Friday, April 10, 2009

Starring Knowledge Ten

Peace y’all..I’m traveling this morning(mentally) and want y’all to ride with me again..Today being knowledge cipher-I cee that as original intention in a situation being the guiding force toward the general end result. For example, if I accepted a position solely for monetary gain (which is ultimately against my personal principles) the only thing I would probably receive from said position IS monetary gain, yet what I may lose in said position may be invaluable as well as irreplaceable. The opposite applies when our intention is just and true. Cee that?

Adding on, I ended up using the numerical value of knowledge cipher (which is ten) while present in some English terminology to draw parallels with Supreme Mathematics and this is what I came up with..

(Ten)sion-stress or strain, (in electricity –po(ten)tial)-I know a wisdom who does massage therapy and reflexology who says that stress and strain is really blocked energy in our physical body tissues. The definition above cosigns this. The knowledge is the energy and the cipher is the physical. We naturally absorb external stimuli and transform that into energy for use in our daily practices, which nods to the electrical definition of tension. Stoppage of this release or process causes stress or strain in the former, which affects total overall performance.

In(ten)tion-purpose or mental determination (*intent does not determine extent*)- deals with knowledge cipher in the manner I built on initially.(In) as a prefix usually means –not-, however in it’s usage here it suggests “internal”..internal purpose could be the layman definition of intention..The mental push to get the wheel (cipher) in motion.

**intent does not determine extent means-- what we mean to happen has little to no bearing on what will actually happen. The only control we have is over self..knowledge your cipher. Strive to activate things that are based on just and true intention and you will be more comfortable living with the end result-regardless of if it appears favorable or unfavorable**

At(ten)tion-directing the mind (selective or sustained)—The first part(At) already denotes a direction..The tension is still the potential/energy. Makes me think of when someone does something stupid and you say “I’m not feeding into that”..Feeding would be “paying” attention. Once attention is spent it cannot be recouped..
The energetic beings we are thrive off of a certain amount of attention. It is a transference of energy..It is an act of empowerment.

Con(ten)tion-struggle, dispute or controversy..The prefix –Con- means against. I cee contention as a force or factor that opposes your determined idea (intention) in a particular cipher. Being that inanimate objects are subject to the laws of inertia, contention usually manifests in the form of a person. Their interests may not coincide with your current direction, resulting in an objective stance on their part. Which would cause stress and strain (tension) in the environment or relationship.

Interestingly enough, some massaging (of the ego or the finances) loosens tension in most ciphers.Peace family.