Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Technological Dehumanization

Peace. I have always seen excessive dependence upon technology creating a handicap of sorts in regard to the natural human experience of learning. Many things we gain from our interaction with other people and the outside world itself have been inhibited by the middleman that is called "technology". It could be the alot of us as people are so stunted in our total evolution that we hide behind our mobile phones and monitors to avoid having to reveal(and face) our true selves. Continuing in this manner further steers us toward that dark, desolate future often depicted in those science-fiction movies. Our reliance on the artificial is evident from the simplest to the most complex level-and if practice reflects principle-I'm scared as sh*t!!! I am all for the use of technology as a TOOL, however I am definitaly against using anything artificial as a replacement of something that occurs naturally (unless of course it's for health related reasons-and even that's debatable). When technology is used to replace nature it seems to put people out of tune with the world in which we live and ultimately ourselves. This discord is obvious in every level-FOR EXAMPLE--

Socially-people using technology as the sole means of meeting/mating/dating has grossly increased people being kidnapped, assaulted and murdered. Having limited social skills can make you prey for online predators. Not to mention if any "relationship" is formed,the foundation is always questionable due to the fragile nature of non-person to person experience. I've met people in real life and it took at least 3 years to truly know the whole of their person-subtract the person-to-person contact and the hidden variables multiply thousandfold. Knowledge means to look, listen, observe and respect. Until you can look at a person and read their mannerisms and expressions, listen to them and sense their genuineness and outlook, as well as observe their actions in real time/real life situations there will never be any respect between you to even relate to each other.

Or even sexually- yes, adult film, toys and the like are forms of technology. They are tools which can be used to assist in a natural activity of life.I personally can't really understand the concept, but hey different strokes (LOL, no pun intended). When you're feeling kinky, get your freak on, however when the day comes that you're lighting scented candles, dimming the lights for a special with a fake penis/vagina, you need to look in the mirror and say "I QUIT!". To put that much effort and energy into "practice" instead of the "game" says something about your social skill in itself (in my opinion). All of the anticipation, mystery and sacredness of the act has been thrown out of the proverbial window. Some could argue that you don't want an entire "production" all of the time, sometimes you just wanna "arrive", and I can dig it. However, submitting to this carnal/base desire is one thing, looking outside of yourself(man/woman)to satisfy it is totally something ELSE.

Learning- there are programs that translate one language to another instantaneously in order to keep the stream of communication going through different countries.However, this kind of takes away the urge to actually learn another language for some, feel me? Better yet, think about how naked you feel without your cell phone..How you don't know ANYONE'S number anymore because you simply don't have to. Are we being duped into not retaining information anymore? Is this the first step to us being progranned to "not think" at all. If so, who will do our thinking for us?

The Human experience is based upon our direct interaction with each other. Like Tyler Durden said on Fight Club "How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fist fight?"..The idea is the same, if all of our living activities are transmitted or regulated through/by machines, are we really living..or are the machines living FOR us? If the machines are doing what man was born to do, man must be doing what the machine was crafted for....damn..

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