Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mystery god is pork bacon..LOL!

Peace y'all.Just a quick blurb inspired by a convo me and my Committee had earlier. I have realized that the mystery god is pork bacon. What I mean is pork bacon is considered by most to be "regular" bacon. There was a time when pork was so widely eaten that most places didn't even use the term "pork" unless they were referring to "pulled pork". Bacon was just bacon, and you pretty much knew where it came from. So, if a sandwich has bacon on it, it is pork bacon. Nowaday, people are more health conscious and have abstained from the consumption of as much pork. The specification of beef, turkey, veggie only came in to play when people requested an alternative to pork bacon. But because pork is the usual, beef/turkey/veggie is used to identify when it is NOT pork bacon. Get me? With that said, the average person thinks the mystery god is a regular belief(ie; the usual) and they would be correct as most people seem to adhere to some form of a mystery god/spookism. The term mystery god, came into play when the concept of true and living god started being utilized to contrast the idea of an unseen being that exists everywhere. So when most people hear the term god, they presume mystery god is meant. You could say these people are still living in that"pre-health conscious" time (mentally). So, they think the norm/customary is the mystery god (which is kinda funny because the concept is fairly new considering how old the world is). In that sense, the mystery god could be likened to pork bacon. I also cee this concept supported by 10/36(Because he taught him how to eat the wrong foods) also. Pork is definitely the wrong food, as is any scapegoat relied on to provide things that you should be responsible to provide. With that I say peace.

1 comment:

Monstadon said...

Nice way to tie it together...
