Friday, January 9, 2009

Observing Horizontal growth vs Vertical growth cont'd

Vertical growth could be considered as things that make one "upright". In various fields of life "a stand up guy" is respected and admired because he has morals and guidelines that somehow consider others while not compromising himself. The awakening in one self that yearns for vertical growth is a portion of the growth itself. In the book "Zen: A Beginner's Mind" the master states how people think a practice or position of the body will provide enlightenment, while the actual recognition of things being in discord and wanting to change IS the enlightenment itself. The seeking of Horizontal growth is not so promising though. If vertical means upright then horizontal would be just that- parallel to the horizon/laying down/set.My family have a term that relates to one seeking horizontal growth, they're called "savage in pursuit of happiness". "Savage" describes the barbarity of their means of survival and the "pursuit" details that they never gain what they are chasing (happiness). Savagery is an animalistic behavior and animals don't have the capacity to comprehend the idea of happiness.Animals live by instinctual urge.Hunger means Eat.Opposite sex means mate.Danger means fight/flight. Happiness does not fit into the animal survival rule book.It wouldn't, as happiness is dealing with LIVING not survival. One would need some form of vertical growth to know the difference. the coordinate plane in Algebra shows horizontal/vertical growth.Although they are going in two different directions they may intersect. This intersection is what we are striving for ultimately. If drawn with a pencil the intersection would be a cross. Complete with four quadrants, each having a 90 degree angle equalling a total of 360 degrees showing the completion of one's self. The center of that cross is the point of origin and from that point of location one can now travel ANYWHERE horizontally or vertically and be able to take the best part for themselves. The point is the actualization of value and from that value others can be calculated.

1 comment:

SV Allah said...

Peace Allah,

I definitely see that math. I think that for many people, the infinite potential of elevation can be frightening Lord, because it represents a huge unknown. Those who have no knowledge of themselves are especially frightened by this potential because they are not armed with what they actually need to pursue it. As the build degree deals with the science of causation, we as true and living gods are constantly reminded that all of the above is caused by us, so we regularly confront that reality and all that comes with it. Although this math has crazy magnetic, many are too afraid to fully take it on because it is too real G. The knowedlge degree says "the nation of Islam (I Self Lord And Master) is all wise and does everything right and exact." This speaks to living upright and according to standards. For many that represents pressure that they can't withstand because the weight of that responsibility would crush them. Thus the percentages 5%, 10%, and 85%...we know who's who and why Almighty :o).
