21.Who was the the founder of unlike attracts and alike repels? Ans: An Original man who was a scientist by the name of Yacub, born 20 miles outside the Holy City of Mecca in the year
26.What year was that? Ans: it was in the year
8,400, which from the date of our present history or Koran is about 2,600 years before the birth of Prophet Musa.
38.Then why did
God make devil?Ans: to show forth his power that he is all wise and righteous, that he could make a devil which is weak and wicked and give him the power to rule the Earth for 6,000 years then destroy the devil in one day without falling victim to the devil's civilization. Otherwise to show and prove that Allah is God, always has been, always will be.
How is it that God and devil are born on the same day? For a moment(only a moment) this appeared to be a contradiction in my lessons;however, with a short moment of introspection I began to cee. God creates by expressing himself.By making something "be", as a result something else (simultaneously) cannot "be". This is build/destroy in and of itself. Categorically the only thing that exists is positive energy (see by blog "There is only God" for details". Negative is simply the absence of charge. The same could be applied to God/devil. The devil would be the absence of God. Ultimately, it can be likened to a void. In the grand scheme, the devil is merely a byproduct of God's decision making and actions. That is why/how God and the devil are born at the same time. Now, of course we have no beginning nor ending;however our actions can be noted and measured by time,simply by observing what we do/make/create (the end result).The devil in function is positive. His nature is opposing,yet it provides the necessary catalyst for our showing and proving. Again, the devil is the empty space..the blank easel upon which the colors of our mathematics can be expressed artistically and genuinely...rightly and exactly. Peace.