Friday, February 12, 2010

Peace family. So, I'm officially a "member" of the Family Court Child Support System. Trust me, when I say Yacub's rules and regulations are in full effect in that place. His law on birth control extends far beyond the realm of conception and contraception, KNOW THAT! Dig it-so, as soon as I step into the place there's a vibe of degradation. I empty all of my belongings into the bucket on the conveyor belt, walk through the metal detector and the security guard directs me to the 3rd floor and gives me the "dead beat" stare. Upon entering the actual office even the woman behind the glass asking for my paperwork treats me with disdain. I couldn't care less though. I'm just soaking the entire experience in at this point. Fairly numb to the stimuli, I respond to the direct requests only while pondering "what the F*CK am I doing here in the first place?".The whole thing was like a crazy chess game Peep- the first page of the paperwork says "bring your most recent pay stub, w-2, tax return and a blank check because you WILL be required to make a payment". Crazy, right? Then on the next page it has a phone number for discounted legal representation that you could hire..yet, I can't help but think if I paid for a lawyer they would lay into me for even more dough under the logic of "he has money to pay for a lawyer, but not to take care of his kid??". I've realized that child support is makeshift alimony for the lower class. By taking me to family court, this chick has suggested that she has exhausted every possible option of communication in order to solicit assistance from me for our child..which is not true. As soon as she signed over her authority in this matter my position is presumed negligent REGARDLESS of what I have been doing for the 10-11 years that the child has been alive. That's disrespectful. Even worse, is the figure that their computer came up with as the required amount that I would have had to pay ($475 per month). Now, I'm living check to check just like alot of people, plus I'm married, with another child that depends on me as well. Paying $475 a month to this chick(because the money would NOT go to my sun) would cripple my livelihood-no bullsh*t. Fortunately, she was willing to agree on a significantly lower amount for me to pay. The mediator lady was taken aback by how easily the meeting had went, further detailing how unneccesary the court involvement was in the first place. I don't have a problem with taking care of my child..never did. But she obviously did. She successfully forced her way into having access to what her only son was due. Ezekiel says she'll die in her own iniquity. Here's the mindf*ck part of it..after we agreed on the said amount, I had to thank her, because she could have easily got me for half a stack a month and there would've been NOTHING I could do. hmpf..Family Court..Family is a serious thing..The foundational unit of structure for individuals..while court is usually a place where a game is played (tennis court, basketball court, etc) and I must say at 34 S. 11 street, Phila PA- one of the sickest games EVER is being played...on and with our families..Peace.


Allah Universal said...

Peace Allah...
I've been a member for about 5 years now, "loved" so much I (unwillingly) signed up again 3 years later...overall, it's rather demeaning...spite was the motive, along with government "benefits"...I don't complain about it anymore, because I know where the cash goes, but to have people in my biz who had & have nothing to with producing or raising my children...the worst part is simple conversation should have prevented both cases, yet other irrelevant folks strongly suggested it...a shame really, bc no matter what & how we do, we're the bad guys in the states' eyes...

Sunnyasylum said...

treacherous and despicable