Thursday, April 30, 2009
Peace ya’ll. Today being Understanding Cipher which I cee as having a clear view of what is going on around you. This clear and complete view is a compilation of details gained through researching, objective reasoning and experience. Any conclusion accepted without legwork is a belief accepted on face value. So dig it, I was building with my Queen yesterday and that conversation has inspired this blog (Thanks Beloved). It was brought to our attention that there is a Christian Radio Station that was on air suggesting that President Barack Obama is the Antichrist and that these were “The Last Days and Times”. The person who raised notice of the station was pretty shaken by the tone and angle of the speakers. Her surprise was kinda odd to me, because before Obama, people had claimed Bush was the Antichrist, and before him it was Reagan-see the pattern? In addition and contrast to that, when you consider how many had claimed to be the Messiah, or Mahdi, where kinda due for the antithesis. In any event, Beloved raised the question “Have things really changed that much?” After discussing it for about a half an hour we came to conclusion that Solomon did “There is nothing new under the Sun”. Even with the Internet, futuristic weapons and cloning, as a world we’re still pretty much in the same place that we’ve been “since been pimpin, since been pimpin, since been pimpaaan”. People have been screaming about the end of the world since the beginning of the world, using crime, disease, inclement weather and anything else they can as “signs” to support their aim. First is was 2000, now it’s 2012, once we get there they’ll be pushing for 2050 when America starts “Browning”. The station also said that people shirking religion for Yoga, Meditation and the like is an “act of the devil”-which is funny because a lot of those sciences and cultures are older than Christianity itself. I would think dealing with something ancient has a better chance of yielding a link to the origin than anything else (if Christians follow Jesus, and Jesus was a Jew- who made Christianity? Don’t answer, it’s rhetorical). It also seems that the older people get the more they lean on the “End of Days” premise (maybe because they’re looking at the end of their own days). I bring this subject up to say this-don’t allow yourself to be steered by someone else’s direction. Cee the picture completely for self. If you’re interested in what the Bible says go through the proper channels to learn how the “speak” is printed, so that you can know what should be taken figuratively, literally, or otherwise. There’s a brother named A.A.Rashid who breaks down the Bible very deeply and he’s not even a Christian (which speaks volumes), but check him out @ to see how he delves into the coded language. The other thing I wanted to say is we are a microcosm of the universe around us. So, if we constantly ingest the fear and propaganda of self-destruction we will continue to produce the same in our immediate circles. Everybody is alarmed about Swine Flu. Racists everywhere are probably feeling vindicated in their hatred for Mexicans now. I can see them sitting in their porch chairs rocking like “SEE!! I knew we shouldn't have let those damned Wetbacks in our country!!” Not knowing or caring that those people on Mexico were probably the victims of a bio-warfare experiment. I can’t help but think back to Bird Flu in China and think what’s next Zebra Flu in Africa?..We’ll see, won’t we..In any event, don’t let the devil plant fear in you as an adult. If Obama is the Antichrist he’s right on schedule and anybody against is too damn late (as I remember in Revelations this stuff is inevitable anyway, so eat, drink and be merry!!). If he’s not the Antichrist, the Christian radio station will probably quote a scripture as a disclaimer and blame Soulja Boy..or Chris Brown..or Swine flu since most Christians eat pork, even though the Bible says otherwise..Aight, family. Peace..
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Technological Dehumanization
Peace. I have always seen excessive dependence upon technology creating a handicap of sorts in regard to the natural human experience of learning. Many things we gain from our interaction with other people and the outside world itself have been inhibited by the middleman that is called "technology". It could be the alot of us as people are so stunted in our total evolution that we hide behind our mobile phones and monitors to avoid having to reveal(and face) our true selves. Continuing in this manner further steers us toward that dark, desolate future often depicted in those science-fiction movies. Our reliance on the artificial is evident from the simplest to the most complex level-and if practice reflects principle-I'm scared as sh*t!!! I am all for the use of technology as a TOOL, however I am definitaly against using anything artificial as a replacement of something that occurs naturally (unless of course it's for health related reasons-and even that's debatable). When technology is used to replace nature it seems to put people out of tune with the world in which we live and ultimately ourselves. This discord is obvious in every level-FOR EXAMPLE--
Socially-people using technology as the sole means of meeting/mating/dating has grossly increased people being kidnapped, assaulted and murdered. Having limited social skills can make you prey for online predators. Not to mention if any "relationship" is formed,the foundation is always questionable due to the fragile nature of non-person to person experience. I've met people in real life and it took at least 3 years to truly know the whole of their person-subtract the person-to-person contact and the hidden variables multiply thousandfold. Knowledge means to look, listen, observe and respect. Until you can look at a person and read their mannerisms and expressions, listen to them and sense their genuineness and outlook, as well as observe their actions in real time/real life situations there will never be any respect between you to even relate to each other.
Or even sexually- yes, adult film, toys and the like are forms of technology. They are tools which can be used to assist in a natural activity of life.I personally can't really understand the concept, but hey different strokes (LOL, no pun intended). When you're feeling kinky, get your freak on, however when the day comes that you're lighting scented candles, dimming the lights for a special with a fake penis/vagina, you need to look in the mirror and say "I QUIT!". To put that much effort and energy into "practice" instead of the "game" says something about your social skill in itself (in my opinion). All of the anticipation, mystery and sacredness of the act has been thrown out of the proverbial window. Some could argue that you don't want an entire "production" all of the time, sometimes you just wanna "arrive", and I can dig it. However, submitting to this carnal/base desire is one thing, looking outside of yourself(man/woman)to satisfy it is totally something ELSE.
Learning- there are programs that translate one language to another instantaneously in order to keep the stream of communication going through different countries.However, this kind of takes away the urge to actually learn another language for some, feel me? Better yet, think about how naked you feel without your cell phone..How you don't know ANYONE'S number anymore because you simply don't have to. Are we being duped into not retaining information anymore? Is this the first step to us being progranned to "not think" at all. If so, who will do our thinking for us?
The Human experience is based upon our direct interaction with each other. Like Tyler Durden said on Fight Club "How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fist fight?"..The idea is the same, if all of our living activities are transmitted or regulated through/by machines, are we really living..or are the machines living FOR us? If the machines are doing what man was born to do, man must be doing what the machine was crafted for....damn..
Socially-people using technology as the sole means of meeting/mating/dating has grossly increased people being kidnapped, assaulted and murdered. Having limited social skills can make you prey for online predators. Not to mention if any "relationship" is formed,the foundation is always questionable due to the fragile nature of non-person to person experience. I've met people in real life and it took at least 3 years to truly know the whole of their person-subtract the person-to-person contact and the hidden variables multiply thousandfold. Knowledge means to look, listen, observe and respect. Until you can look at a person and read their mannerisms and expressions, listen to them and sense their genuineness and outlook, as well as observe their actions in real time/real life situations there will never be any respect between you to even relate to each other.
Or even sexually- yes, adult film, toys and the like are forms of technology. They are tools which can be used to assist in a natural activity of life.I personally can't really understand the concept, but hey different strokes (LOL, no pun intended). When you're feeling kinky, get your freak on, however when the day comes that you're lighting scented candles, dimming the lights for a special with a fake penis/vagina, you need to look in the mirror and say "I QUIT!". To put that much effort and energy into "practice" instead of the "game" says something about your social skill in itself (in my opinion). All of the anticipation, mystery and sacredness of the act has been thrown out of the proverbial window. Some could argue that you don't want an entire "production" all of the time, sometimes you just wanna "arrive", and I can dig it. However, submitting to this carnal/base desire is one thing, looking outside of yourself(man/woman)to satisfy it is totally something ELSE.
Learning- there are programs that translate one language to another instantaneously in order to keep the stream of communication going through different countries.However, this kind of takes away the urge to actually learn another language for some, feel me? Better yet, think about how naked you feel without your cell phone..How you don't know ANYONE'S number anymore because you simply don't have to. Are we being duped into not retaining information anymore? Is this the first step to us being progranned to "not think" at all. If so, who will do our thinking for us?
The Human experience is based upon our direct interaction with each other. Like Tyler Durden said on Fight Club "How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fist fight?"..The idea is the same, if all of our living activities are transmitted or regulated through/by machines, are we really living..or are the machines living FOR us? If the machines are doing what man was born to do, man must be doing what the machine was crafted for....damn..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Starring Knowledge Ten
Peace y’all..I’m traveling this morning(mentally) and want y’all to ride with me again..Today being knowledge cipher-I cee that as original intention in a situation being the guiding force toward the general end result. For example, if I accepted a position solely for monetary gain (which is ultimately against my personal principles) the only thing I would probably receive from said position IS monetary gain, yet what I may lose in said position may be invaluable as well as irreplaceable. The opposite applies when our intention is just and true. Cee that?
Adding on, I ended up using the numerical value of knowledge cipher (which is ten) while present in some English terminology to draw parallels with Supreme Mathematics and this is what I came up with..
(Ten)sion-stress or strain, (in electricity –po(ten)tial)-I know a wisdom who does massage therapy and reflexology who says that stress and strain is really blocked energy in our physical body tissues. The definition above cosigns this. The knowledge is the energy and the cipher is the physical. We naturally absorb external stimuli and transform that into energy for use in our daily practices, which nods to the electrical definition of tension. Stoppage of this release or process causes stress or strain in the former, which affects total overall performance.
In(ten)tion-purpose or mental determination (*intent does not determine extent*)- deals with knowledge cipher in the manner I built on initially.(In) as a prefix usually means –not-, however in it’s usage here it suggests “internal”..internal purpose could be the layman definition of intention..The mental push to get the wheel (cipher) in motion.
**intent does not determine extent means-- what we mean to happen has little to no bearing on what will actually happen. The only control we have is over self..knowledge your cipher. Strive to activate things that are based on just and true intention and you will be more comfortable living with the end result-regardless of if it appears favorable or unfavorable**
At(ten)tion-directing the mind (selective or sustained)—The first part(At) already denotes a direction..The tension is still the potential/energy. Makes me think of when someone does something stupid and you say “I’m not feeding into that”..Feeding would be “paying” attention. Once attention is spent it cannot be recouped..
The energetic beings we are thrive off of a certain amount of attention. It is a transference of energy..It is an act of empowerment.
Con(ten)tion-struggle, dispute or controversy..The prefix –Con- means against. I cee contention as a force or factor that opposes your determined idea (intention) in a particular cipher. Being that inanimate objects are subject to the laws of inertia, contention usually manifests in the form of a person. Their interests may not coincide with your current direction, resulting in an objective stance on their part. Which would cause stress and strain (tension) in the environment or relationship.
Interestingly enough, some massaging (of the ego or the finances) loosens tension in most ciphers.Peace family.
Adding on, I ended up using the numerical value of knowledge cipher (which is ten) while present in some English terminology to draw parallels with Supreme Mathematics and this is what I came up with..
(Ten)sion-stress or strain, (in electricity –po(ten)tial)-I know a wisdom who does massage therapy and reflexology who says that stress and strain is really blocked energy in our physical body tissues. The definition above cosigns this. The knowledge is the energy and the cipher is the physical. We naturally absorb external stimuli and transform that into energy for use in our daily practices, which nods to the electrical definition of tension. Stoppage of this release or process causes stress or strain in the former, which affects total overall performance.
In(ten)tion-purpose or mental determination (*intent does not determine extent*)- deals with knowledge cipher in the manner I built on initially.(In) as a prefix usually means –not-, however in it’s usage here it suggests “internal”..internal purpose could be the layman definition of intention..The mental push to get the wheel (cipher) in motion.
**intent does not determine extent means-- what we mean to happen has little to no bearing on what will actually happen. The only control we have is over self..knowledge your cipher. Strive to activate things that are based on just and true intention and you will be more comfortable living with the end result-regardless of if it appears favorable or unfavorable**
At(ten)tion-directing the mind (selective or sustained)—The first part(At) already denotes a direction..The tension is still the potential/energy. Makes me think of when someone does something stupid and you say “I’m not feeding into that”..Feeding would be “paying” attention. Once attention is spent it cannot be recouped..
The energetic beings we are thrive off of a certain amount of attention. It is a transference of energy..It is an act of empowerment.
Con(ten)tion-struggle, dispute or controversy..The prefix –Con- means against. I cee contention as a force or factor that opposes your determined idea (intention) in a particular cipher. Being that inanimate objects are subject to the laws of inertia, contention usually manifests in the form of a person. Their interests may not coincide with your current direction, resulting in an objective stance on their part. Which would cause stress and strain (tension) in the environment or relationship.
Interestingly enough, some massaging (of the ego or the finances) loosens tension in most ciphers.Peace family.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Irony of Perception
The Nurses law was to kill the black babies at birth by sticking a pin in its head or feed it to some wild beast. We’ve ceen how the ego can be a wild beast, in addition perception is an unruly creature as well. Peep game:
I grew up with a sister 3 years my senior. She was always more of a rebel against house rules, while I was the good student, never got int TOO much trouble kid. My sister was a runaway at 13, smoking tea bags, suspended every week, hooky school-get into a fight-get locked up kinda gal. Throughout my life it seemed like even though I was the stay out of trouble type, I would ALWAYS get in trouble. Which was crazy, because I figured doing what I was told and keeping good grades would afford me a certain degree of freedom rightfully earned (WRONG!WRONG! :see Charlie Murphy).While my sister living the “Life of an Outlaw” and only gets a slap on the wrist. After a bit, I was convinced that my people had it out for me and there was no wining until I could get out on my own. Not until recently did I get to talk to my sister and find out that SHE always felt like my mother held favoritism for ME(ain’t that some sh*t?), while she was being outcast because she could not be more like me. I was taken a back, to say the least.
I have a brother 14 years my junior. I practically raised him up until he was about 6 years old. I had him freestyling at the age of 3 (he didn’t have much of a vocab, but to understand the premise of flowing off top at 3 is ill in and of itself). At the age of like 7-8 my Mom moved out of the city into the suburb of Hatfield, PA. She successfully escaped the harsh realities of urban life and was providing something different for my little brother. A couple of years after that, my Ol Dad and Mom get remarried. As my brother becomes a tween he’s exhibiting some very weenie-like behavior, seeking acceptance, getting in trouble in school for dumb stuff. So, my sister and I give him a talking to, explaining how he’s in a better position then we both were by just being in a two parent home as well as in a drug and abuse free environment. He says he understands and does what he can to improve. Me and Neka continued among ourselves trying to mentally register how this kid never gets beatings or real punishments, gets new clothes all the time and is acting like an ungrateful brat by behaving in this fashion. Time goes by and I realize that He may not be the lucky one at all, as my Dad and Mom are both past the 50 year mark and do not have the wherewithal do deal with a teenage boy in these days and times. They’re doing as much as they can considering, however there were certain life lessons he did not acquire. One, because while under my tutelage Mom’s wouldn’t allow me to discipline him (She hit me with the “he ain’t your son”), but now when he’s talking crazy she don’t understand why. She should’ve let me nip it in the bud, now it’s too late. Two, because she is not a good guide, her method was always to shelter in the hopes of you never finding out the wiser, instead of informing and preparing us to make the best decisions. The “shelter” method DOES NOT work well when building men. In retrospect, I cee how living among scarcity, drugs and abuse as a child actually aided me in not continuing that behavioral cycle, while my brother having been exposed to all of the opportunity and resources I never had has actually fostered an abusive nature in him. The Irony of Perception..
I grew up with a sister 3 years my senior. She was always more of a rebel against house rules, while I was the good student, never got int TOO much trouble kid. My sister was a runaway at 13, smoking tea bags, suspended every week, hooky school-get into a fight-get locked up kinda gal. Throughout my life it seemed like even though I was the stay out of trouble type, I would ALWAYS get in trouble. Which was crazy, because I figured doing what I was told and keeping good grades would afford me a certain degree of freedom rightfully earned (WRONG!WRONG! :see Charlie Murphy).While my sister living the “Life of an Outlaw” and only gets a slap on the wrist. After a bit, I was convinced that my people had it out for me and there was no wining until I could get out on my own. Not until recently did I get to talk to my sister and find out that SHE always felt like my mother held favoritism for ME(ain’t that some sh*t?), while she was being outcast because she could not be more like me. I was taken a back, to say the least.
I have a brother 14 years my junior. I practically raised him up until he was about 6 years old. I had him freestyling at the age of 3 (he didn’t have much of a vocab, but to understand the premise of flowing off top at 3 is ill in and of itself). At the age of like 7-8 my Mom moved out of the city into the suburb of Hatfield, PA. She successfully escaped the harsh realities of urban life and was providing something different for my little brother. A couple of years after that, my Ol Dad and Mom get remarried. As my brother becomes a tween he’s exhibiting some very weenie-like behavior, seeking acceptance, getting in trouble in school for dumb stuff. So, my sister and I give him a talking to, explaining how he’s in a better position then we both were by just being in a two parent home as well as in a drug and abuse free environment. He says he understands and does what he can to improve. Me and Neka continued among ourselves trying to mentally register how this kid never gets beatings or real punishments, gets new clothes all the time and is acting like an ungrateful brat by behaving in this fashion. Time goes by and I realize that He may not be the lucky one at all, as my Dad and Mom are both past the 50 year mark and do not have the wherewithal do deal with a teenage boy in these days and times. They’re doing as much as they can considering, however there were certain life lessons he did not acquire. One, because while under my tutelage Mom’s wouldn’t allow me to discipline him (She hit me with the “he ain’t your son”), but now when he’s talking crazy she don’t understand why. She should’ve let me nip it in the bud, now it’s too late. Two, because she is not a good guide, her method was always to shelter in the hopes of you never finding out the wiser, instead of informing and preparing us to make the best decisions. The “shelter” method DOES NOT work well when building men. In retrospect, I cee how living among scarcity, drugs and abuse as a child actually aided me in not continuing that behavioral cycle, while my brother having been exposed to all of the opportunity and resources I never had has actually fostered an abusive nature in him. The Irony of Perception..
Monday, April 6, 2009
My mind won't allow me to not be curious/my folk don't understand so they don't take it serious..
My colleague forward these articles to me...
BEIJING (AP) -- China is calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure ahead of a London summit of global leaders for changes to a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar and Western governments.
The comments, in an essay by the Chinese central bank governor released late Monday, reflect Beijing 's growing assertiveness in economic affairs. China is expected to press for developing countries to have a bigger say in finance when leaders of the Group of 20 major economies meet April 2 in London to discuss the global crisis.
Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan's essay did not mention the dollar by name but said the crisis showed the dangers of relying on one nation's currency for international payments. In an unusual step, the essay was published in both Chinese and English, making clear it was meant for an international audience.
"The crisis called again for creative reform of the existing international monetary system towards an international reserve currency," Zhou wrote.
A reserve currency is the unit in which a government holds its reserves. But Zhou said the proposed new currency also should be used for trade, investment, pricing commodities and corporate bookkeeping.
Beijing has long been uneasy about relying on the dollar for the bulk of its trade and to store foreign reserves. Premier Wen Jiabao publicly appealed to Washington this month to avoid any steps in response to the crisis that might erode the value of the dollar and Beijing 's estimated $1 trillion holdings in Treasuries and other U.S. government debt.
The currency should be based on shares in the IMF held by its 185 member nations, known as special drawing rights, or SDRs, the essay said. The Washington-based IMF advises governments on economic policy and lends money to help with balance-of-payments problems.
Some economists have suggested creating a new reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar but acknowledge it would face major obstacles. It would require acceptance from nations that have long used the dollar and hold huge stockpiles of the U.S. currency.
"There has been for decades talk about creating an international reserve currency and it has never really progressed," said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Peking University 's Guanghua School of Management.
Managing such a currency would require balancing the contradictory needs of countries with high and low growth or with trade surpluses or deficits, Pettis said. He said the 16 European nations that use the euro have faced "huge difficulties" in managing monetary policy even though their economies are similar.
Adding on.....
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Leaders of the world's largest economies agreed on Thursday to a package worth more than $1 trillion to tackle the global economic crisis.
U.S. President Barack Obama called the deal "a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery." The plan calls for reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $1 trillion into the world financial system.
The Group of 20 is taking "unprecedented steps" to attack the global economic downturn, stimulate growth and expand loans to troubled nations, Obama said at the close of the group's meeting in London .
"The challenge is clear," the U.S. president said. "The global economy is contracting. Trade is shrinking. Unemployment is rising. The international financial system is nearly frozen." Watch Obama's speech »
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown heralded the emergence of a"new world order" Thursday following the release of what he called an "unprecedented" package of measures to tackle the crisis.
The deal agreed by the leaders of the world's largest economies included reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $1 trillion into the world financial system. Watch what was agreed to at the summit »
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had voiced concerns prior to the summit about the wisdom of pumping further public money into economies already in recession, welcomed Thursday's agreement -- though hinted at unresolved disagreements behind the scenes.
There had been concerns that a rift was opening up between the approach being championed by the U.S. and Britain -- more economic stimulus -- and that favored by France and Germany -- more banking regulations.
Sarkozy said the agreement represented "great progress" on reform of financial institutions and said "a page had been turned." Merkel described the deal as "a very, very good, almost historic compromise."
The six-point plan includes banking reform measures and more than $1 trillion to be spent on restoring credit, growth and jobs, as well as measures clamping down on tax havens and a commitment to build a green and sustainable economy. iReport: What's the economy like where you are?
Much of the G-20 communique issued at the end of the London summit restated promises and goals that international leaders had made earlier, relying on language such as "we remain committed" and "we reaffirm our historic commitment."
But Brown said: "Our message is clear and certain. We believe that in this new global age our prosperity is indivisible. We believe global problems require global solutions," Brown said.
"I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation."Watch Brown's statement »
Brown said the new rescue package, which includes a commitment to treble the resources available to the International Monetary Fund to $750 billion, amounted to "the largest macro economic stimulus the world has ever seen."
Along with existing national stimulus measures, Brown said efforts to bolster economies amounted to more than $5 trillion.
The six-point consensus consisted of measures to:
Restore confidence, growth, and jobs;
Repair the financial system to restore lending;
Strengthen financial regulation to rebuild trust;
Fund and reform our international financial institutions to overcome this crisis and prevent future ones
Promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity;
Build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery.Obama said: "We owe it to all of our citizens to act and to act with urgency. We have agreed upon a series of unprecedented steps to restore growth and prevent a crisis like this from happening again."
"We have rejected the protectionism that could deepen this crisis. ... This cooperation between the world's leading economies signals our support for open markets," he said. "Second, we are committed to comprehensive reform of a failed regulatory system."
Obama added: "We can rebuild our global prosperity if we act with the sense of common purpose, persistence, and optimism that our moment demands."
Obama said the United States would also provide $448 million in additional aid to vulnerable nations which he described as "future drivers of world economic growth."
Brown said the G-20 would meet again later in the year to review the success of its plans and said details of the summit would be announced over the next few days. Watch global impact of the downturn »
"Together with the measures we have each taken nationally, this constitutes a global plan for recovery on an unprecedented scale," the G-20 communique said.
As expected, the communique included tough new measures to reform global financial institutions, citing "major failures" in regulation of the sector as "fundamental causes of the crisis."
The G-20 members will also establish a new Financial Stability Board to provide "early warning of macroeconomic and financial risks," the summit's final communique said, but it was not clear if board would have regulatory powers.
Brown said the final deal included agreement on tighter regulation of hedge funds, tax havens and the banking system.
"We will implement new rules on pay and bonuses at a global level that reflect actual performance with no more rewards for failure," Brown said. "We want to encourage corporate responsibility in every part of the world."
There were only a few protesters outside the summit when it started Thursday -- a marked difference from the thousands who gathered in central London 24 hours earlier. Watch more on the protests »
Police said they arrested nearly 90 people on Wednesday and were expecting more problems.
BEIJING (AP) -- China is calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure ahead of a London summit of global leaders for changes to a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar and Western governments.
The comments, in an essay by the Chinese central bank governor released late Monday, reflect Beijing 's growing assertiveness in economic affairs. China is expected to press for developing countries to have a bigger say in finance when leaders of the Group of 20 major economies meet April 2 in London to discuss the global crisis.
Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan's essay did not mention the dollar by name but said the crisis showed the dangers of relying on one nation's currency for international payments. In an unusual step, the essay was published in both Chinese and English, making clear it was meant for an international audience.
"The crisis called again for creative reform of the existing international monetary system towards an international reserve currency," Zhou wrote.
A reserve currency is the unit in which a government holds its reserves. But Zhou said the proposed new currency also should be used for trade, investment, pricing commodities and corporate bookkeeping.
Beijing has long been uneasy about relying on the dollar for the bulk of its trade and to store foreign reserves. Premier Wen Jiabao publicly appealed to Washington this month to avoid any steps in response to the crisis that might erode the value of the dollar and Beijing 's estimated $1 trillion holdings in Treasuries and other U.S. government debt.
The currency should be based on shares in the IMF held by its 185 member nations, known as special drawing rights, or SDRs, the essay said. The Washington-based IMF advises governments on economic policy and lends money to help with balance-of-payments problems.
Some economists have suggested creating a new reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar but acknowledge it would face major obstacles. It would require acceptance from nations that have long used the dollar and hold huge stockpiles of the U.S. currency.
"There has been for decades talk about creating an international reserve currency and it has never really progressed," said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Peking University 's Guanghua School of Management.
Managing such a currency would require balancing the contradictory needs of countries with high and low growth or with trade surpluses or deficits, Pettis said. He said the 16 European nations that use the euro have faced "huge difficulties" in managing monetary policy even though their economies are similar.
Adding on.....
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Leaders of the world's largest economies agreed on Thursday to a package worth more than $1 trillion to tackle the global economic crisis.
U.S. President Barack Obama called the deal "a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery." The plan calls for reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $1 trillion into the world financial system.
The Group of 20 is taking "unprecedented steps" to attack the global economic downturn, stimulate growth and expand loans to troubled nations, Obama said at the close of the group's meeting in London .
"The challenge is clear," the U.S. president said. "The global economy is contracting. Trade is shrinking. Unemployment is rising. The international financial system is nearly frozen." Watch Obama's speech »
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown heralded the emergence of a"new world order" Thursday following the release of what he called an "unprecedented" package of measures to tackle the crisis.
The deal agreed by the leaders of the world's largest economies included reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $1 trillion into the world financial system. Watch what was agreed to at the summit »
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had voiced concerns prior to the summit about the wisdom of pumping further public money into economies already in recession, welcomed Thursday's agreement -- though hinted at unresolved disagreements behind the scenes.
There had been concerns that a rift was opening up between the approach being championed by the U.S. and Britain -- more economic stimulus -- and that favored by France and Germany -- more banking regulations.
Sarkozy said the agreement represented "great progress" on reform of financial institutions and said "a page had been turned." Merkel described the deal as "a very, very good, almost historic compromise."
The six-point plan includes banking reform measures and more than $1 trillion to be spent on restoring credit, growth and jobs, as well as measures clamping down on tax havens and a commitment to build a green and sustainable economy. iReport: What's the economy like where you are?
Much of the G-20 communique issued at the end of the London summit restated promises and goals that international leaders had made earlier, relying on language such as "we remain committed" and "we reaffirm our historic commitment."
But Brown said: "Our message is clear and certain. We believe that in this new global age our prosperity is indivisible. We believe global problems require global solutions," Brown said.
"I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation."Watch Brown's statement »
Brown said the new rescue package, which includes a commitment to treble the resources available to the International Monetary Fund to $750 billion, amounted to "the largest macro economic stimulus the world has ever seen."
Along with existing national stimulus measures, Brown said efforts to bolster economies amounted to more than $5 trillion.
The six-point consensus consisted of measures to:
Restore confidence, growth, and jobs;
Repair the financial system to restore lending;
Strengthen financial regulation to rebuild trust;
Fund and reform our international financial institutions to overcome this crisis and prevent future ones
Promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity;
Build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery.Obama said: "We owe it to all of our citizens to act and to act with urgency. We have agreed upon a series of unprecedented steps to restore growth and prevent a crisis like this from happening again."
"We have rejected the protectionism that could deepen this crisis. ... This cooperation between the world's leading economies signals our support for open markets," he said. "Second, we are committed to comprehensive reform of a failed regulatory system."
Obama added: "We can rebuild our global prosperity if we act with the sense of common purpose, persistence, and optimism that our moment demands."
Obama said the United States would also provide $448 million in additional aid to vulnerable nations which he described as "future drivers of world economic growth."
Brown said the G-20 would meet again later in the year to review the success of its plans and said details of the summit would be announced over the next few days. Watch global impact of the downturn »
"Together with the measures we have each taken nationally, this constitutes a global plan for recovery on an unprecedented scale," the G-20 communique said.
As expected, the communique included tough new measures to reform global financial institutions, citing "major failures" in regulation of the sector as "fundamental causes of the crisis."
The G-20 members will also establish a new Financial Stability Board to provide "early warning of macroeconomic and financial risks," the summit's final communique said, but it was not clear if board would have regulatory powers.
Brown said the final deal included agreement on tighter regulation of hedge funds, tax havens and the banking system.
"We will implement new rules on pay and bonuses at a global level that reflect actual performance with no more rewards for failure," Brown said. "We want to encourage corporate responsibility in every part of the world."
There were only a few protesters outside the summit when it started Thursday -- a marked difference from the thousands who gathered in central London 24 hours earlier. Watch more on the protests »
Police said they arrested nearly 90 people on Wednesday and were expecting more problems.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bald Eagle..drawn up

Peace. I was doing the knowledge on the national bird of the United States of America and I wanted to share some dots I saw connecting. First, the term "bald" in regard to animals means without a crest or crown. I cee this as a nod to the European Settlers of America seeking escape from the English monarchy, so they ultimately devised a government that would not rely on a kingship. In essence, the head of the country would not have a "crest" or "crown". Also the "crest" in Europe is used by provinces to denote familial royal lineage (which also links original blood into designation of royalty). There are many European crests today that still have the profile painting of a jet black man with kinky hair on them (especially in Germany). The royal bloodline in Europe is determined by them tracing lineage back to the Moors (Holy Roman Empire). The lack of said "crest" on the national bird may also suggest that royal(original) blood may not be necessary or represented in the governmental process. The Bald Eagle is considered by many to be the westernized version of the Phoenix/Fire bird. The Phoenix was used to represent the Roman Empire(not to be confused with the Holy Roman Empire). The mythology of the Phoenix is that it lives for 500 to 1000 years, then nearing it's death it builds a nest where it meets a fiery demise only to reveal a young phoenix or phoenix egg rising from the ashes of the previous one. The Romans projected this mythology upon their republic in the hopes of its return and many people liken the USA to that of the Roman Empire, considering the Bald Eagle to be the Phoenix returning.Honestly, with the current super flux of depravity, homosexuality and savagery in North America it may not be too far from the truth. Also, the actual physical description of the bird shed light on the unspoken view of the government itself. The bird's body (largest portion) is mostly dark brown/black and the head(smallest) portion is white. I cee that as the administrative faculties of the US being a white consensus, while the country is kept in flight by the labors of a darker or brown/black people. Another thing I peeped is regarding the bird's coloring -- white people are the smallest world population; however the largest population in North America-but there is only a small amount of white on the bird, while the original people are the largest world population, yet the smallest population in North America-yet the bird is almost totally dark brown-perhaps the bird's coloring symbolizes the white presence in the world at large. Things that make you go..hmmmmmmmmm?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Front Street.........Khadijah
She is indeed the reflection of my light..the beauty of my nature.. a glistening gem created by the pressures of the heaviest filth falling upon her..People had sealed her fate in their minds based on the decisions of her father and mother, unaware that her destiny was of a greater scope and value than they could fathom in ten lifetimes..She is the most resourceful woman I have ever met.Her sense of humor is invaluable. She is a grand judge of character..She is my closest friend, my wife and my Queen..bonded by happenstance, chemistry, choice and law..She has a genius mind and understands matters of the "heart". She is the greatest mother and a superb teacher. I admire and appreciate the whole of her being. Throughout my entire time of knowing her(roughly 15-16 years) she has always been an asset. She continues to exceed my expectations, while maintaining enough imagination to keep our relationship refreshing and new. Everyday our connection grows stronger. She provides a support base that fuels my ambitions, regardless of how outlandish they may be. She knows Carpentry, Reiki, Homeopathic medicine,Herbology, Cosmetology, Astrology, Rastafarianism, Metu Neter/Yoruba/Qaballah/Santeria,Orthodox Islam,some Arabic,some Spanish,Crochetting, Knitting, Drawing, Wire crafting, crystals, gemstones, Chakras, Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabets ,some Lessons plus the "Code of streets". She is the quintessential woman. I thank her for being who she is essentially, as well as putting up with my sh*t and accepting who I am completely.She has agreed to walk with me on this road through the science of life, love, peace and happiness and I admit that I am a better man as a result. Peace.
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