Saturday, May 30, 2009

Doing the knowledge on "incarceration"

For the past month or so I have re-established communication and correspondence with one of the brothers I walked with when I first got knowledge of myself(formally). This brother's name is Jamal, he used to have the righteous name Most High God Allah. Jamal is currently serving a knowledge-wisdom year imprisonment sentence in upstate PA and is set to "touchdown" in September. I also just found out that another brother we grew up with named Isa is currently locked up for some trumped up charges. It is with them in mind that I blog this. I was doing the knowledge to the term incarceration past day and some key points stood out to me when I fragmented the word. By definition, it simply means to imprison or confine. However, with a little observation we can truly cee what is truly taking place when you remove a person from society in this capacity and subject them to the institution of the penal system.Ride with me...

*In-I take this to detail a position of "inside"
*Car- I cee as either the "care" or as an actual car-meaning a vehicle of transport. The jail actually is a vehicle that suspends people in the era that they entered and keeps them there as the outside world moves forward.Upon release(if released) the former inmate is completely traumatized by internally longing to be in a place, then finally arriving in that place and realizing that they do not fit in due to the shift in time.
*Cerate-is a waxy type ointment-which doesn't apply in this case however
Serrate-means to notch, removes bits from the edge, make uneven, unbalanced or irregular .

When I arrived at "serrate" I immediately thought about "steel sharpens steel; a man is to his brethren". Serrate is something done to the edge of knives to make them cut through flesh easier..Essentially creating killing machines..Which is what the penal system does 85% percent of the people "incarcerated" as when a person returns to society after missing years they have a hard time adjusting to the new ways of the world and tend to be more abrasive and make decisions that ultimately destroy lives(kill), be it their own or others.
Peep how in the hood people view getting locked up as some kind of rites of passage also, or like a "notch" under their belt. You almost can't get respect from the youth with at least on "F"(felony). (cues "Self Destruction")
Now, the process of serrating actual removes pieces of the metal's edge, which in this case, I cee as mixing, diluting and tampering with the original. The procedures in prison are tools to weaken the nature of a man and to "plant fear in him" on several different levels. The question is-can the pieces that have been removed ever be replaced? If so, how? One of the definitions of serrate also says to make uneven, not smooth, balanced or irregular-which shows how the system is not set to rehabiliate people, however it is set to keep them uneven to a point of ensuring the continuation of the criminal cycle as fuel for the billion dollar business of prisons. A convicted felon is stripped of the right to vote, and having the conviction on record is levied against them finding any legitimate employment, then if they lie and omit the conviction on the application they will most likely not get hired for "falsifying". So, even the situation they face after serving their sentence is uneven, not balanced and irregular. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not saying criminals should have the fair shake that average Joe gets. However, when does paying your debt to society come into play, ya know? Peace.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adventures in meditation

Peace. One Saturday morning I had woke up like 5-6 am. My Queen works the overnight shift, so I was in bed with my youngest sun Ch’iam and decided I was going to do some breathing excercises. I put my hands together, lacing my fingers between each other while leaving my indexes extended and touching at the tips pointing toward the ceiling. I also put the palms of my feet together pointing downward. I closed my eyes and began inhaling as deeply as I could without straining and while counting seven seconds before exhaling. I would stretch my exhale for seven seconds as well. Now, I had my hands in this gesture because I have learned that in order to fully delve into the layers of the mind one must “complete the circuit”, meaning since the ends of our extremities(hands, feet, head, etc) release heat they are the open ends of your bodily circuit. Touching another part of the body creates a closure in which your energy is being channeled back into self. I don’t know why I pointed to the ceiling though. I chose to breathe slowly and deeply to increase the amount of oxygen to the brain which would fuel brain activity. It is known that animals breathe very rapidly, so to further distance ourselves from those base urges we should maintain a slower breathing pattern. I chose to count to seven simply because seven is God in the Supreme Mathematics (I usually count to Born though). I continued doing this for maybe five minutes and began to feel a force of some sort revolving around me. The force was moving circular passing above my head and under my feet. It was weird, but it was ill.. I could feel the centrifugal pressure and it appears that the position of my hands in the center of my body were acting as some sort of counterweight to the force moving around me. Oddly enough as new as this experience was it felt relatively normal. It wasn’t spooky. This went on for no longer than a minute, because as I started marveling at what I felt I lost concentration on my breathing and timing. I took a second to do the knowledge on what exactly had just transpired and I instantly thought back to something Bro. Alim Bey was referencing about “Merkabah”, also called the Star Tetrahedron. He suggested that the Merkabah is a vehicle of divine light that is used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels or ciphers within ciphers), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. I cee this suggesting that breathing techniques could be a way to unlock latent capacities within our DNA, from the generations prior(other dimensions) or to tap into unused faculties of our minds (higher realms)-NOT like Buckaroo Banzai though. Kind of like tapping into what you knew as an infant, but forgot upon the trauma of physical birth, ya know? That’s another dimension as well. Thoughts?