, the intention behind the examining eye is ultimately the deciding factor. So, we come together under our own ideals of Freedom, Justice and Equality. We establish our own values in the face of what “society” deems acceptable/successful. We invest in ourselves and demand our worth, which is evident in our infinite abyss of creativity and ingenuity. Our Koran shows that we’ve accomplished so much, so far that in all actuality we are too far ahead to “race”. Knowing all of this, I still get a kick out of the different manifestations of racism shown today, be it the New York Post cartoon, Sean Bell’s murder, or the phrase “you people”. I’m far from desensitized to it, yet the ignorance is still funny in a boo-hoo kinda way.

He wants us the think that we are all different.

Peace family. I was doing the knowledge on how much racism and caste systems have really screwed the entire universal family up and as sad as it is-it is hilarious. My Queen and youngest Sun (Ch'iam) get put through it sometimes with the asking of "What are you?" or "What's your nationality?". I've had Middle Eastern people look at me like I was a kidnapper because of Ch'iam's complexion-like "What are you doing with one of our babies?"LOL. Let me say first, that I love to learn about different cultures. They are pieces of my own original timeline here on the planet Earth. I do not, however, concede that the place where a person is born makes them who they are.Let me expound, if a white man is born in Italy he is considered Italian, right?Wrong. Every nation has aboriginal natives and amalgamations of other inhabitants as well. Essentially, there is only Original people and Colored people. Geographic origins have only a slight bearing in this matter. Take actor Martin Sheen, born Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez, mom from Ireland, dad from Spain , but he's still just a colored man. On the other hand, boxer Felix "Tito" Trinidad Jr. born in Puerto Rico, is just an original man. The fixation on nationality is a shield of the devil. As he enslaved so many other nations and used tricks to make them think that their original culture was pagan or heathen ,so they have been distancing themselves from that culture and began defining themselves geographically and complexionally (file that with interorientation,lmao). The devil on the other hand has done the opposite. He'll say he's quarter Irish, quarter Russian, quarter Italian and quarter Polish to feign some sort of interesting background story.Which contradicts the "where you're born" principle , but that principle wasn't created for them, but for us-to make us believe that the people of that continent are the only people we have. This divisive technique is thousands of years old. The result is global Willie Lynchism. He teaches his own the value of lineage and history while keeping us illiterate to it. So, I conclude my basic synopsis is we are either Original or Colored..The geographic origin is icing on the cake as to our particular story (Koran) and customary tradition(if any is still intact).Peace.

Who is the 10%?

Peace. I was building with my brother Cee Allah Self the other day and we were discussing some of his art and the angles to present it to the public. Since we 've been in high school he's had a couple specific projects set up for eventual launch. Over time he's been studying literature and other art styles on some Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do ish (mastery of all other styles to create one's own). Anyway, he's got a project in the tuck that's going to drop alot of jewels about people with knowledge of self amidst this devil's civilization and quite truly I think that sh*t is gonna change the world on many levels. So,we were building and he expressed how sometimes he gets the notion that presenting his work in a for profit fashion is 10%. I had a similar notion years ago when I was heavy into rhyming. After a brief moment it was clear that he was not 10%. The reason is in the meaning-"They are the rich, slavemakers of the poor, who teaches the poor lies to believe that the almighty God is a spook in the sky that cannot be seen by the physical eye.Otherwise known as the bloodsuckers of the poor." After going through the degree he understood that his notion was unvalidated.However, this morning it became a little more clearer to me and I drew up the following. It applies to all people who are spreading truth through forms of media for public purchase. I cee it as:

1) They are the rich slave makers of the poor, while you are freeing the minds of the universal family of the mental death.
2) They are teaching lies so that they can rob us and live in luxury, you will be telling the truth because it is your duty as said person of that ability.
3) They blood suck the poor-draining the very livelihood of the people by subjection to the pins of deception and misinformation while they are in their most sensitive, oppressed state, You are the life giver providing sunlight in places where most are seeking to escaep the woes of reality. Your work can help them as an escape through imagination, while simultaneously equipping them to deal with what lies before them and all around.

With that I am assisting Cas with launching some of his catalogue on a broader scale. Stay tuned for that in the near future. I know you'll enjoy his artwork. Peace.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

interorientation is NOT a word

Peace. I always listen to the A.S.I.A. Talk Gabcast and I was thinking about Episode Equality-God when the Emblem, Born and Maternal were discussing variations in lessons, namely the wisdom build/destroy in the knowledge to understanding equality. As stated in one of my previosu blogs, I got lessons from my Enlightener as well as my biological father. There were various differences in both sets of 120, however they both had "interorientation" in the wisdom build/destroy degree. Now, I'm no literary genius(as you can prolly tell), yet I always knew that this was not an actual grammatical term. On the same token, by definition what is implied by both words "inter" and "orientation" make sense--HOWEVER, it is NOT a word. I have also been toe to toe with Gods who argue that "she" isn't or shouldn't be in the build/destroy degree in the knowledge to culture cipher, because "all that above is caused by " him, not her (The problem with that is my degee says "she" and as hard as I worked to know them, ain't NOBODY gonna tell me otherwise.Not that i'm above correction, I just know what MINE says). I've even seen the knowledge degree in the knowledge to culture cipher say "The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the Original people who is Allah". My decision in regard to the different lessons was to make my foundation with what had came from my then Enlightener (interorientation included). Here lies my conundrum, not only do I have two additional auxilliary sets of 120 revolving in my mental harddrive, I'm find my self entertaining the idea of my tree having a mixed, diluted and tampered with root. What I mean is, if I were to take it upon myself to fashion lessons without the "errors", would that be grafting? Are my lessons "grafted" already because of said "errors"? I usually don't really spend much time on this, however that knowledge degree in the knoweldge to culture cipher echos in my head "the Nation of Islam is all wise and does everything right and exact"!! So,where was the ball dropped? Was it "at the date of "that writing? Or is it now, that I cee something questionable and did not act upon correcting it? Some food for thought for the moment...What's ya angle on that?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peace.. This was something else I drew up recently regarding power/refinement..I shared it with some in my cipher, willfully y'all will enjoy it too..

Power is force or strength,refinement is the improving, heightening or bettering of something

(refinement observed by fragment)

re- again (can also mean backward) ie;return

fine-superior, best quality

ment-action or resulting state---return to a superior quality state

power/refinement is the culmination of strength through a process of purification
to achieve ones true power we often must delve into realms that are not very becoming. We must come to grips(embrace) with things that are not pretty or easily acceptable, however they are usually the most necessary lessons in life.
the process of bringing lost to found, man to God is arduous. One cannot appraise the value of their entire life journey based on one moment, if they did there wouldn't be much to live for because the favorable moments in life are far exceeded by the humdrum and unfavorable. However, it is how we maintain in the humdrum or how we rise amidst the unfavorable that give way to the strength that lay within us..

Power refinement is like the digestive process…if we saw the food we eat breaking down to become nutrition we would most likely toss our cookies…However, the result of that process is the juice for living itself. And after the best part is taken out of this food, we ALWAYS have some s**t left over…and some s**t is easier to get rid of then other s**t..but in the end, it all has to GO. All of this is a part of the power/refinement dynamic…from the rooter to the tooter, you can tell if something is any good for your state after you have passed it(LOL)…And you’re always better off from there. Anybody who says different is full of s**t!!!

*** Some may be thinking "it's not the fifth! The God is not right and exact building on power/refinement today"LOL!!!--I really hope y'all don't think this way, yet God is merciful-so I will entertain the ignorance for a moment. First, grow the f**k up. Secondly, my lessons deal with "Nowaday" and whenever I learn something regardless to what the day's math is, I may share it.Imagine, how many more trillions would be lost waiting for the Power/refinement day to come back around to build on something you drew up about it on the God day? Thirdly you could actually cee the day's degree even clearer on the following day. Try it you might like it.***

"I be waiting for Dracula to jump out.If he would've I would just held up the cross..cause he's allergic to bullsh*t"----Richard Pryor

Peace.I f**k with words real heavy. I enjoy learning/using new words and I also appreciate deciphering the hidden meaning behind the words in this bastardized American English language that we use nowaday.The word I was excavating most recently was "conceal". By definition, conceal means to withdraw from sight, or to hide. American English words can often be observed in fragments in order to conceptualize the actual meaning of the word. Sometimes there's a "pin" within the word also. Peep, "Con" as a suffix means "against", and "ceal/seal" means to "close tightly or complete". Now, hold on to that and let's go to the degree I was dealing with when I noticed the word conceal, "Why does the devil teach the 85% that a mystery God bring all this? Ans: To CONCEAL the true and living God, which is the SON of MAN and to make slaves out of the 85% by keeping him worshipping something he cannot see (invisible) and he makes himself rich from their labor. The 85% knows that it rain, hail, snow and also hear thunder above their heads but do not try to learn who is causing all this to happen by letting the 5% teach them. They believe in the 10% on face value." Now, the answer states that keeping the 85% worshipping something invisible is to conceal-is against completion..Against the completion of what? Let's keep walking. Now, 10/36 says "Because the devil taught him how to eat the wrong foods" and the "wrong foods" are the said nations other than Islam that are mentioned in 10/10. These said nations (and others) keep the 85% worshipping something outside of themselves. While looking at the words in the degree I also learned that "invisible" can mean "not perceptible or discernible by the mind".With that said, we say that understanding is the best part, it is the clear picture gained through knowing and experiencing. We also hold true that knowledge, wisdom and understanding is completion. Man, Woman, Child is completion. Sun, Moon and Star is completion. The completion is our natural blueprint, no--our BLACKPRINT. The idea of an invisible mystery God handicaps a person's comprehension-as they are forcing themselves to accept something they do not understand. The goal of life is to be in tune with yourself, which will put one in tune with the universe around them. Accepting a mysterious belief causes internal conflict on countless levels. That's why there are so many religious hypocrites. Their ideas and their reality do not coincide. It's like a fight between the conscious and subconscious..Adding on, the said nations that teach that God is an unseen being that exist everywhere are referred to as wrong foods in the 10/36. The actual degree says "Because the devil taught him how to eat the wrong foods"-which says that there is a method to feeding/digesting bullsh*t. Pork is not fit for human consumption, however if you prepare it a ceratin way, not only would it probably taste good, it wouldn't kill you as quick-yet poison is poison..The same applies to ideals and belief. On the flip side, no one has to teach you how to eat the right foods. You simply go to the tree, pick what looks inviting and get to biting..

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Peace. Nowadays, I find myself making an effort to share all of the things that I enjoyed as a child with my suns-I cee that as renewing Bible/Koran/History also. The things that I learned while growing are documented, bound by life itself-so, I reach back into that wisdom and let my suns see the pages in order to get a glimpse into who I am and how things were. There are certain shows that have left incredible impact on my as a child, but not until now do I truly understand the intricacies of what was being viewed. Plus the shows back then had a certain level of morality that was upheld and taught at certain junctures. Considering my culture of I Self Lord And Master I can see why I attracted to certain programs.One that my suns have taken a liking too since one of my brothers passed off the first season DVD, is Thundercats. After watching this in my Understanding Cipher's I caught ALOT of jewels in this show. From how the leader Lion-O was a grown man physically due to travel in the suspension pod, but mentally he was still a child with no experience. So, the other Thundercats would kind of let him wander off and learn himself in order to help him learn his role as leader (he had to first lead himself before he became truly valuable to others). There was also a jewel in one show about how if you take a little time right now, you could avoid losing alot more time in the future. Little s**t like that is missing in the shows of today. I also had to put my oldest sun on to "The Last Dragon" CLASSSIC!!! To me, the whole movie revolved around 3 primary degrees -13* 1-36, 10* 1-40 and 11*1-40 (Although there are plenty others that relate). One of the illest things shown was that Sho-nuff knew that "self is the master", and put the pressure on Leroy because he was still believing in a mystery (searching outside himself). Which reminds me, the other day I was in the Cee Allah Rule with the family and a friend reminiscing about old shows also. We ended up talking about Masters of the Universe- where mild-mannered Prince Adam(who just happened to be white man) had a powerful sword that would transform him into He-Man-The strongest man in the Universe(who just happened to be brown skinned). One of the wildest things was that Prince Adam and He-Man were the exact same build and everything-however, SOMETHING about that skin color made all the difference between being weak and being God. I also remember when GI Joe episodes would end, there would be information for kids, be it how to handle peer pressure, healthy eating or how to react during a fire and they would end very one of these segments with the phrase "Knowing is half the battle"<<
I was also a comic book head when I was young. More of a reader than a collector, though. It was interesting to see the writers strive to explain how an impossible thing could be possible. My favorite comic had to be X-men. Especially when I got knowledge of self-it was a wrap!! X-men were the 5%. However, my favorite character from the X-men was always Magneto. He was a realest and understood the fury of man-he wasn't a villain, he just wasn't on some "go along to get along" s**t, he'd rather build his own. Then I found out later on that Stan Lee modeled the entire X-men concept around the Civil Rights movement. Mutants in general were original people, discriminated against by humans because they were born different. They were called "muties" or "freaks", and if a human did not hate the mutants they were called "mutie-lovers"(sound familiar?). Stan Lee went even further- Professor X-(founder of the X-men, who had a dream of mutants and humans living together in peace) was made to depict Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, while Magneto was representative of Malcolm X. He(Stan Lee) said that the dynamic of the book was based upon the real villain of prejudice and ignorance running rampant, while the two most powerful figures against the injustice, were too preoccupied with fighting each other. Crazy how a liberal white man could cee what alot of our own people couldn't.

Little stuff like this is probably what enforced a certain fiber of my character, and the values behind these principles is definitely something I want my seeds to share and internalize. There's other shows too that have some heavy underlying s**t going on, like my physical used to be on "Yu-Gi-Oh" cards real heavy, right? So, he started breaking some of the concept down to me of how Yu-gi was the reincarnation of a Pharaoh and his third eye could unlock the magic of the cards. At the time the most powerful monster in the cards was "Exodia" which was a giant stone-like Pharaoh Warrior. But dig it in order to summon Exodia you had to have all five cards to piece him together-which were "Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head"!!! Little stuff like that brings a smile deep inside of me. It is a reassurance that there is still a very major thirst for self science among the youth. I say that because of the law of alike attract. The kids had to see some portion of themselves in the program to be attracted to it (the same way I did with Thundercats and GI Joe,etc)..That portion of self is what can be used as a place mark to uncover the buried information in the show/movie, and from there they can be lead in the right direction. Like, I'll be the first to tell you, before lessons I was uncivilized, yet I was never a savage..Perhaps what was instilled in me as a child, combined with what was enforced by the information I ingested aided me in not fully "losing the knowledge of my self and living a beast life"(2*1-14).So when the lessons were presented to me, the underlying principle wasn't foreign, which made the transition from Asiatic black man to God a little smoother.Knowing truly is half the battle.Peace.