Monday, October 5, 2009

Disclaimer: My Ol Earth said "You are very judgemental." To which I paused..pondered then responded "YES!! I am!!" It is with this judgmental viewpoint that I type this.

Peace Family..Let me just rant real quick..When people get certain tattoos do they forget that they are permanent, or do they expect to die prematurely so the tat will remain cool forever OR do they simply not care?
I ask because this morning while on my way to work I saw a woman who had to be at least 45 years old with tattooed thorns across her cleavage/clavicle area. This perturbed me for two reasons 1) this type of tattoo has only recently
became popular among "us"-which means she got it within the past two -three years and 2) she wasn't the "look good for 45" woman. She was the right after work go to the tavern type, with the malt-liquor pot belly sticking out under her long-sleeved tiddies. What's worse is if she has the cleavage/clavicle tat, I'm quite certain she has the tramp-stamp (you know, the tattoo at the lower back right above the butt crack? yeah that one). With that said, I can't help but imagine she has a son/daughter my close to my age that could have a young child around the same age that mine are and that one day that grandchild is gonna ask "Mom-mom" for a snack,and Mom-mom's gonna take Lil Ra/Sa/Ta/Ja-mir/sir/fir/qir/dir/jir(Sorry, but EVERYBODY'S naming their kid something like this as of lately)to the kitchen. Then she's gonna open the fridge and bend down to where the juice boxes are and Lil "Ra/Sa/Ta/Ja-mir/sir/fir/qir/dir/jir" is gonna ask with impeccable timing and divine innocence... "Mom-mom, is you a smut?" And EVEN though Mom-mom probably never read this blog, she's probably gonna think about the question I posed after "rant real quick"..At least I hope she does..The lost-found was once mentally dead and many of them recovered from it...


Bootzey said...

This is one of my pet peeves too. Grandmothers (and yes I'm being sexist because it REALLY looks extra bad on women) really shouldn't be tattooed. And if you feel the irresistable urge get a tattoo, then get your SS# put somewhere. So when your old and die from the gang violence that you perpetuate, the authorities can identify your behind.

Big Mamma, Please say no to tatts!


Lord Hashim (M7)Allah said...

Peace,i'd have to say this bothers me as well ,not only is it a weak fad but it cheapens the black woman to a billboard for all the wrong reasons among other things. This only shows and proves the fact that we on a whole are so very lost ,and our jobs are really cut out for us .Just the other day a brother in theshop brought to my attention a sister with a tattoo of a mans genetals on her chest .how do you explain that to your kids let alone your grandkids .and when i saw it i didn't laugh like all the other brothers in the shop ,but i was sad for our babies ,cause if thats excepted now what will it be like in 20years .WE MUST!MUST!MUST!TEACH THE YOUTH AND REACH AS MANY WITH THIS WAKE UP MESSAGE AS POSSIBLE !!!!